2004-04-25-True Meaning Of Love
Topic: True Meaning of Love
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Jennifer, Helen Whitworth
Session 1
"Dear one, allow yourself to be totally at rest in your mind, so you can really give Me your attention. You asked Me for you to be trained in present-centered awareness, and this I welcome wholeheartedly, because your mind will then be willing to become an instrument for Me to use, and this will present you with the greatest opportunity for loving service.
It has been said, ‘Love makes the world go round’, and indeed it does, for Love holds the Universe together. In love everything exists and expands, for God is pure Love, and He desires for all His children to experience this.
On your planet, the true meaning of Love is too seldom experienced, and many connotations have been placed on the word love, deeds done in the name of love are often a grotesque misuse and abuse.
Truly, the purity of the Love of God has been very little understood, especially in the thoughtless and disrespectful acts of humans who are not at all in present-centered awareness, otherwise they would not do the things they do in the name of so-called love.
The Love of God is pristine and pure. It shines in the songs of birds, in the happy laughter of a little one, who worries not. Love comes in different guises, but true love is always pure, and does not require questioning by a receiver, as pure love reverberates in the soul.
Mankind has much to learn in the area of love. Even a genuine loving smile can uplift another weary soul. A cheery, honest countenance is very powerful to a sorrow-stricken and worried person.
Children flourish best when there is a harmonious love between the parents, and they will automatically gain a greater sense of self-worth. They will therefore be in a greater present-centered awareness than will a child that grows up in a dysfunctional family, with too many worries for its little shoulders to bear, while it garners a restless mind in the process.
Truly, this planet would be well served if one or both parents would introduce a time of daily family gathering without distractions, and some form of prayer or meditation.
The children would be well served, and so would your planet benefit."
Session 2
- Urantia, April 28, 2004
- Subject: "Its Rightful Place and Destiny"
Dear one, understanding and insights can only come through experiencing life. One needs to live in the greatest possible conscious awareness to understand why life unfolds the way it does.
Not all things are equal, for there appear to be different levels of understanding honesty and sincerity on your planet, whilst the decree from Heaven went out for you to be perfect.
Ask yourself; am I honestly doing the will of God, or am I bending God’s Will to my will? There are so many levels, yet honesty is always the same, and as long as any matter or circumstance causes discord in your life, then there is an imbalance, which needs to be corrected and restored.
Do you wish to be unwittingly and unknowingly carried on the winds of change or chance, or do you wish to anchor yourself in the Power of Almighty God? I know that this is a deep question, which warrants some careful scrutiny, honesty, and soul-searching on your part.
The answer to this question can be applied to all areas in your life, and in your thought-processes. It has everything to do with your trust and faith in God and in His loving overcare.
The discord and turmoil is happening everywhere, and it has its root-cause in the hearts and minds of the free-willed creatures living upon this planet. If the Will of God would permeate the hearts, souls and minds of the mortals here, this planet would look, feel and be, totally different. Even the wild beasts would sense this harmonious and balanced calm.
If only ten percent of the total population would wholeheartedly and honestly try to do the Will of God, an unknown harmony and balance would ensue and act like yeast in rising bread, and like a delicate perfume from an exotic flower permeate the planet.
Mankind would experience a health-restoring balance, and a Joy would rise up towards the Maker of all things, as people everywhere would wake up to this goodness, and start appreciating the Gift of Life itself.
This planet could then finally move into its rightful place and destiny of becoming a planet of Light and Life, instead of being a festering sore among its sister planets.
Session 3
- Urantia, April 29, 2004
- Subject: "Songs of Joy and Gladness"
Dear one, life is one precious discovery when a soul awakens to its true destiny. You will notice that miracles will happen within you when you are ready to shed old patterns of behavior, which are outworn, no longer useful, and which do not befit a one who desires to walk in the Light of God.
On looking back over your life, you will notice how old grief and resentments slide away into nothingness, while in their places deeper levels of understanding, compassion and forgiveness arise.
