2004-01-18-Recommitment to Michael
Topic: Recommitment to Michael
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Daniel, Ham, Abraham, Aaron
TR: Nancy,Simeon
Michael (Nancy): Children, allow yourselves to center into the connection with one another. Allow the energy field that defines your person to dissolve. Allow your energy to merge with the energy of the one on either side of you. Let your personal energy extend, completing the circle and returning to you. Now take this group energy, the unity, and allow it to expand, to encircle this jewel-like sphere. And now allow it to extend in all directions, reaching out and becoming part of the whole. My children, I am your Father-Brother, Michael, pleased to be among you. Thank you for your attention to my exercise.
- Daniel (Nancy): I am Daniel; you may be seated. (Switches T/Rs, to Bob S.)
This is Daniel. Bob’s out of practice. How excited we are to be together, you and I, with all of those on our side and your group this evening, as we start this 13th year. We have a special program to kick off this session, but I will not be the presenter. Therefore, I will step aside to allow the beginning of tonight’s major presentation. One moment please.
- Ham (Simeon): Greetings, my friends, I am Ham, and it is my distinct pleasure to visit with you this evening.
This mission of Michael is proceeding forth in such a manner that our worry for its survival is nil. The seeds have been scattered, and continue to be, and my, how you have grown! You have reacted to the living waters and sprung forth from the soil, nurtured by truth, beauty, and goodness. And so the leaves and branches which grow from you are also characterized by these nutrients, such that the basis of your being is dominated by the good and the true. And yet this world has mixed truth with error, and thus some of the nutrients you have been given afford distortions and has created struggles within your being.
The task for you, my friends, is to continue to be nurtured by the good, while learning to cut off those poisonous nutrients that would keep you from your full potential of growth. It is not an easy road, for you must sort out what is beneficial and what is not, but you have been given supporting factors in the presence of Michael’s spirit of truth and in the healing nurturing presence of your Mother. Seek to sort these things actively by calling into your consciousness these presences of divinity.
As you move forward, recognize those things which can be a catalyst to further growth and take hold of those things, my friends. The living waters of truth, beauty, and goodness will flow in you if you allow it to occur. We see that the opportunity for darkness and distortion to overtake your progress has been conquered, but the full potential of your growth lies ahead and the longer that you mix your intentions, the greater delay, and perhaps retardation, of your overall growth potential in eternity.
So recommit yourselves tonight, and daily, to the patterns of truth that Michael gives to you constantly. Recommit yourselves to the divine plan frequently, and as you sense that you are moving away, challenge yourself to step back toward the higher, leaving the lower as merely an option not taken.
Michael’s mission for your world will win out and your commitment to the ascension plan aligns you directly with his presence. Take heart that you have seen the higher light and that it lives within your being and move forward to the greater levels of growth which lie ahead.
It has been my pleasure to visit with you tonight. At this time I would allow another of my mission colleagues to share with you. Good evening.
Self Evaluation
Abraham: Greetings, I am Abraham, back among you once again. It is, indeed, our pleasure to offer into your presence this evening, words from old friends, mentors from your beginning days, that you will not forget from where you have come. My friends, yes, indeed, your anniversary celebration continues this week as we begin the new year, in the sense that we wish to return your thoughts to the times of your origin, when the message of the Correcting Time was brand new, the phenomenon odd, but your enthusiasm bubbling.
As the years have passed, friends and colleagues have graduated, leaving a sense of loss in their passing. New people have joined; your group has undergone upheaval and survived; and you are here today, somewhat wearier for some of you, somewhat less certain than you were those many years ago, and yet, my dear, dear friends, the message remains the same. The Correcting Time is at hand; the spiritual circuits are in repair; and preparations are being made to extend this Fifth Epochal Revelation of which you are all a part. This has not changed. No, instead, momentum has built. Awareness is spreading. The germ of love is being caught! , yes.
