2004-07-11-Strengthening of Faith
Topic: Strengthening of Faith
Group: Nashville TeaM
Teacher: Ham
TR: Rebecca
Ham: Greetings, my friends, I am Ham and I am happy that we have this discussion time together each week. You are each firmly settled upon the spiritual path. You have each had testing and trials that have challenged your steadfastness. You have had temptation to challenge your determination and you have experienced disappointment to challenge your dedication to the Father’s will. This life is designed in order that your faith will be strengthened through the experience of living through so much uncertainty.
This life is not structured that you should simply leap from triumph to triumph without challenge, without questioning. No, this existence, this mortal world, was meant to be a test of faith from beginning to end and when you emerge on the mansion worlds, your faith will be tested, tempered, and true. You will be entrusted with some of the most sensitive assignments the universe has to offer. You will be chosen for assignments which require steadfast courage and unwavering commitment.
In many ways, your world is an experiment. On this world, the Master is demonstrating how advanced truth can be revealed in such a way through his mission, through his life, that this truth will then reverberate, grow, and live through the lives of his children down through the ages. He is demonstrating, for all the universe to see, how his living spirit is enough to guide, direct, and foster life more abundantly in his children. The Master is demonstrating how those who believe without seeing can develop the greatest, strongest, and most sublime faith in existence on his evolutionary worlds. The Master continues to send his spirit in greater measure so that those who can receive, do receive. And, each of you are among those in the forefront of receiving his spirit in the greatest measure possible. Through your faith, my children, through the hard tests, through the demonstration of your purpose, does the Master live again upon your world.
Your lives are gradually but certainly becoming demonstrations of his service through your actions and through your words are you bringing forth the Master’s spirit upon this thirsting world. You have tasted his living water. You have given forth his living water. You are becoming living founts of truth in a world filled with confusion, doubt, and uncertainty. As you come to embody the Master’s spirit in ever increasing measure, be assured you will be tested at every new level of being for always must you become in the habit of turning over your will to the Father and turning over your will to the Master.
This is a great responsibility to carry. You have each come forward out of much turmoil and confusion and gradually but surely you have honed your faith, you have strengthened your convictions, you have come to understand yourselves and you have come to understand God’s love in ever increasing measure. My children, you have been called forth in love and you are becoming increasingly love-dominated. Love is your motivation, love is your goal and this is the mark of true faith.
The love of God is not weak, it is not boastful out of uncertainty, it is not wavering or changing. It is not arrogant, it is not ever frightened. The love of life is not the same as a fear of death. Love of life grows out of a decrease in fear, including fear of death. Love of life and love of creation is part of the rejection of fear. Fear and the quest for some measure of certainty in personal religion drives fanaticism.
Love, born of the certainty of love, anchors the truth perception of personal spiritual experience. Love and truth are also two sides of the same coin. The certainty that comes from the marriage of love and truth creates that peace which passes understanding. When you reach through truth and love that place of peace, then are you capable of leading others into truth and love. Without that peaceful certainty, that calm abandon of your own will, you will find your efforts limited. But with that peace, and the love and the truth create that peace, you will have unbounded potential.
Each person must conquer fear in his or her own life before that person can be of real service to others. Fear can never conquer love, but fear can effectively blot it out of a heart temporarily. Fear can create conditions in which lies are elevated and hatred is exalted. Fear always tends to breed evil, error, and iniquity. Love always tends to breed righteousness, health, and service. If you would follow the Master and serve your fellows, you must first love them, you must first abandon your own will to love, you must first conquer your own fears. Only then can you find true purpose in serving God.
It has been a great mistake that the churches representing Christ should have introduced fear as a motivating factor for the Master himself never did this. His admonition to his disciples was constantly, let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. It is, indeed, for this generation to be examples of fearless love. It is, indeed, for this generation to begin the process of weaning the world’s religions away from fear. It is, indeed, for this generation to demonstrate the possibility of the Master living anew within your hearts and your lives, your words and your actions.
The Master was free of those things that show fear in the personality. He was free of pretense. He was always superbly and uniquely genuine and as his spirit lives within your hearts, so will you also be superbly unique and genuine and free of affectation or pretense. The chains of fear are subtle. The fear of shame and embarrassment is acute, but is this not also fear that must be conquered? The Master stood openly, nakedly exposed to the world at all times. He stood vulnerable to evil, but unafraid of it. Always did the Master expose the weakness of the fear-driven religion he was born into. And, always was he understanding, lenient, forgiving, and tolerant of the fear in others. Never did he condemn a person for being afraid. But he did try to strengthen their faith through his love.
