2004-02-09-The Love Of God
Topic: The Love of God
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
My children, if you only were to create the certainty in your hearts that you are truly beloved by your Spirit Parents; if you were certain and utilized all possible means to open yourselves to the Love of our Father, much, very much of your repetitive and overindulgent exchanges would immediately cease, because you would understand the certainty of Love that is constantly poured out and flows in myriads of ways directly to each of you. Please understand that our Love is never intended to disturb, disrupt or overturn the spiritual equilibrium of our children. If you experience doubts, uncertainties, or turmoil, you should first consider that they always originate from the collective experiences of all interpretations of your planetary history.
Nothing that I initiate and is my Father's will, is without purpose. Nothing that you observe from your planetary perspective concerning manifestations of my Father's Spirit working in the lives of your fellows, is for nothing. Do, therefore, not concern yourself with how another seeks for spirit guidance. In all reality this is not your task. Ascending mortals on their home planet are just not competent to judge or discern correctly the spiritual qualities within and of another. Let always and forever my Father's Love guide you; allow his Spirit to direct you; be only concerned with your personal relationship with him; allow your others to fully enjoy their own relationship with the Spirit Guidance of their understanding. All worries and fears of deceptions or unbalanced mental emanations of others will be exposed over time, as unreality can not exist for long and will not show spiritual fruits. You must learn how to trust this universal truth-actuality.
You have all heard this expressed in many ways: Do not judge; do not be concerned with the spiritual path of another; seek your own guidance and you shall be given that which is of value to you. Do not be tempted to spend your time with dispensing the energy of your thought processes; do not be provoked to use up the energy of your words, to evaluate the spiritual path of another. Be primarily concerned with your own communion with me or any other Spirit Influence that you are at this time capable of opening up to within yourself.
As you, during the coming days, open yourselves to my words, you will undoubtedly use your mind to discern if my words are actually coming from whom they say they are. I would never ask of you to not use your Adjuster-indwelled intellect to render decisions about what is acceptable, agreeable, to be added to your existing pool of facts and information. Your free will is always honored, so that you can by your own free decisions, come to understand those components of divine truth that are useful for your agelong journey to our Father.
The same Spirit that I have gifted you with at the completion of my final bestowal on your world, is the very Spirit that you can ask to aid you in the process of determining which is a portion of our Father's truth, and which is not.
In your dialogues become primarily a listener to your fellows. Discern always, together with my Spirit, to find the treasures of truth in your brother's or sister's communications. And, after you have truly listened, you may take the honor and add to the conversation the very truth that you have come to discern. And while you communicate in such an exalted manner, appropriate to a faith son or daughter, you should not overlook to restate in your own words the truth that you have heard expressed by the person you dialog with.
My children, please understand that my love for each of you is unlimited, because I understand you completely. And when I say to you, that you so far have used your new toys, the communication possibilities that have been called "the Internet," like small and immature children, I pray that you can take my words together with your enhanced understanding of my unconditional love for you and my attained acceptance of your present state of development.
You are among the privileged few on your world who know about the correct background of why the spiritual upliftment of your world has not come to fruition the way a world would normally develop. I, as your Creator, have the inalienable duty to implement all possible spiritual remedies to compensate for the uncompleted steps in your planetary evolution that you, with no fault of your own, have been deprived of. I have in consultation with many celestial agencies, implemented a variety of interplanetary actions that will ultimately, and with all certainty, bring the required corrections to your world.
...Please always consider that the Correcting Time and its special rehabilitation activities are precisely structured to the requirements for my children on your world. We must certainly wait for you to first hear of the celestial aides program and then continue by learning step-by-step how to take increasingly advantage of the opportunities offered from on High. All these steps are useful learning endeavors that will strengthen your faith. When I said to you, "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you," I would add today, 'The ball for gaining spiritual growth is always in your court; you have the next draw.' You must doubtlessly, willingly and intentionally strive to participate and interact with your older brothers and sisters as a team, and not only now, but all along on your ascension career.
My Spirit communicates simultaneously with each of you, and so I ask you, "Do you know how I came to understand the faith that I gained from seeking the love of our Universal Father?" You may address me any time and jump to me from any consciousness. I will remind you that in my universe I require teamwork. You are already an active player when you crave the leading of your Divine Indweller. You are already cooperating with our Father's unique plan for you, of which you become increasingly more conscious.
Before I take my leave, I want to assure you that the closer you draw to me, the more of me I can give. You can find healing of your soul by drawing near to me and by allowing me to radiate my love into you. As my children you have already a conceptual understanding of the fact that my love, my compassion and understanding is with you in all situations of your lives.
And now I call upon you to deepen your present understanding into knowing unmistakably that you are already my beloved daughter or beloved son.
I leave you my peace and bid you farewell.