2004-07-05-Self Evaluation and Balance
Topic: Self Evaluation and Balance
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How wonderful it is to meet once again. I have missed you and am grateful for this time to reconnect in fellowship. How easy it is to become lost in the demands of life. We seem to be so diligent in all the details. It would seem our effort made would earn for us wonderful rewards, and still everyday life is just life and the lessons are one at a time.
As of late I have noticed that many mortals compare their value with their fellows. Many times we can be caught up in viewing another’s life while overlooking our own. When you compare yourselves with others then you are building false esteem or finding yourself unworthy. This comparison takes from the personal relationship with the Paradise Father or the God within.
Where your treasures are there will also be your heart. The Master was fond of this saying and literally lived it. His treasures lay within the fruits of the Spirit, those things that brought about truth, beauty and goodness and also glorified the Father in Heaven. His focus was to live out to the best of His ability the Father’s will.
Jesus sought a living relationship with Father, one that produced spiritual fruits and indeed helped Him to master the mortal life in His short number of years. He could have gathered popularity within the masses and indeed became a powerful ruler had He sought a more mystical ego-filled path He could have promised the people Heavenly rewards and certainly produced miraculous occurrences. He could have compared His life to a king’s life, but definitely the king’s life rewards were not what He was seeking.
Some of the apostles on the other hand were about self-glory and feeling that Godly worthiness. They lived their lives to gain ego-esteem instead of looking to minister to God’s children and be a producer of spiritual fruits--most of the time the outcome was disappointing. They found not the reward they were seeking. Some had left their lives at home, employment, places of personal importance, to follow after the Master. While some found Jesus to be all encompassing of truth and goodwill, some of the apostles were merely seeking worthiness or temporary ego satisfaction.
If you compared your lives to someone else’s in perhaps a third world country, you would indeed materially have more, but would you be more happy? You could compare your life to a wealthy celebrity and certainly would you feel less. Each child must have a personal relationship with God, the Father. To compare your worthiness with others is to take away from that personalized relationship. Did Judas compare his life with those he thought to be highly important? Yes and wherefore lied his rewards? Were there any eternal treasures gained? Were there any spiritual fruits?
This week find time to review your present life situation and how your relationship with the Father has made it more valuable, more fulfilled? Think about each of Father’s children and how it is mandatory each one have a personal relationship. Think about how self-esteem compares with self-forgetfulness. Again, what are your greatest treasures here on earth? No questions. Know that I feel indeed blessed being with you, my brothers and sisters, my friends, my family. Go in peace. Until next week, shalom.