Peter denounced the Master three times out of fear, an uncontrollable impulse. And in forgiving this, as the Master walked with Peter in his risen form, he asked him three times, "Peter do you love me" and each time when Peter answered in the affirmative, he lost that fear and was freed of those chains. After the Master strengthened his faith through his love, Peter never again shrank from physical challenge or ridicule.
Think on this through the coming week. Redeem your own fears, your own weaknesses through affirming your love of the Master and the Father. Allow this love to break the chains of fear which still may bind you in some way. We will discuss this again in the future. But for now, let us proceed with the questions.
Q: Could I have a message please Ham?
Ham: Of course my son. My son, you do very well. Indeed, these weeks have been a time of reorientation of your soul, a time when you are coming to reject fear and to reject fear of the unknown especially. In addressing the fear of the unknown, it is imperative that you come to more fully trust the one who knows the future, the one who holds your destiny in his hand, the one who has mapped out your path and knows what is the very best thing that should happen next and after that and after that. As you release your anxiety and grow in trust of God, you will find the day to day coping very much easier and your burdens greatly lightened. Do not succumb to the temptation of adding to your burdens. Human beings are vulnerable to this impulse because of guilt. But the Master does not mean for you to carry this guilt nor does he mean for you to pile on the added burdens guilt requires. In any situation where there is a choice, choose love. In this way, your path will be certain and your fortunes assured.
Q: I was wondering if I had a teacher and if so what is the mode of contact?
Ham: Yes, of course my son, you have a teacher. He contacts you through your creativity, through your writing. It might behoove you now to set a time when he can write to you, directly, where you do not conceive of the word until it is given and it is written. This skill will develop. Do not expect a long dissertation, but a few words, then a sentence, then a few sentences. Let it develop slowly without pressure.
Q: Do you have a name?
Ham: Let him give it to you.
Q: Yes Ham, may I have a personal message please?
Ham: Of course my son, at this time you are showing great courage and great steadfastness of faith. You are coming into an ever greater realization of love and an acceptance of peace. Do not be afraid of truth, do not be afraid of reality the way it is. For all these things, even this prolonged illness, is part of God’s purpose, part of your life’s testing. No more, but no less either. Find gratitude in your heart and develop this attitude, this feeling, this emotion. For you are one truly blessed in many areas through many channels and directions. Truly my son, even in this difficult time, you will find an increased level of happiness, serenity, and peace and these things are more permanent than they ever were before. Come to accept each day as a blessing. Come to love more and more completely. Come to surrender your soul to love in ever greater measure and this illness will have achieved a great purpose. Banish fear. Banish fear of illness and fear of death. Grow instead in love, the love which transcends life, love which creates all things, including happiness and contentment. And above all, my son, accept the Master’s great love for you personally. Not love in the abstract, but person to person love, strong and true. And know that this real experience of the Master’s great love will be part of you throughout eternity. As you confront and go through the trials ahead, allow each one to create the condition of ever greater surrender to love. It is said when you seek God, you seek after everything and when you have found God, you have found everything. Truly realize, my son, you have found everything.
Q: Do you have anything for Rebecca?
Ham: Of course. My daughter, you have before you ever greater tests and trials. You will be equal to each one so long as you cleave ever more closely to the Master and his love. Allow his love to completely enfold, guide, and direct your life in its entirety. Put forth everything and you will be given everything. Abandon all, and you will have all. Surrender self, and you will become ever more truly a manifestation of your greater self. Be at ease, my friends, all that is required will be available to you so long as you continually abandon your will for the will of God. Nothing less will suffice. It is time now to grow into a greater level of functioning, a greater level of wisdom and calm purpose.
Q: Jarad?
Ham: My son Jarad, you are also entering into a time of crossing a threshold when you will be stripped of your old reliable props and supports. It is a time for you to realize they are unnecessary and a burden. It is time now for you to begin inhabiting a larger house. It is time to expand who you are and how you feel toward life and other human beings in general. It is time to release the last vestige of fear that tethers you to the old realities. Allow your life to be a spontaneous expression of the Master’s great love. Allow yourself to be happy and release the old chains of self-doubt which is fear, which is born of fear and embrace instead all those things born of love, which is true confidence, greater courage, spontaneous self-expression, and spontaneous love. Grow and expand in this greater house, this greater level you have reached. Find what is there, explore what you have now my son and be fearless, calm, single minded in your determination and completely genuinely in love with God. Allow him to lead you, allow him to carry every burden, every burden! Allow yourself to be free.
Q: From Zura: Ham, do you have a message for me?
