2004-02-28-Celestial Nights
Topic: Magisterial Mission
Group: Celestial Nights
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson, Captain Armando, Aaron, Machiventa, Elyon
TR: Simeon, Robin, Daniel Raphael, Leoma Sparer, Steffani Murray
MICHAEL (TR, Simeon): Greetings to you, I am Michael. My children come into stillness with me. I sense a multitude of feelings within you--readiness, concern, preparedness, a sense of inadequacy, disbelief and faith. As you have gathered here, you have come in both fellowship and the desire to see what is possible and what will come. The future is at hand and it is now, even as it was yesterday and the day before. Each moment is an opportunity to be in the embrace of your heavenly Father, to be guided, strengthened, and uplifted by that light. And it is critical for you to hold this insight as you contemplate your role in the kingdom.
As you count the costs, weigh both sides to see if the benefit outweighs your input--and you know that it does. There is nothing that we could ask of you and that you could give that would cost more than the faith you apply. But let me assure you that your faith is between you and the Father. Your faith need not be displayed for everyone to see and talked about and discussed, for faith is the realization of relationship, and it will be recognized and the kingdom to come will not call you to be led where you are not willing to go, for as you have been told, and with a sense of reminder, of [that] the kingdom of heaven is within you. But we are in the process on Urantia, beginning to establish procedures which will afford opportunities for advancing your faith further into the realm of cooperation, and with your willingness, you may have the opportunity to be led to higher avenues of kingdom building.
The systems on your world are in distress. And so, as your technology has advanced, we find you in an uncomfortable position of knowing perhaps more than your ethical systems are ready to handle. The opportunity for both good and evil, in large degrees, exists such that it may affect large numbers of people in its application. The universe is rallying to this new opportunity with the recognition that you are poised and in a position to receive aid and thus, it will occur, that you will be provided with a new foundation, a source that will allow you to progress further in the direction of good, than you would be able to on your own, and if the risks were not so high, allowing you to do this on your own, would not be such a bad thing. But the risks are there and you have been thrust into a place of agondonter status. Some lament the idea that this will go away for future generations, but recognize even with the amount of growth potential in such a state, that it is not natural.
Our planet will be brought into alignment and the loss of this quality will be far surpassed by the gains you will recognize in the presence of my associate brother, the Magisterial Son, who is destined to arrive on your world. And his mission will be the foundation from which new systems spring, the correcting of those that can be salvaged and the recognition of the faultiness in those that cannot.
It is my pleasure to introduce Monjoronson to you today. Look to increasingly absorb his presence and reality in your lives for in the long term, the circuits of truth will be strengthened by his presence here and you will be given light to see your way through the dark places on the horizon.
Magisterial Mission
MONJORONSON (TR, Robin): This is Monjoronson. [Robin: I just have to quiet the heart. (Pause)] This is a peaceful Robin. We are going to be working through Robin today, as she shares the peace of her message with you on your planet and in your little group in the shade and the sun here; and she loves you and wants to be on good display for you. (Student: And our support for you.) What was that? (All our support is with you.) Thank you. And Fred--Fred is a part of this all too, and he will be a great leader in this coming of the Son, of the Magisterial, who is Monjoronson. That is all.
MONJORONSON (TR, Daniel Raphael): This is Monjoronson. Welcome to this new era. The plans of my Sovereign Brother, Christ Michael, remain on this planet to heal this planet with your mortal assistance. This is a co-creative plan designed by him for this rebellion. Yes, I soon will be here in person. On other planets, Magisterial Sons have provided the cloak of peace over a planet in turmoil. But on your planet, the design is different, for I will be among you and I will not dominate this world, but partner with you to heal it.
The contribution, which he spoke of, will be immense for the lives of agondonters who will become finaliters. Your contribution, your origins from this war-torn planet of rebellion, will be immense. Your value for those who continue on and complete the journey will be contributory to the Supreme's completion. Your contributions are not minor but significant. Where there are billions of you on this planet, only hundreds of thousands will make that decision. My presence here is to help those numbers increase. My presence here is to help to work with you co-creatively to heal this planet. My presence here individually for you is to help subdue the wild animal inside you, to help you grow spiritually in all the ways those morontial individuals and beings grow. My presence here is to help Michael's plan complete itself.
