2004-04-15-Policy on Urantia Book Modification
Topic: Policy on Urantia Book Modification
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Machiventa I greet you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I accept this honor, this privilege that you extend to me to come into your lives and to fellowship with you and to share spirit truths with you. In truth and in deed it is you who make this circuit connection possible through the exercise of your faith, you meet me on this plane of spirit, and this action causes the miracle that we behold in the connection that we enjoy, even now in this moment.
Stillness, Communication
For long periods of time on your world, this form of communication was thought of as impossible and truly only a miracle could make such fantastic things happen. And now you behold the consequences of your faith, the miracle created before us as we are able to share in this fashion. Without the exercise of your faith, you would not be here, this would not be part of your reality. You would not be sharing this reality at this time, so we honor those of you who will step up to the plate and exercise your faith to overcome even your doubts and uncertainties, to strive forward for spiritual growth and understanding against the currents of doubt and the tides of confusion.
It takes an experienced sailor to navigate the tides and the seas and the currents effectively, and you have shown yourselves worthy seamen in learning the tasks and manning the ropes of this vessel on this voyage of discovery. In fact we work together, we work with the forces of the universe, keeping the elements in our favor, the winds at our back. All these forces combine to gently manipulate the reality to become exposed, the reality of peace, the reality of brotherly love, the reality of spirit awareness. One by one these realities and many more become illuminated and we are able to incorporate them into our concept frames.
There is a new emphasis on the uncovering of these now dormant cosmic realities and this endeavor will take trusted volunteers. That is where you come in. You are the hands and the hearts and the mouths and the feet to move this project forward. To make real in your lives and the lives of those around you, these new levels of spiritual reality you've come to know, you've come to embrace as real in your experience. It is critical that you embody these new spiritual realities, that you become one with these new spiritual realities so that when they see you they see these new principals in action. A deeper sense of love, a greater compassion, an enhanced wisdom, all yours for the striving.
It is through gaining spiritual access that these principles become your realities. Gaining spiritual access is accomplished through your discipline of stillness, through your prayer, through your worship, through growing close to that component of yourself that is spirit. Rely more and more in that component of yourself so that you are willing to relinquish more and more control to your spiritual aspect. Here is where you store the keys to your successful living, your model of behavior. Through this spiritual understanding you will overlay your old principals with a set of new ones, greater ones, more enhanced ones, that will stretch your limits of understanding and acceptance.
These are truly glorious times to be engaged in this project. We have at our disposal all manner of resources. We have before us unlimited potentials. We are the ones acting here and now in this moment to bring about this new spiritual destiny for this world. We are the ones who will act and walk and move and talk and be these new principles. This is truly a privilege and one I know that you as volunteers are well up to. When I walked among your ancestors on your world, I had a group of volunteers that had no more potential before them than we have in this hour, in this moment. All things are possible and we are working in times where miracles will become standard practice, but it is up to us to activate this circuit, when our feet are in motion they may be guided, when our voice is activated, it may be directed, when our hearts so move us, we may be emboldened.
Therefore do I look to the future with great joy and anticipation at the wonderful fruits of the spirit that you will each manifest as you proceed forward in life with a new sense of confidence, a new sense of spiritual bravery, a new sense of spiritual reality. It will abide deep in your hearts, deep in your souls. It will motivate you to be about the sharing of this spirit, the growth of your soul, the service to your brothers and sisters. And so with this voyage before us there will be a certain destiny of completion, but there will be all avenues of expression available to us in the manner of our choosing. Truly an exciting journey to anticipate when we are calling the shots and working with such great spiritual influences as would be about the project of changing a world, of bringing about a new spiritual reality. Great are these times that we live in and we should relish this privilege and opportunity we have been given to be here together in this time, on this place. Would there be any questions from any listeners?
Urantia Book
Q I have a question if I could? Machiventa Please...say on.
Q It has to do with the integrity of the Urantia book. I've recently published a three volume set of part four and I've made some minor changes that I feel would help modernize it and make it easier to read and understand as an introductory tool, hopefully to introduce people to the whole Urantia book. Now in discussions I am having with some people, they feel I haven't done a good thing, they disagree with it. I was wondering if I could get some advice on that.
Machiventa There was issued, quite a serious mandate to the contact commission to make every human effort to keep the structure, integrity, and content of the Urantia papers pure. Having this mandate in place, the human individuals involved in the contact commission did their best to compile, to edit, to include the papers in the Urantia book with the very best of intentions and to the best of their abilities, and they fulfilled their mandate to fulfill their requirements. These requirements were not issued to an institution, but rather to a set of individuals present, and therefore does the discussion arise about the purpose of changing the text.
Each generation will have to take up this discussion on down through the ages. Do we keep unchanged word for word the scriptures? Do we include language that is common and normal at the time to make the message more palatable? Do we remove sections which have become politically incorrect? These are ongoing issues that are good cause for discussion and debate. The motivation that you have to be about the bettering of what you have to work with is the premeire issue at hand and one can argue over the details of how a motivated individual goes about doing better, but the spirit reality of your action is one of an attempt to be helpful, be fruitful, be beneficial to the process. This motivation is well noted in the spiritual realm, but nevertheless you have to answer to your brothers and sisters in the material realm who may take issue with you rearranging or editing any part of the text without giving complete credit to having done so.
You are free to editorialize and to comment to your heart's desire as long as your additions and comments are clearly outlined as such and not indicated as part of the text. Otherwise we look to motivation, we look to intent, and we see no attempt in your heart to misconstrue, mislead, misinform, but rather an attempt to massage and make more palatable, something you have found worthy of passing on to others. We see your motivation as altruistic and therefore see the fruits of your endeavors as positive and a notable first step in any direction. Does this help?