Ham: My daughter, have faith. The great challenge of your life is coming swiftly upon you and you are equal to it. You faith is great, greater than you know. It is time now to continually choose faith and love over fear and despair. Even now you are attended by a mighty angel. His wings protect you and the Father’s love enfolds you. Have no fear. Rather, be at peace. In faith, put your hand in the hand of Jesus. Accept his love and all will be well.
Q: Personal message for Marije.
Ham: Yes. My dear, you do very well. You must also continue to exercise your faith. Allow your love to grow in increasing abundance. Accept the blessings from the Master’s hand and do not be inhibited from expressing your faith. As you move forward in life, know for certain the Master himself walks with you and is there for you at every turn. Let his spirit enter your heart more and more. You are doing very well in all things. Be at peace, my dear.
Q: Two questions from Hal's friend: 1) Are the teachings of Gene Scott on the money? 2) Is my wife true to me?
Ham: Yes, let us take the first question first. My son, you are doing very well. The teachings of this man or any other man will have a place in your life for a time, but it is not meant that you should sit at the feet of any man, rather as you grow in the spirit, will you certainly come into ever greater personal contact with the Master’s very spirit. It is he himself who will whisper in your ear. Pay heed to this. Do not pay heed to that. For it is his truth you are seeking and he himself will lead you into all truth, as is his promise. As to question number two, it is always best to trust those who are closest to you and when this trust is broken, then to have understanding and forgiveness. The human heart itself, as the Master said, is capable of great deceit. And it is very difficult to put out the fires of doubt and jealousy and suspicion once they are kindled. The Master never employed suspicion against anyone. Even when betrayed, the Master was forgiving. He asked that Judas not take the final step that he knew was coming. But even then, he was careful to let the choice be his. And now, it is important that you not push a situation forward into something more severe and concrete than it needs to be. Be careful to show forth loving confidence, even as the Master did. Pull back and do not push. Let things be a little bit. Let things calm. And, now let me move on a little bit in my addressing of this man. My son, you are beginning to walk in an ever more spiritual path. This path may take you many places and as you progress, you will leave behind those things which do not serve you and you will take up increasingly those things which do serve you well. Be calm and have patience with yourself. Do not be surprised at your humanness or the humanness of others. Practice forgiveness, but practice it first with yourself. See yourself through the loving eyes of the Master and forgive your youthful excesses as the Master would and as the Master does. Release all your requirements towards self-condemnation and self-sabotage. Simply accept the great unchallengeable fact of your sonship with God. As you return to his house after wondering in the wilderness of selfishness and self-indulgence, accept his welcoming love, accept his mantle upon your shoulders, accept his delight with your soul. And above all things, accept his love for it is infinite, complete, secure, and unfathomable. Steady yourself on the strength of his love. Strengthen your faith as you reach out to him in increasing measure and increasing completeness. Consecrate you will with his will, your purpose with his purpose, and your being with his being. Then, accept his love as a child, accept his comfort, and the security of his everlasting arms. Do all this with the faith and trust of a child and you will be carried on his shoulder the rest of the way home. Have no fear. Grow in love and in loving certainty of his presence. All else will be added unto you.
Q: Do you have a personal message for Charlie B?
Ham: Of course. My son, it is important that you continue to closely heed the Master’s spirit. Let there be no time in which you grow apart from this or allow yourself to wander away from his loving presence. Continue to fine tune your skills of the spirit so that you are brought ever closer and more firmly under the Master’s guiding arm allowing him to show you, "this way my son, follow me". Do not falter, nor grow weak in your commitment. Allow each challenge to strengthen your faith and make firmer your purpose.
Q: Do you have any feedback for me this week?
Ham: Yes, my son, of course. My son, it is true that increasing happiness is coming into your life as you ever more closely cleave to the Master’s spirit. Over most of your life, and from a young age, you were convinced that somehow you were unworthy of happiness and complete contentment. But, in recent times you have come through some difficulties and only by cleaving closely to the Master did you find your way. This is as it should be. Allow yourself to be happy in the now and allow this increasing happiness to invade every aspect of your life. No longer do you strive in isolated loneliness. No, rather now are you joined with the Master and all his angels and all his helpers. Increasingly, you are allowing them to take over the burdens of the moment and instead you are bringing in the master’s spirit rather than pushing it away. This is a big step forward for from a young age you were prone to suffering in silence and you have been reluctant to relinquish this deep inner burden until now. There are indeed few men as certain and as comfortable with their faith as you are. Continue to grow in this comfort and continue to grow in happiness. Your way is assured, simply believe, trust and obey to the best of your ability. All else is taken care of. Rejoice then. Embrace happiness and feel yourself to be truly deserving of your place at the table.