This is how I desire you to live; to step out of your own egocentric and selfish way of living, so you can become aware of your own divine dignity, with greater patience and compassion for your fellow travelers, who might be at different levels of understanding, and yet on the same path to perfection.
Mortal life consists of but a blink of an eye of eternity. It is a drop in the ocean of eternal life, but it is the most important foundation building of life, the cornerstone of your eternal career, in which you continually build on character refinement and perfection.
The deeper you delve within and discover more hidden, unshed tears from when you had to swallow your disappointments in the past -- and did not express your emotions properly -- the more you gain the courage to let go of them, and the more you will experience a deeper sense of freedom and joy.
Every day anew, put yourself completely into the hands of your heavenly Parents, who desire nothing but the best for you. Grow each day into a deeper faith and trust in their heavenly overcare, and you will discover how your little self will be growing closer to the ideal self, the more perfect and happy self, totally secure in the unconditional Love of the Eternal Creator.
Feel worthy of this Love, My dear one, for it is I who is helping you to experience this, when an as yet unknown feeling of a deep Joy fleetingly surges through you.
When lived in a childlike, trusting faith in the Almighty God’s Over-care, life is full of gladness and promise.
This shall make your heart sing songs of joy and gladness.
Session 4
- Urantia, May 5, 2006
- Subject: "Ride the Zephyr Of My Love"
Divine Self: "It is I, your beloved, who comes to you now with words of encouragement and love. Do not hesitate to come to me, child, with all of your needs. I am here as your gift to open your mind to the wondrousness of the Father’s Kingdom. Do not struggle over the words, for there are no words to describe the beauty and joy that awaits you in this Paradise, your rightful home.
"Time is not of your concern, for there is only the waiting until you rejoin the comfort of your natural abode. Draw ever closer to me, little one, and enjoy the gifts I have for you. Listen to the calling of my voice deep within the chambers of your mind, for I am always there calming your soul, and leading you to me. Gently and tenderly I will embrace you, one small step at a time; one delicious moment of eternity at a time, as you will peel away the shrouds and shadows of forgetfulness.
"Allow me to enter your every thought, your every desire, and your every hope. Allow me to cleanse your dreams, and align them with the Father's will. Your wills shall merge into one, and all will be revealed. Do you hear the quietness of my voice, the stillness and the tranquility? There is no turmoil or conflict here; there is only the peace that you yearn for. Ride the zephyr of my love and feel its beauty, enjoy its goodness and know of its truth. There is no other beside me. It is only I."
Session 5
- Urantia, May 10, 2006
- Subject: "Bathe Yourself in the Light"
Divine Self: "Do you long for Me? My love is not just a comfortable feeling. It is magnetism, a wholly engulfing, raging fire of encompassing contact with every fiber of your being. The drawing power of My love for you is irresistible once you have tasted of it. There is nothing else that can satisfy your hunger and thirst for righteousness.
"You will give up all that you treasure to be with Me, for there is nothing else that can satisfy your desire. I Am not just an opiate that soothes and calms you. I Am the elixir of life that enthralls and rejuvenates you. I Am the lilt of the dance, the sweetness of song, and I Am the wisdom of the ages, present in this one holy instant of life.
"Bathe yourself in the Light, dear sweet one. Dream of the treasures of your desire, for I Am that treasure and your desire, for which you will give all.
"You cannot resist, and you do not desire to resist, for you have seen the Truth that I Am."
Session 6
- Urantia, May 13, 2006.
- Subject: "Love Is What Gives You Life"
Divine Self: "You feel My desire as a longing, a magnetic drawing of your soul to Me; and with this drawing comes all that you are and all that ever was. You bring with you all that there is now, in this holy instant of time, which includes your brothers and sisters, and the world as you see it. It is being drawn to Me, as I desire to have it all for My safekeeping.
"My desire for you can only arouse desire in you, for we are of the same essence the same Source. What I give I receive and this is a law of the universe. Since you are of Me you cannot escape this law yourself. Give of yourself and give this love away. Desire for yourself the beauty and miracle of every soul. Desire and long for the goodness of life that indwells us all. Desire My truth and wisdom that will bring you ever closer to Me.
