2004-02-01-Connecting With Each Other
Topic: Connecting With Each Other
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Klarixiska, Minearsia, Michael, Aaron
TR: Nancy, Virginia, Simeon
Daniel (Nancy): I am Daniel, your joyful guide and teacher, here with you this evening. Let us pray.
Creator Father, Mother Who is the Upholder, the fabric, of our being, we express our gratitude for this wondrous time here on Urantia, this time of shifting loyalty, of the growing powers of the "Right." Be with your children, all of us, as these your students continue to take steps in their development and in their growth to You. We come here tonight as participants in this great time of Correction as Michael’s humble servants. Amen
Klarixiska (Virginia): This is Klarixiska, and I would begin with a lesson—certainly not any that Virginia had thought about this week but perhaps one that we all need to be reminded of.
Once we say "yes" to God, we’re on the path. It is true that as you walk along that path, there are many diverse directions you could take and waste your time along the way. But always, the one who has said "yes" will be led back to the path to our Father.
Once you have said "yes" to God, you have agreed to change, because it is only as the mortal changes that we can be ready to stand in the presence of God. Once you have said "yes" to God, transformation is inevitable. Once you have said "yes" to God, you can not keep any lid on the Fruits of the Spirit. Once you have said "yes" to God, service is in your future. For the only way that God confirms us as children is when we serve Him and serve our brothers and sisters. The inclusive God will not be exclusive as far as each child’s responsibility to the Family. !
With that, I do take my leave, and I thank Virginia for being willing to speak for me. So be it.
(Long silence)
Minearisa (Nancy): Greetings. I am Minearisa stepping into fill the silence. The silence was intentional to allow the opportunity for each of you to relax the containers that hold your personal identities that an experience of unification across the distance and in each room might occur.
For you see, Michael offered His exercise to you. And now as you sit in stillness, this exercise begins to play automatically in both your consciousness and in your subconsciousness because you have said "yes" to Michael. {Ed note: this reference to "yes" is from 1-18-04, as follows:
Michael: Children, allow yourselves to center into the connection with one another. Allow the energy field that defines your person to dissolve. Allow your energy to merge with the energy of the one on either side of you. Let your personal energy extend, completing the circle and returning to you. Now take this group energy, the unity, and allow it to expand, to encircle this jewel-like sphere. And now allow it to extend in all directions, reaching out and becoming part of the whole. My children, I am your Father-Brother, Michael, pleased to be among you. Thank you for your attention to my exercise.}
And, so, congratulations, dear students. This attempt was more successful than your first guided, directed experience.
And, congratulations to you, my dear, Virginia. You did very well! Thank you for your willingness to make this contribution and to take that step.
Correcting Time
Tonight we wish to explore more fully this concept of saying "yes" to God, the Father, Mother, First Source and Center—in particular, "yes" to Michael as an Apostle in this Time of Correction.
First and foremost the Correcting Time is about individual correction, coming into an understanding of one’s self and taking those actions to fulfill the potential within each of you. Through this process, then, are families changed, are dynamics that have been passed from generation to generation to generation throughout the years of rebellion broken. And through the change in the family structure are the other institutions of society transformed.
This individual and family work is vital to the correction of Urantia. It is the only way that the institutions can be transformed. The only way in which Light and Life may be brought to this planet is through individual personal commitment to one’s self and through one’s self to others.
We have deemed last week’s exercise to have been a great success in advancing this agenda of personal insight and change.
And, so, I reiterate tonight the proclamation proclaimed years ago: "Welcome to Change" and thank you for your ongoing, dedicated, committed response.
The exercise of "acting-as-if" is an ongoing exercise. We ask that those of you who successfully employed this technique this past week continue to do so. The search for those tender, emotional areas in which to employ this technique is also an ongoing exercise. We request that you spend time each week of this new curriculum period probing yourself, becoming aware of times you feel uncomfortable and explore what the cause of this discomfort might be. Having identified the trigger, then practice the technique.
As this process continues, week by week, you will find yourself very much like an onion revealing new layers repeatedly. And, at the core of the onion is the energy pattern of the "true" you, the personality bestowed upon you by the Father with its defining energy flow now undistorted by the years of accumulation that have caused pressure and distortion in the growth.
Yes, this is a three-part lesson. I am the second leg, and I now relinquish my role to another.
Aaron (Simeon): I am Aaron.
The act of saying "yes" to God signifies your intention to do what is right, and thus you embark upon the journey toward discovery of that which is right. The difficulty in achieving this results from your separation between what you can see and who you are. But take heart that these can merge.
My effort tonight would be for you to recognize the importance of conscious decision-making in discovering the bridge between your current existence and the future reality you wish to see.
One can not become their highest potential in isolation. And, yet, it is also true that it is exceedingly difficult to focus on the issues at hand when you maintain the perspective of looking outward from yourself. To be diffuse.
