2003-12-29-The Town of Bam, A State of Mind
Topic: The Town of Bam, A State of Mind
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: "We face many restrictions concerning the scope of our work, and there are many conditions placed upon us in how we communicate with you. From a necessity viewpoint, however, we have communicated with you in many ways.
"In the majority of instances, and also during the time you have been our student, we use and have used the subliminal to prompt our human co-workers into worthwhile action, or to restrain them from turning their more harebrained schemes into a reality. We have communicated with many at the deepest possible trance level, assisted them with their writings, journalings, and typing, as well as facing them eye to eye at the wide-awake level.
"In some instances, some emergencies, it was essential for us to totally control their minds and speech, relegating them to the task of being a mere medium, a mere tool in our hands. At other times it was not necessary for them to go so deep. We have much more enjoyed the times when we communicated with them in but a very light trance.
"And now, from time to time, we enjoy not providing you and others with the exact words. But communicating the concepts to allow them to muddle away at expressing these by their searching for the correct terminology to make clear in a sentence that which arrives as ‘a packet of information;’ as a single concept or concept string.
"And so, you may question why we would utilize these different methods. It is simply to pay them back, and prepare these receivers for a later stage, because these talents are never lost. Most importantly, if we were to just control them, and make them pronounce the words, word by word, we would ever be the creators of the message, making those subjects but a mere tool.
"Yet, when we provide them with a string of concepts, they must then in their own way put this together into an understandable series of sentences, and therewith we are giving them the opportunity to co-create with us, and accept a larger share of this co-creation work in Michael’s name.
"We understand you may at times be unnecessarily troubled about correctly expressing the important aspects of the message, however, by being the main party in these co-creation efforts, it is you who benefit and to a degree much beyond your grasp.
"I thank you for studying the works of the Prophet Isaiah, at least in part so far, and I trust you will complete the reading, to in your own mind endeavor to find out to what degree he was assisted by us, and assisted us. To in your own mind ascertain to what degree he contributed, and to what degree we used him, without him having an awareness of his being used.
"It was long ago, and yet as yesterday in our recollection. Then as now, there is not one method that is either right or wrong, only that which is appropriate in Michael’s work, and at any given time. So far, we have not broken any of our ample taboos, and we all remain vouched for by our Seraphic Superiors.
"Try not to be troubled by dos and don’ts that are invented by the fearful, and those who cannot find for themselves a worthwhile task on a planet where so many worthy projects go begging. Adieu."
This was rather a lengthy but useful transmission, so I decided to chop it up.