"Long for the day when all of mankind will feel the magnetic pull of love toward the Divine Source of all Love. Love is what gives you life. Love is what gives you freedom, and Love is what you get when you desire it so.
"What I desire, is so."
Session 7
- Urantia, May 14, 2006.
- Subject: "These Are Gifts to You"
Divine Self: "Where is your treasure? Is it in your heart or is it in the world? Where would you look for your happiness? Would you look far and wide or would you look within your own heart and mind to find the lover of all? For within your heart you already have all that you need and want, yet you know it not.
"Consider the heaven you seek to be the home of your soul. Your home is here in your heart with Me. I Am never far from you. In fact, I Am with you so closely that you are not even aware that I Am here. Listen carefully and you will hear My bidding, the lonely cry of One who loves and desires you to know Me. I Am your Divine Guide, your Teacher and Counselor.
"Allow Me to have all of your fears and trials, and I will show you the truth of these things. It is My design that you should experience doubt so that you may learn faith. It is My desire that you experience hardship so that you may know joy and comfort. It is My desire that you should experience want so you will know fulfillment.
"Understand that all of these are gifts to you. Allow Me to smooth the rough edges, and take away the pain of these lessons as you accept them with the true joy of a student that knows that the end result is perfection. How can you know that the freedom from all pain is bliss if you have never had pain? Allow Me to show you these things without the rebellion of resistance, the temper tantrums of a child, who resists the will of the parent.
"You have a choice, and the choice is obvious, since it is the only choice that will fulfill you and give you joy. Do not resist these lessons, My love, and do not feel that you are exempt from feeling pain and sorrow, for it is in learning of these things that you will find true joy.
"How bittersweet these lessons of life may seem, but once you overcome the fear of the experience, you will feel the freedom of the knowledge of your true heritage. Knowledge must come through experience. You will know Me when you experience Me as all that I Am."
Session 8
- North Yorkshire, UK, May 20, 2006
- Subject: "Relax in Me"
Divine Self: "Please begin to write. There is much joy in your world for the taking. There is also much pain and suffering. You can choose to ride the wave, or you can choose to fight it, taking the rough with the smooth, and rejoicing in the essence which it brings you—that of knowing life more intimately.
"In each situation shine your inner light, so that you may discern truth. Use every tool at your disposal, for we would not have taught you these methods if they were not to be of use, but don’t be afraid of casting away that which no longer serves your purpose.
"Use discernment, and always return to the truth of your heart, for it is this, which will most surely guide you, inspired by My own Divine energies, perfectly configured to allow you, in your unique pattern, to grow most fully along your destined path.
"Relax in Me and know nothing of this world can truly harm you when you rest, assured, in Me.
"Go now, deep, and I will renew you, in faith and in love. I Am."
Session 9
- Urantia, June 2, 2006
- Subject: "Throw Open the Doors and Windows"
Divine Self: "Listen to My words, sweet one, and hear the song in your heart, for it is calling you to witness the splendor of this day, and of My Love for you. Listen not to the howling of the dogs, or the cries of the wolf at the door, for they are not of My making. They arise from the depths of your primitive mind from whence you grew. Heed not these fears, and realize that there are no doors or windows in your true home, for there is nothing to lock, or shut out.
"Throw open all of the doors and windows. Allow Love to flow in, and you will find the walls crumble. You will be bathed in a shower of tender bliss, for you will see that Love is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be. You are part of it—an integral part. There is no need to shield yourself from My brightness. You will be able to sustain the beams of My radiance for they pervade your being without pain. Rather, they wash you with splendor and cleanse you throughout.
"There can be no lacking in you, for you are filled with the love of My desire, Me in you and you in Me. We will be One, should you will it, My dear. So yes, throw open the windows, remove the locks from the doors, and allow the flood of My Spirit to rush in, and bring you joy."