You have been told about sacrifices, but you will not be asked to make sacrifices that you cannot complete, though you may doubt that you can. That is where your faith comes in, your faith knowing that not only my presence here, the presence of the Melchizedeks and many angels, the presence of Christ Michael himself in spirit and Mother Spirit, is here and all that you have to do with good intention, clear sincerity is to invoke that partnership through you, with you, and others to complete this.
We will not let you do this alone, but partner with you. We will not let you venture out into this darkness alone, but give you training and education. You have been prepared in faith to take this journey. My presence will be an aid to you to reach farther into your lives, into your world of darkness.
Some of you will be afraid, but some of you are like eager soldiers willing to sacrifice your egos in the battle for Michael's good. Know that you do not go alone, but that you have a mantle upon you. Know that you are blessed. Know that you carry an aura of Michael's energy, as well as Mother Spirit's. You are never alone--you have only to believe that--they are with you. My presence may seem symbolic after I have been here some time, but it is truly a representation of the Father's presence through Michael and Nebadonia and myself here. You do not go forward without a blessing. We touch each one of you on the forehead and in your heart --you go with the spirit light and carry it forward. And you do not only go ahead in his name, but actually go ahead in his presence. I not only wish you well, but I too bless you, and with my presence be a blessing upon you. Thank you.
[Ed. note: At the beginning of the following transmission, there was an excessive amount of background noise created by the movement of the recording equipment, shuffling of chairs and the like, drowning out the words.]
CAPTAIN ARMANDO (TR, Leoma Sparer): I am Captain Armando, [of] the First Strategic High Command. Some of you are not ready to hear of the reality of our presence but we are here among you. We have been here . ..?... of harmonic convergence . ..?... many times in your presence, though you do not know it. We have been with you through this whole conference, supporting you, bringing you light and energy and adding our prayers to those of many celestials, of whom you are aware. Know that we add ourselves unto you. Know that we too serve Michael and his mission on this planet.
We have looked forward since ancient times in your reckoning to be of service to you in a more overt way. This is the beginning of the recognition of our presence among you and it will become more overt, more of the world will recognize this reality and we will be part of the conversions, part of the Correcting Time. At times, we'd like you to know that Michael rides with us! This sounds funny, but he is a wonderful person to work with. We enjoy our association with him and we look forward to enjoying closer association with all of you. Please, open your hearts to receive our presence with you so that we may work more closely together. The more hands we can join together around this planet and in this universe, the grander the scale of the revision in the Correcting Time.
We have watched from the outside for a very long time until it is appropriate for us to appear. That time, my friends, is growing close. Do not speculate about its coming, but be ready, have your hearts open and when it does come, not to react in fear; be there for those who do react in fear. Balance their reactions with your trust and faith, with your love for this mission of the Magisterial Son. We are working closely in conjunction with him and the Father's plan. It all is unfolding as it should, my friends. There is nothing that can stop it. Nothing! There is much however that you can do to help it along, and that is why we are here, to help it along, and to help you to help it along.
We have now only been watching, merely observing. We have been sending the light to you, we have been sending you little messages, we have been sending you hints of our presence, and yes, like anything else touched by humans, some of it has been garbled and misunderstood, and that is okay. When we come, we will come in the fullness of light, standing in the light of truth, hoping to bring it into fullness on this planet. We look forward with great joy to what is ahead of you.
Yes, there will be work too; yes, there will be difficulties. But you agondonters on this planet know the rewards of coming through difficulties! You understand; you are strong; and you will be stronger yet to work in the kingdom for all of God's creatures, and you will lift them up. What is ahead of you my friends, is grander than your comprehension, greater than anything you can ever imagine, and we want the part of drawing you towards this adventure, which already is your inheritance. It already belongs to you--claim it, my friends! Do everything you can to claim it as your own! This is a gift from the Father above, from the Father within each of you. We have come to help you claim your rightful inheritance, your rightful place in this grand universe. Prepare your hearts!