Altogether too many personalities on your world lie along the extremes of this spectrum. Many seek solace in withdrawing from the world. There are also many who seek with their attention to aid the whole without finding wholeness within. And, so, our effort will be to bring you away from the edges of the spectrum into the realization of the importance of balance and the alternating efforts to seek internally for understanding, to focus consciously on your issues that arise, to understand the nature of who you are, and alternating that with your look at the world around you and the importance of your relationship thereto in developing patterns of behavior which are more consistent with the divine love that you seek to emulate. By alternating your internal and external focus, you will find that both are aided by your application to each element in your life.
As I see Simeon struggling to hold the connection, I will conclude my comments this evening. I hope these perspective shared this evening can aid your efforts. At this time I withdraw and bid you a good evening.
Daniel (Nancy): I am Daniel, opening the floor to comments and or questions. We invite your participation.
Virginia: Well, first of all, Daniel, I think it is very interesting that I [Klarixiska] should speak about change, because if I remember right, when that question was asked many years ago in Debbie’s front room, everybody said they were willing to change but me, because I don’t like change. And, it isn’t that I don’t like growth, but growth oftentimes is a result of change which might be difficult.
And the other thing is that I do have a question that came up at the women’s group on Thursday. There was a division of opinions, of course, but the question is whether or not this life, this mortal life on this planet in our culture, is fair to everyone that lives here.
Daniel: I will address the latter first. Of course not! How could life on a planet with a history of rebellion, torn asunder from the rest of the universe, shrouded in isolation, shrouded in deceit, in infamy, be fair?! It is only when one takes the longer view with the eye of eternity and an understanding of the infinity of good that come from the struggle created by unfairness that there is justice!
However, having said that, I will also say this. Those individuals who cling to unhappiness because of the unfairness of current circumstances shortchange themselves and do not benefit from the opportunity provided by the circumstances. Always does God make provision for incredible opportunities even within the most awful of circumstances. It is up to the individual to seek the Father and to seek the opportunities for personal transformation and for service to others.
Is this of help with your question, my dear, before I respond to your comment?
Virginia: Yes, Daniel, it definitely is, and, of course, I really believe that is my opinion, because the injustice that happens in our world is not fair, and I believe that. And, so, I do thank you very much for those comments. And, of course, it is our choice what we do when the world is not fair—to use it as an opportunity for growth. And, so, thank you.
Daniel: You are welcome, and may I say this about growth and change? Change is a given. It is unavoidable. Growth, out of that change, is the choice. And, I congratulate you, my dear, on your choice.
Virginia: Thank you, Daniel. That reminds me of a quote that I have on my refrigerator right now. "Change may happen, but I don’t have to be reduced by it."
Daniel: Yes, indeed. And those who desire to be enhanced will be so.
Hello out there in Idaho Falls.
IF Group: Hello.
Ken: Welcome. (Much laughter)
Daniel: I was about to say the same to you.
Ken: Or should I say, "Greetings, my friend"? (More laughter)
Daniel: All are appropriate of course…I feel great joy and love in this moment—that love that is experienced in the warm embrace of family. You are all so deeply loved.
Are there thoughts emanating from your part of the sphere that you might wish to share or inquire about?
Ken: No, not at the present. (Words lost with the turning of the tape.)
LaReen: I just have the comment that I can’t hear it enough, how deeply loved we are. Thank you for that.
Daniel: Thank you, LaReen.
Bob D: The thought just struck me when you mentioned the thing about change, and the idea that hit my mind is that change is inevitable, but it is up to you whether its going to be a quarter, a dime, a nickel, or a penny.
Daniel: Or even a hundred-dollar bill.
(Many comments and much laughter.)
Bob D: Can you break my thousand, please?
Daniel: Yes, think big. Remember that ball of energy that is not limited.
(More comments and more laughter.)
My friends, if there are no further questions or thoughts, let us stand.
(Long pause)
Virginia, may I nudge you? Klarixiska is knocking.
Virginia: I knew it. I was ignoring it.
Klarixiska (Virginia): Father, as we go our separate ways, may the unseen partners remind each one here of their presence and of their help and of their strength. We thank You that You have put us into partnership. We thank You that relationship is most important—first with You and then with brothers and sisters. We thank You that through family, change is easier to accept and the opportunity to grow is greater. We would ask that you would abundantly bless each relationship that is reality in these human lives. May each one reflect your unconditional love as we try to look at others as if they were in the perfection that you see them in. Help us to believe that the result, the potential will be reached. Amen.
The members of the Southeast Idaho Teaching Base are spread across American Falls, Idaho Falls and Pocatello. Because of stormy weather, the Idaho Falls members remained in IF while the rest of the group met in Pocatello. The group was linked by speakerphone.