2004-05-31-Perfect Presence of Peace Is Available
Topic: Perfect Presence of Peace is Available
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
This was a very small group and personal messages were shared with the members by Christ Michael, after which Mother briefly spoke. This is being transcribed because Mother’s words and the advice given are universally applicable.]
Greetings to you, V, my son. When you come into me as you do in these times in stillness and in attending these meetings, your attitude of humility and desire for service is noted in the records of your life. I do not ask much of my children except that they come to know me, and learn to love me, and to share my love with others through your unselfish acts of service. That your heart is wide open for these service acts pleases me mightily.
Your Mother and I have watched you grow and we see your strivings; we know what is in your heart. And we wish to erase any blemish of fear and unworthiness that is still harbored within the depths of your being, albeit it is still hidden from your view. Since tonight is a night where you have me all to yourself in a manner of speaking, it is my desire to enter into you and to make things new in you that are still of the old ways and the past that still been beset with fear and distortion. So my son, receive me now and allow your Mother and me to stir in you. Are you prepared for this? (Pause)
As your mind receives me, ask for those qualities of my being that are most appealing to you to settle deep within your body and mind, and to wrap around those areas in your being that are still encapsulated in fear dynamics. My presence in you will overshadow that which is distorted and render it lovely and light-filled. As I am building in you, so do you choose which qualities of mine are most appealing as we blend together you and I, and I make you stronger in my image. Settle your mind on these qualities and your Mother will build you in them. (Pause)
The perfect presence of peace is available to you, my son. To be still in your attitude throughout the day is a quality that I would like for you to have, even though the activity around you is highly pitched and can pose a distraction to your material mind. My desire for you is for you to feel my peace deep within you as this activity swirls about you. Sense yourself in the midst of an active day, one that you would consider to be normal, and as you are in the middle of all this activity of thought and experience, simply call me in to fill you with peace. I will help you stay in that state of receiving in stillness my stabilizing quality of peace. (Pause)
Now as you sense me in you in this scenario of being in the busyness of the day, ask your Mother to extend my range outside of yourself to those people who you contact throughout the course of your day. Notice what you experience as this unfolds. (Pause)
In the bastion of the animal nature there is a citadel of defensiveness, "defendedness", that keeps you at a distance from others, and consequently does not allow the fullness of my love to overtake those interpersonal exchanges that would bring you to the highest level of spirit communication. This citadel of defense is one that has been well guarded and concealed from the conscious mind. All I would ask of you is to invite me there and let me into that place where I can be with you and help you appreciate that this is no longer necessary to guard. You may not yet perceive this yet within yourself because of its subconscious nature; yet all that is necessary is for you to invite me there and I will sit and be with you ! and bring you my peace and my comfort. You will know that you are safe with me. If you are now ready, my son, simply ask me to step in as your Mother and I continue to move in you. (Pause)
And be in my peace, my son, and grow in me and my love for you. Feel my joy and allow yourself to enjoy, to be in joy, to be filled with joy of the love we share together. I will now turn my attention to your brother, as your Mother continues to stir you. Stay focused on her and allow her to weave my presence, especially my joy, into the very depths of your being. You are my beloved son and I am with you always.
Greetings to you, D. I am well pleased with the efforts you have made as you adjust to your new living situation. I commend you for the attention you have placed on harmonizing your home life. As you know, the blending of multiple personalities in a living situation is quite an art form. I would now ask you to consider the quality of being this artisan-craftsman who brings this harmonization quality into the home. Is this something you are interested in exploring with me now? (Yes) What are your thoughts about this idea as I speak this to you?!
Student: That seems to be a primary focus, to provide harmony for all of us who live together. There are so many different needs and wants of each person who has their own individual tastes and perspectives on how they wish to live in the home. At times it can be quite trying, but the more I let go, become self-forgetful, the less needy I am and it seems like there is more harmony in the home. What is also most important is communication. Communicating what I feel I need in the moment or if I feel, for example, what is being watched on TV is too loud and inappropriate, I will say how I feel about that and how it affects me. They listen. They make a change. I feel honest communication is important; not with judgmentalness or putting down, but what is felt.