You have been preparing so well, your minds, your souls, your abilities, developing the gifts the Father has given you. Now we are just here to say, carry on, continue to grow, continue to be, continue to become who you are created to be, and you will come into the fullness of light and life. It is a long way down the road in your reckoning, but you will see the movement, you will feel the coming of the light into this world, you will see it from both sides of the fence, as agondonters and as ex-agondonters. Yes, my friends--we want to be your friends--we want to be part of the family of God that is working together to bring the fulfillment of light and life into reality. But you should know it is already. It IS already! Shalom.
AARON (TR, Simeon): Greetings to you, I am Aaron. And have accepted Michael's offer to represent the planetary administration today for you as a member of the staff and would accept questions and comments. Welcome.
Daniel: Aaron, this is Daniel. It would appear that Monjoronson has not appeared yet in person and that there are developments which will be forthcoming that will increase his likelihood of coming, is that correct?
AARON: This is the projected pattern, yes.
Daniel: Are there also... is there also a negative aspect of our planet, which will prompt his arrival?
AARON: Not necessarily. And indeed we hope for and foresee that it will be a positive occurrence, which signalizes the time that is ripe. But if a destabilization occurs of significant magnitude, it is possible.
Student: Is that what was alluded to when someone spoke about the difficulties ahead?
AARON: The difficulties you will face have more to do with your adjustment to what is happening. Those who are more directly engaged may realize that there will be hurdles to jump in manifesting the plans, and those who are indirectly engaged may question their role and purpose. The importance of centering in the Divine will cannot be overstated, because the human nature of the ego can also wage war during times of uncertainty and those who are not called to the forefront will feel left out, when indeed their primary role is as always to influence people whom they are closest to, and have the opportunity to influence. And while this will not be any reason to be upset, can manifest heavy degrees of resentment in the ego. The plan of Monjoronson is global, whereas your view as humans is very limited. We will be a part of this endeavor on a planetary level to do what is best for all concerned, and that does not always equate to having the highest profile. So the difficulties you may face and grapple with, are less external and more internal.
Student: I'd like to ask you to introduce us more to the "Strategic High Command"--that was a phrase used--and its nature and composition, and perhaps a bit about its relationship to the Magisterial Mission, if you will?
AARON: Thank you for your question. And now for the disappointment--I am not authorized to comment on the nature of Armando's comments this evening. (Okay, I understand.) Thank you for understanding, and realize that as we progress forward, all things will become clearer to you regarding the manifestation. Are there other questions today?
Student: Aaron, do you know when it will be?
AARON: You have heard it said that "not even the angels in heaven know," but when an event is drawing or imminent, we do have some sense of timing, but the downside in relating this information to you is perhaps higher than allowing what will be to be. I know you all wonder if it will be presently, in the near future, and I would say that it is quite possible.
Student: Aaron, I would like to ask about something that has come to my attention recently. There is a group on the planet that is what they call "The Rapture." They will be taken away and the many that will be left will have to face the consequences upon the planet; and then a gentleman today spoke about something similar to this. This is the first time I have heard this sort of thing--is there any reality to this?
AARON: There are possibilities that could happen on a world which makes it necessary to evacuate citizens, but such an occurrence is not imminent and the evacuation in such an occurrence would be more complete, rather than partial.
I ask you to consider the threads of truth in all things, but again, when coming to your own conclusions center on the presence of your Adjuster, who can provide clarity for you. (Thank you for that answer.) You are welcome.
We do have one more speaker today, who would communicate through one of you. At this time, I will withdraw and thank you for your participation. Good afternoon.
