2004-04-10-Make a Place For Me

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Topic: Make a Place For Me

Group: At Large


Teacher: Monmacion

TR: Tiahuan



Greetings to you my dear, my dear friends whom I would know better, and with whom I would dwell, if you would have me. I am Monmacion; I am a Melchizedek of Nebadon. You know, having heard of the impending arrival of your Magisterial Son, that there are those of my order who would accompany him. I am one of these.


Peggy, your husband is uneasy with this prospect even though his heart yearns so deeply for the same, this nearness, the closeness of these bonds that exist between heaven and earth. He has learned to dwell in isolation while he clamors, even clawing his way into an arena where he is loved; his home. You, my dear, have given him this home, your devotion, your love, your willingness to forgive, your affection has been his sole support. And you would have him open his heart to receive others into this home just such as you love to do, and do so well. The two of you combine to create a space that bespeaks of this union that you are, filled with contradictions, contrary experience, but it is one our Father has sewn together.

Both of you have enshrined the word home in your hearts. I honor this place that you have made, and I am here, and I would not presume upon entry, but I simply knock on the door and ask you both, if you would make a place for me.

Nevertheless, I extend to you my love and admiration of your devotion to our Father and to each other. I would come to be part of a larger effort to make this love known, to make your home something that would be seen around the world growing in the lives of every man and woman who would join themselves together in devotion to love, in humble recognition of its source and center that dwells within us all, but none so beautifully as in the lives of our mortal children where his very presence I see within you, the presence of Paradise that you are.

I am older, and I have been born from on high as you would reckon, but you must allow me to indulge in this, this savoring, pondering, contemplation, and cultivation of this spirit presence that he has given you, the least of our family, the most profound gift of his spirit indwelling. I would cultivate this in you and in others. This is your treasure, and I am in awe of its beauty.


This is all that I would say at this time. Give yourselves an opportunity to think, to talk, to consider what opportunities lay before you on this mountain farm that you have found knowing others have assisted you in its discovery.