2004-06-10-More Than Enough To Share With Each Of God's Children
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: "They are your world’s perceived dwindling resources that have made for such an incredible schlimazel. Yes! Mark these words well, my friend and student; "perceived dwindling resources," for in reality there is no limit to the absolute "plenty" our good God and Father Creator provides you with.
"How fortunate, how thoughtful, how advanced the many among you who can afford much, but will individually do with no more than their fair share, their real needs. How unfortunate the individuals and their families who deserve so much more and must do with so precious little! How saddened we all are that those who accumulate so much more than their share keep it under lock and key to gather up more and more with their insatiable hunger for the material.
"Truly, the abundance in energy the Creator supplies, the worldly goods that have their origin in what you unearth and grow, is far, far more than you will ever need if equitably shared. As today’s picture portrays, far less than equal shares are distributed.
"However, there is a groundswell, my good friend. There are those who are turning away from lives of wasteful affluence. There are those who are proclaiming for a ruling for fair shares for all brothers and sisters. There are those who loudly profess for your all-important ecology to be kept in balance. And there are those, worldwide, who are awakening, and push their governments to treat their people fairly.
"You are Lightworkers, one and all. You are the creators of a new renaissance of love and equity, of brotherhood, sisterhood and ever-growing spirituality.
"You, in this world, still have much to learn about truly loving, about admiring, respecting, understanding, and even knowing your Creator God, and about opening your hearts to the love of the Father, thereby enabling you to spread His "loving soul food" to all you meet and come in contact with.
"For one like me, who lived for very many years in an atmosphere of all-embracing love and peace, in a land that was progressive, and on a planet that was moving through the delightful stages of Light and Life, it is an eye-opener to watch you. You, disparate and often desperate mortals, while so much wealth is concentrated in the overflowing storehouses, the great bank vaults and obese portfolios of so relatively few.
"Pray, my dear brother, pray, together with your friends who have ears to hear, and with all your hearts, that a vast epidemic of generosity will break out on this world to chronically infect all with charity, for there is more than enough to share with each of God’s children.
"Thankful I am, to have been given this task as a teacher on your world. Indebted forever I am, to share my lessons with you, who strive and toil to make ends meet in this environment of accelerated learning. Persist, oh persist, for you will be numbered among the strong and steadfast ones, the unbreakable and unshakeable ones, in the times to come, in every realm you will traverse, and with every task you will be handed.
"And yet, in these troubled times, ecstatic I am, to see the changes on your world, as one by one you are awakening. Yes, you are roused to accept new ideas and ideals of a worldwide brotherhood and sisterhood. And your many still flickering lights of faith do shine brighter on each day, and beam right back to us.
"I will now let this mortal slip from my clutches, and I send my love to all. This is Samuel."
George: "Thank you, Teach."
Teacher Samuel became my personal Teacher in 1992, but I could not hear him at all, because of a bad accident and constant, severe pain. When I finally did make contact with him, he humbly described himself as a former agriculturist and horticulturist, who led a happy but rather uneventful life on a planet named Panoptia. However, when I got to see his garden, and his laboratory, it was obvious he was into some very advanced bioengineering. This URL tells about his planet’s history:
In https://www.1111spiritguardians.com/list22.html#29 he talks about his home planet, and in https://www.1111spiritguardians.com/list22.html#November%2029 we describe what we saw.