2003-08-25-The Brotherhood of Man

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Topic: The Brotherhood of Man

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham, Michael

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I trust your day of celebrating Michael's birth was uplifting. I do know that these times of gathered focus on our Spirit of Truth intensifies His effect on the world. The mortals of today are beginning to recognize how powerful their thoughts really are and that you attract to yourself those things you think of. One who lives with daily dreading of life circumstances attracts more dread. What a reason to rejoice in our faith because we have enduring hope and faith in those On High.



Michael is indeed a Savior. He saves us from ourselves. He is a purifier of thought. It is written, "Create in me a clean heart Lord and renew a right spirit within me." Michael, our Spirit of Truth, does just this and for that we keep a keen observation, open mind and open heart. Our receptivity to our Brother/Father is the manner in which He reveals Himself to us. We have learned a great deal on the Fatherhood of God and for the time being we will study on the Brotherhood of Man. I give you the Savior Himself.


Children, your BROTHER/FATHER is in attendance with you here this evening. Greetings. I cherish my individual relationships with you each, and yet there is such a rich flavor of love when we are all gathered together. Father gave you one another so that life would be more abundant. My journey with you, my children, is also with abundance. Even in your struggles there is opportunity for us to grow closer. I crave that closeness with my children. I am driven to nourish the branches which stem from the vine.

I am made to be in a state of constant gratitude, for I see this world moving in a forward direction. I am honored to have Mother at my side, my loyal teaching staff, numerous divine orders and you, my listening children. My heart is full. Never have I viewed you as a lost people. Never have I given up hope on your inner goodness. Even in my darkest hour in my days in the flesh I never thought of you as a world of weeds, who needed to be left by the wayside and forgotten. You have had a rich history of experience and this has well served you, well served us as a universe, well served God the Supreme.

I value you, your existence, your personalities, your souls, possibly more than you do, certainly more than you could comprehend. I ask that you love and value one another as I love and value you. It is understandable to be in emotional upheaval from time to time when dealing with one another. I certainly had reason when sojourning in flesh to take offense at my fellow's treatment of me. I give gratitude to my Father, for He bestowed upon me this loving understanding I had then and now, for all experiencing mortals who are in a state of becoming.

Your fellows are not really as you perceive them to be. They also are always in a constant state of change. This gift to change is yours and all mortals of the realm. You will meet with those obstinate fellows who refuse growth and cater to the ego's needs, and yet a close personal relationship with the Indwelling Father allows you understanding; it allows you to know that their disturbing character is not to become your problem or ministry. The spiritual life is an opportunity to practice what you have learned on your fellows who challenge you. Your trials with one another gives you that experience you need to advance in morontial levels.

Am I my brother's keeper? Yes and no. I am in a sense that I am with immovable understanding for his state of becoming. I am in a sense that I maybe of assistance to him in turning him inward to find his inner Father. I am not my brothers keep in a sense that I am judging his mistakes, contending with his ego, pointing out his faults and weaknesses and being unaccepting of him as one of Father's own. Everyone will not love or even like you. They don't have to. It is also true for you. You will not necessarily feel that unconditional love for all. It is not expected, nor required at this time.

Unconditional love comes from having a total understanding and acceptance of your fellows. It is true, the more you know someone the more you can love them. Do not love as man would love with condition, but love as a parent would love a child. Love one another as I have and do love you. I look not upon this world as those poor ignorant beings, no. I am filled with excitement and enthusiasm to view my children making effort and becoming aware that I am, I care, I love--no matter what.

Teaching Mission

Our Mission vine has experienced pruning and is now allowed room for a more balanced growth. You have come from mystical seeking to divine accepting and for this we rejoice. Know that my presence is what you make of it. It is what you allow. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will partake in this rejoicing. The universe feels this excitement for your small struggling planet; the Supreme Being is certainly reflecting this joy.

I am with burgeoning plans for the Correcting Time and should you desire to be a part of it, then so be it. I would be honored as your Brother/Father to stand at your side working toward the ultimate good, working toward a mass mind shift, working toward the Brotherhood of Man.


I am with deep and abiding faith for you each and I would like to see you each have this for yourselves. Go in confidence, not in an ego sense, but a spiritually-led sense. Go in faith, not faith in that you have great challenges to overcome alone, no, but faith that you are never alone. You are assisted, you are shown. Go in peace that can carry you forward in all things, knowing that even in your darkest hours, I am there. I experience with you. My love is unshakable, unstoppable and unfailing for my children. Know that as you carry on with the plan and purpose of our Father, I will be there. I know you and I love what I know. Carry on.

I am ABRAHAM. Gratitude to you, our Brother/Father/Savior and Sovereign. With you we believe we can carry on in all things. We also rejoice in our citizenship and sonship with you. We thank you. We give our love to you. Go in peace, my friends. Know that my love is ever growing with you. Until next time, shalom.