2003-12-08-Allow Father More Leeway
Topic: Allow Father More Leeway
Group: At Large
Teacher: Andrea
TR: Jim Hawkins
Student: I have a question for my TeaM members. When will I be able to use this spiritual family support team for the benefit of others? . ..
Andrea: Jim, Dear Heart, anything you have and anything you are, you can share with others. As a matter of fact, keeping it to yourself is not the ultimate reason why we help you. I think you intuitively know and understand this, but let me clarify the issue just a little more for you.
You are stationed here for service. There's no doubt in your mind about this; it's a given. You are wondering, though, what I mean by the word stationed. You're a former military person. To be stationed means to be assigned certain duties somewhere. Your assignment from the Father is right here and right now, in this lonely desert outpost of the local universe. All right, so I wax metaphorical at times.
You are an integral piece in the overall multidimensional picture that is your temporal reality. You are here and now, although your here and now will eventually become your always will be. You want specifics: how, when, where and why -- just like a news reporter?
I can't give you exactly what you want because a part of your learning process is in finding these things out for yourself as you go along. It's a journey of great discovery, my spiritual brother, one which we are most delighted to share and participate with you in service.
You say you haven't exposure our transmissions. [Your T/R friend] has edited and posted the lessons that he thinks have excellent general advice, counsel and help that everyone could benefit from. Who says you haven't shared us with others? Our counsel is private, for you, but there are many things in what we tell you that others can benefit from.
Don't forget that you have verbalized us once on the hilltop with [your friend] when he was here. You know you have that capability. Theoretically you could do it anywhere, anytime. That's not any different from and it is most certainly on the very same footing as the gifts bestowed on you through the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, many years ago. Now you are finally learning how to use those gifts the way the Father wants you to. That was a step up, a very basic prerequisite for what you are doing now, this very minute, in transcribing what I'm telling you.
Heart, I'll gladly tell you yet another wonderful way you share us with others. There have been many times you have incorporated advice and information we have given you by putting it into your everyday conversation with others. We are rubbing off on you! We see progress both behind and in front of you. If you think you're stagnating, then look around for ways that may be new to you to share the Father's love and grace with others. That's your assignment. It's not a hard task, it just calls for more and more spiritual awareness on your part, day by day. This you are cultivating by associating with and being a member of this, your spiritual family support team.
It was an excellent question. I know the heart with which you asked it. I just couldn't answer it any way other than giving a long, drawn out explanation, by going around Robin Hood's barn. What interesting figures of speech are in your English language! You know communication is a two pronged effort. I send out to you what I suppose you could call thought image packets. Then you translate those thought symbols into the concrete verbalizations you type into your journal.
Night class tonight will bolster your faith to help you look for ways to serve better, more completely. One way you can do that is by following your Divine Spark's advice from yesterday: give in, more and more. Allow him leeway, more of it and much more often. Listen more carefully and completely. Ask expectantly. There's no such thing as a silly question if you don't know. Center on the Father to help you coordinate your servant leadership most effectively. This family team has and will support you all the way. We remind you of our affection with our watchcare to you and yours as well as to every heart, every one you bring in love to the Father's Throne of Grace.
Location: Northern West Virginia