As you contemplate the past, as you extend yourself, your thoughts, into the future, we ask that you allow the import of the message to take emotional hold as it did once, in order to give you that hope, to provide that lightness, or buoyancy, that you once felt. We wish to assist you in shaking off the humdrum sense of routine, such that you might grasp with enthusiastic desire, the challenge to continue the critically significant work that you have begun -- individual work, yes, group work, yes, the work of making right what is wrong, yes.
As we forge into this coming year, we may be touching issues that are tender, that your natural reaction would be to throw up a defense, to shield yourself with protection. And so we are preparing you that as the situations come about, you may stop yourself and remind yourself of your commitment and your acceptance of this great challenge, that you may delve successfully and efficiently into these areas.
PamElla apologizes. She is struggling to communicate my full meaning. I will provide an image. You are all familiar, I believe, with small slug type creatures that move by extending themselves. If you touch them they contract and roll up into a protective position that is a natural instinctual response. We are asking you to become aware of this instinctual human reaction, that you may more successfully choose to disconnect your instinctual protective response so that we may proceed with further challenging, and yet critical, work.
I can see that I have created alarm as well as curiosity. The teaching team is now ready for questions and commentary. I have been pleased to be with you again, this evening. Shalom.
Virginia: Being perfectly honest, Abraham, I got defensive and I don’t know why. To delve into critical issues, that, of course, can mean something different to everyone. I can see the slug and becoming a little ball so it won’t get hurt. Thank you for the image. It’s one I will think about.
Daniel (Nancy): I am Daniel, my dear. Do not be alarmed. Rather, yes, be aware of this human tendency. The purpose of the previous speaker’s discussion was actually to rev you up that you might be ready to charge forward into new arenas. Part of the difficulty was with PamElla’s own struggle with the material and her sense of concern that was communicated.
Aaron (Simeon): This is Aaron. Hello, my friends. I would take a moment to also say that we are not plotting and planning to poke and prod you, necessarily, but rather will we … (Laughter)
Ken: You’re not going to change now, are you Aaron? You’re always poking and prodding.
Aaron: I understand how you might perceive this of me, but indeed, the lessons we move forward into will pursue at times touchy subjects, and yet we will not be endeavoring to single you out and to make you expose all in front of your neighbors and friends, no, but you may deal with some of these issues in the supportive environment that you have here in your family. So rest assured that progress is before us, but do not stay up at night thinking of the torturous means we might apply upon you.
Lori: Well, teachers, my reaction was one of enthusiasm and I look forward to the challenge. I’m intrigued. Can we start tonight? (Laughter)
Daniel (Nancy): Thank you for your enthusiasm, Lori, my dear. Yes, this is a most appropriate response, for although touchy areas may tickle, may be tender, they also may bring pleasure and there is much pleasure to be found in growth, and in maturing. And this is, in part, the reason for the review of your history, to remind you of how far you have come, to gather your enthusiasm to continue your progress. No, we will not start this evening, but we are thrilled that you will be here with this group as we take on our next set of curriculum. I am Daniel, in case you could not tell.
I would like to continue with a message for Carol and Bob. We are very glad to have you seated with this group this evening. You were missed by all last week. Know that much support is being funneled to all of you. Our love and support is with you and your family at this time.
Bob S: Thank you.
Carol: Thank you. I think we feel that deeply.
Daniel: We are pleased. Are there any further items of discussion this evening, either related to the earlier commentary or from your previous week that you would like to air or discuss? (Pause) Then let us stand. We ask for a volunteer to pray this evening, either personally, or as the voice for a supernal, your choice.
Bob S: To the great Father of all, we, Your children, are feeling gratitude at this time for all of the things You have provided us, Carol and I, especially. We, as a group, now seek to continue to grow down that path which leads to You, as You, through Your teachers, help each of us to deal with those difficulties, those rocks, that lie upon the path. Be with us now as we each go to our homes and pray we will return together, as is our custom. In Jesus, the Master’s name, we ask all of these things. Amen. (Group: Amen)