Michael: What qualities of the artisan-craftsman do you feel would be most appropriate and fundamental for you to embody at this time? Student: Patience and even when I feel some discomfort or agitation, then I am able to be in the presence of your truth. That is what I feel I need to work on or to allow to be. To not react, and there are still moments where I feel viscerally a reaction. Patience and being more tolerant.
Michael: Go within. Invite me into you. Ask for my patience to overshadow those thought seeds of frustration, expectation, and your own sense of need. Simply invite me to cover all of those with my patience. When you feel full of me, I will again address you. (Pause)
Would you not to tend these beloved children of mine with the hand of patience? As you bring the love energy so tenderly enmeshed in my patience to them, feel your hands expand with my patience � the hands that craft and hold every situation with love and the time required to build the fruit of spirit in that individual in that situation. Feel my patience in your hands, my son. (Pause) Feel the energy field of my patience tenderly craft that situation and individual to a thing of beauty, an expression of goodness. See what an impact you have as this artisan-craftsman in creating this noble work of art in every expression in your da! ily life. Feed your desire in me for this to become imbued within you to the core of your being. (Pause)
Now my son, I ask you one final question. Are you now ready to turn any expectation or idea about how you want your home life to be over to me and let me dominate and rule your family life?
Student: I will try the best I can.
Michael: Simply find your desire and your Mother will soften any resistance in you if it is truly your will to have me at the center of your home. (Pause)
D, my son, the time is now upon you when I ask you to consider the choices you are now making, and to go deeper into the mystery of your unspiritized nature and to have me dominate any idea of yourself and any expectation of your life you have still harbor for yourself, and allow me to give you something better to consider. This will be a greater act of faith than you have ever experienced. But I say to you, you are up to this now, and I invite you into this as I go alongside with you to be with you to guide your steps into greater awareness of myself as I show you more of who you are through direct living experience.
And I say this to you now to take into the stillness in the coming week to ponder carefully my words and to know that to become the artisan-craftsman in your family is requiring you to become the artisan-craftsman in your own life. I will show you and be the hand that guides you and molds you into this. As you sit with this in this meditative posture now, allow your Mother to implant this idea into you more fully. Feel her and feel me, and feel how close we are as I help you take this step of faith now. (Pause)
I am the new life waiting to be born in full in you. In coming to me in seeking of fullness within your life, all things will be given to you. The key to your eternal destiny is awaiting to be handed to you in the fullness of all glory that I may manifest through you more of myself for you to show to my children. May you slumber in this and grow in this and be in my peace and love, my little one. Good evening.
My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who greets you now. This message is for the two of you in attendance this evening as well as for those who will play close attention to this lesson and transmission in the reading of the transcript. The two areas that have been addressed tonight, in the relinquishing of the citadel of defendedness and in the allowing of your nature to become a work of art, is something that you will invite into your being as you go through this participatory exercise as you read this. These are two vital areas for our children to grow in at this time of their development.
We are in you. Have no fear, my beloved children. You can trust us to make you new in every aspect of your personality whether you understand this or not, and whether your understand all of your constituent parts or not. All we ask from you is your trust. Cast aside your need to understand. Put away your questions of how this will change you or what you must do to receive. Simply be in that desire for your defensiveness to wane, and for your capacity to grow as an artisan in crafting your life in a new way. We will move in you and create a new! image for you: the one that is housed deep within you, the one that sits and waits in anticipation of becoming real through your living experience.
The days are passing and the old energies of isolation and deprivation will no longer be a part of you. Should you activate your faith now, you move the good potentials in you further into realization and become your divine destiny more surely. How much do you want this, how much do you trust are the questions to ask yourselves. We will grow you in every good thing in every beautiful way, and you will see your lives turning into Godliness each moment you breathe. Good evening, my beloved children.