2003-12-27-Most Generous Giver

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Topic: A Most Generous Giver

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown



Dear one, open your heart in a sincere desire for more love. In order to receive more love, you need to give it away.

Give. Give unconditionally. Pray for more love, and pray for more trust in Me, so you build up a solid foundation; a firm footing, in the Unconditional Love of the Creator.

Feel yourself totally immersed in this Love, which desires to flow in ever-greater waves over this little planet. Yet, the intended recipients, who are all God’s creatures, keep sleeping on, oblivious to the riches that await them, and which they can, without measure, partake of.

The Creator is a most generous Giver. You are oblivious of the oxygen you breathe, unless the air smells, or unless you are restricted in your breathing. You only become aware of this life-giving substance when it is taken away. It is otherwise taken for granted.

Even so, can you take God’s Unconditional Love for granted?

Dare to believe this. Dare to hope this. Dare to build on this, and dare to live this love and pass this unconditional love onto others who need to wake up and learn this lesson too. It is a most difficult but the most wonderful lesson to learn.

The true impact of unconditional love you are not able to discern until your next stage of existence! Ponder what Unconditional Love means to you.

It means that the Infinite Creator accepts you as you are in the here and now, because the Creator holds the perfect you in His Mind. Yet He gave you the Gift of free will choice to discover your potential for unconditional love within yourself.

So turn within, and let Me guide you along the path of unconditional love towards your perfection.