2004-01-29-Proclamation, VI
Topic: Proclamation VI
Group: Laguna Woods TeaM
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Barbara Bolling
Hi Everybody, we just talked with Duane Faw of the Laguna Woods TM group and asked him to send us the transmission they received on January 29, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. Here it is: Subject : Report of special session At 6:55 P.M. PSTime, on Jan. 29,2004, the Laguna Woods Study Group met in a special session as requested. Our T/R was Barbara Bolling. Her teacher was Virgil. Virgil suggested that we turn down the lights, sit facing South, with feet flat on the floor, not with crossed feet or legs, and enter into meditation. We complied.
Barbara said at 7:00 P.M. she had a sensation of seeing a "big gathering" in a ballroom shaped like a coliseum, She "heard" beautiful instrumental music which reminded her of the song "Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel."
The meeting was called to order by a being whom she believed was Machiventa Melchizedek. Another being--who seemed to be in charge of the meeting--(a Most High?) extended greetings to those present and to the extended audience.
He said "It is my privilege to tell all of you--those who are here and those who are attuned--that the circuit which has been closed since the days of the rebellion has been cleared and is open as of today. This circuit is one which will be used by the teachers to communicate with the children of Urantia. As a result the Children of Urantia can "be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect."
- 1. You will be able to speak more easily and clearly.
- 2. Inspiration from higher beings will be easier to perceive.
- 3. Transmitting will be easier, Teachers will be more clear.
- 4. The love of God can flow more easily.in the hearts of the children of Urantia.
This circuit is dedicated to the people of Urantia. May they be educated so that they can prepare for the future."
The meeting continued with Virgil as the Teacher for only a few minutes when he said: "Blessings to you all. We must join our peers for a talk session."