MACHIVENTA (TR, Steffani Murray): This is Machiventa, your Planetary Prince acting at Michael's behest on your behalf, and have for many thousands of years. Your welfare and well being as citizens of Urantia is directly my concern and responsibility. I have great affection for the children of Christ Michael and your Divine Minister, Mother Nebadonia. Many of you ask many questions, have much curiosity when things will happen, as though the future on your world could be predicted with some regularity or anticipation of events to come. I would wish to inform you that very much depends upon your mortal brothers and sisters, the preparations, which they make in [their] hearts to welcome and to receive the spiritual upliftment of your world. There is no way in a universe with which the Father has decreed the free will of mortal creative beings, wherein there is a way to make those predictions with any accuracy, because [at] each and every moment there are, (now there are so many of all cultures upon your world of mortal beings,) billions--the numbers come and go, the seraphim keep track--the decisions made in each and every moment will determine how soon this world may host a Paradise Son in more than spirit, to walk among you where you [he?] would be known. The day when he may walk amongst you and not be known might be sooner.
Having walked upon your planet in the semblance of the likeness of your mortal flesh, I can share with you that there are some ways in which face to face contact with mortal beings would be an advantage to those who are immediately contacted. Yet, the spirit in remaining contactable to so many more is a perhaps even greater advantage. Christ Michael called men to be at his side when he walked amongst you as the man, Jesus. Those men benefited and learned a great deal from being in his presence, they came to recognize his identity as a Son of God, and yet they were not fully cognizant of the depth and scope of his personality, that he was indeed the Creator of the universe in which they dwelt, the maker of the planet upon which they walked--these things were not immediately understandable to them.
And today were the Magisterial Son, a Paradise personality, would walk up to almost anyone in this world there would be no meaning, except perhaps to a few. There would be few who would recognize him for who and what he is. As in the day when Jesus walked amongst you, there would be many opinions proffered, "This man is beside himself! He says his Father is the Lord of all, that he came from heaven and he walks amongst you as a man." Yet before the day of Abraham, he said, "I AM;" they understood not. It is important that within each and every heart, you prepare to welcome this Magisterial Son of Paradise, he whom you have referred to as Monjoronson.
Be ready to welcome him with all the graciousness he extends to you, both in spirit, in the eventuality that he should show up in front of you and it would be known to you that a being of flesh and blood--or so it would appear--is that being, that if that were to happen now, how many would wish to follow, to bow down to worship, to respond to in a most inappropriate manner, one who would simply be amongst you for a role that Michael has ordained, to assist in the upliftment of your world. This may indeed be happening effectively from the realm of spirit, because the spiritual upliftment of your world will contain all of the material progress that can be made from an ethical value system, which will eschew the destructiveness, the selfishness that has prevailed for so long.
An equity of distribution can come only as the hearts mature to the willingness to live by those rules which Michael has already given to you, that golden rule of doing unto your brother, as you would have done. How many amongst you are willing to love your enemies? Those who despitefully use you and persecute you? Are you willing to live in accord with the guidelines of the Spirit of Truth, [that] whispers into your minds and hearts continually? When you are ready to abide by the Master's teachings, in fullness, to give that 100% commitment, then the details of many things, including the mission will be imparted to you on the basis of a right and need to know, those of you whose services may be called upon to extend various courtesies to your brothers and sisters. You will know what you have need and a right, in appropriateness in spirit to know.
Turn your hearts to Father to seek his will above all else. When you have made that supreme decision, all that you need to know will be known by you in every moment, there will be no hesitation, there will be no curiosity questions because divine omniscience resides in your mind to answer all questions to your full satisfaction. I have little more to say to you now other than to love one another, enjoy one another's presence, recognize the Divine spark within each other and look not to the specialness of one to stand before you in the flesh, to answer the call of saviorship, if you would not be willing to be the savior of your brother and sister who already are amongst you in the flesh. I bid you a good day. (Thanks, Machiventa. Excellent! We love you!)
Elyon: This is Elyon. Greetings, friends. I desire to leave you with one request, and that is to ponder the words of Monjoronson related to you today [We read a March 15 transcript of Monjoronson concerning giving up resentments and judgments.] and to Michael who has just spoken. These are important perspectives in your preparation for the increased ministry that we are all engaged in. I assure you of our attendance in your coming week's program. We are looking forward to observing your teaching ministry. Until then I say farewell.