Q Very much, thank you. Machiventa Will there be any other inquiries or comments?
Fasting, Ritual
Q Machiventa, I've come across concepts of fasting in my lifestyle and I've noticed it's something mankind has done throughout the ages, and I've noticed many people have reported powerful experiences as a result of going into a fast. I know Michael, when here had some experiences as well. Could you comment on, or explain this?
Machiventa As you know about me, I too shared the human vehicle that you now inhabit when I was among your ancestors and I therefore feel qualified to address the issue as pertains to the human vehicle and the manipulation of this human vehicle through outside forces. This as we know is affected in many ways. One can fast, one can overeat, one can over drink, one can oversleep or under sleep or consume drugs to alter your state. All the aforementioned things have been used in religious ceremonies throughout your history. This does not mean that any of those techniques are divinely sanctioned as a method to get closer to spiritual presence. By this I mean to say that if you as an individual put your trust and your faith in a particular method or practice, then that method or practice becomes to you your comfort zone and whether it is done around a campfire in the woods, or done as a method of consumption or dehydration on your part, it is merely forms you decide upon as being significant to you.
Humankind experiments greatly with these different processes and their affects on the human vehicle and spends what amounts to be an inordinate amount of energy on the manipulation of their human vehicle and they find what works best for them, what feels best, and they employ these methods to provide themselves with the necessary environment wherewith they may feel comfortable in approaching spirit. To approach spirit, in the strictest analysis, you need nothing. However, the human condition suggests that you provide yourself with things which are conducive to this experience so that you may relive this experience again, that you may become close to spirit again the way you were last time these circumstances occurred or this ritual occurred, or this stimulation occurred.
Therefore do you use these things as tools to provide the environment and the stimulus you need to feel confident enough to cross over to spirit. You will find that as this spirit connection grows stronger within your being, you need less and less of the external influences available to you to access your spiritual component. You will not need to be in meditation or in a quiet place by yourself, alone in nature or anywhere else when you master the technique of transition to spirit smoothly and effectively. Does this help your question?
Q Yes it does...a followup question...I'm curious to know why the Master fasted when he was here? What were his intentions and his motivations?
Machiventa It is true that by removing the intake source for temporary periods of time, you access the energy otherwise required for the successful digestion and internalization of the energy source you have ingested. Therefore do you gain in perception and awareness, an energy boost by this process, and it is a completely normal and natural process that is not harmful when it is not overused. It is one of the better conditions to involve yourself in because it also speaks to other character qualities such as denial, control, will power, and strength to make these decisions and carry them through. All this combined brings about a positive effect on the human creature. It is the domination of will over animal, to withdraw intentionally, nourishment, for a greater cause, and it is indeed that act of faith which bridges the gap and makes it possible for you to experience the enhanced spiritual perception more so than the act of the physical impact upon your vehicle. You see how the two are intertwined?
Q Yes, thank you for that answer. I guess then that potentially for some people this could be a positive exercise in connecting with spirit and exercising your will power.
Machiventa Absolutely, if it works for you, it works for you, and the fruits will be spiritual fruits which will become evident. Individually people experiment and try a vast number of things just like this and this is one well worthy of experimentation as it has many positive effects and few negative effects.
Q Thank you Machiventa
Machiventa Thank you for your interest.
Morontia Bodies
Q Could you comment on the recently announced reality of the blending of our new morontia bodies and our physical bodies, for those who have given consent to their adjusters so that this procedure can take place.
Machiventa This is what I referred to earlier as one of the miracles that will come to pass. To those of you who are willing and courageous and undaunted in your spiritual search, will be granted the unknown privilege of an experiment involving you and your vehicle and your faith component and the cooperation and approval of your thought adjuster. If these aspects are all satisfied, there will be a new reality dawn on this world and that will be the mixing of spiritual component with the already existing individual. This is where the development of your faith becomes the all critical factor in the exercise of something of this magnitude. It is not possible to be half-hearted about such an enduring decision and therefore will it require the spiritually brave and confident individuals to step forward to be the ambassadors of this new form comprised of the mortal individual and the morontia associate and we will be witness to a new order of citizen as we develop a blended partnership between the mortal and the spirit, between God and man. This is the ultimate partnership and we are confident that the details of the manifestation of this reality will be made apparent to us as we go about creating this miracle. We each one are creative forces in this process. We each one have a contribution to make to this level of spiritual reality.
We witness the creation of the miracle of this communication even at this time and we call to witness that we will be steadfast in our faith when we are asked to create this next phase of our reality together. We don't know much about how this will come to pass, what this manifestation will bring about in the manner of changes, but we are confident that this is Michael’s plan, that this is part of our destiny, that we are participants, even co-creators in this new reality, and we would through our stillness, through our searching and finding and understanding, come to realization of these spiritual principles in our lives to the degree that we can manifest these new spiritual aspects as we are called to do so.
The book has not been written on what will occur. It is up to us as we look to the future to make the calls, to put ourselves in motion that the universe may guide us, that the forces may steer us. We simply trust that we put ourselves in motion and we will be guided. That is our task, that is our mission. Not to know all the plan, or even very much of the plan before us at any one time but rather to trust in the plan, in the creator of the plan who provides for us all we ever need to succeed in this most glorious journey, back to the First Source and Center from which we came.
I would draw this meeting to a close at this time. I would thank each of you who have chosen to be here and hear these words. They are meant for you. I would recognize the contribution each of you make to this mission, our mission, and I would thank you. I look forward to working with you in the future as we have much to do. Thank you all and farewell.