Topic: Wisdom
Group: Nashville TeaM
Teacher: Ham
TR: Rebecca
Ham: Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am grateful to have this time with you. This evening let us discuss wisdom once again. Each of you is growing in the spirit and attaining new levels of spiritual insight. And, as you find insight, so too must you find self-control in equal measure. Wisdom is largely a measure of the balance of those two. Both spiritual insight and the self-control to use it effectively combine together in a wise human being.
Neither knowledge nor cleverness can be substituted for wisdom. Where knowledge denotes an awareness of the outer world, wisdom denotes an awareness of the inner world. Know yourselves in order that wisdom may begin to take form in your souls. Know yourselves, and you will understand humanity as a whole.
Wisdom comes through the real appreciation of life experience. Wisdom grows through self-reflection and through the sincere endeavoring to understand another fully and completely. Wisdom comes often with spiritual growth, but it is not necessarily directly correlated. Wisdom requires mental discipline and wisdom is not complete without virtue as its corollary.
As in the parable of the sower when a seed lands in poor soil sprouts up high and tall then dies for lack of root support, so to can spiritual growth momentarily outpace one’s overall personality unification. With unification, wisdom, virtue, and spiritual insight are balanced. With this balance there is no limit to your growth but all must keep pace and all must remain balanced together for your growth to be steady and strong. Spiritual insight, alone, without these counter balances of virtue and wise self-control soon veers into fanaticism.
You, my friends, have avoided this fate by taking each step slowly, by remaining open to group wisdom, and by working hard in every day life and remaining grounded in the world as it is. It is important to resist the urge to isolate when undergoing spiritual work. Meditation should be balanced with social interaction. Your lives should be allowed rest and relaxation as well as work and effort. You must have time for reflection as well as time for self-assertion in the work place. It is very important for all of you to have a day here and a day there devoted to self-reflection, prayer, and meditation, rest and relaxation. For your days are often filled with work and worry, stress and pressure. Even your vacations become planned events and can be a source of added pressure rather than a time of rest.
You may need to consciously set some time aside when you can rest without guilt, when you can reflect without worry. Only by being increasingly aware of the need for balance can wisdom ripen and become a fruit of the spirit, a gift to others.
Each of you is gradually becoming more wise as time goes by. In your lives and in your hearts, all things are truly becoming new. You have all been through a process of shedding the past. You have all been through a process of accepting yourselves and now you must realize how wisdom can be part of your life experience. Recognize this within yourselves. You each have a strong anchor in spiritual wisdom.
This anchor to reality will prevent the unfortunate veering into the fanatical that has so plagued this world whenever human beings have been contacted in the past. You are proving how spiritual contact to higher realities can be accomplished safely, solidly, and over a lengthy period of time. This, my friends, is a great step forward and this working relationship you have each developed with those of us who are further progressed will prove to be a great blessing for mankind as a whole.
Reach new levels of wisdom, my friends. You are truly examples of the next step in religious development for your world. You are proving that ever more advanced teachings can be safely transmitted with relative clarity and without the unfortunate side effects we have so often seen in the past. Rejoice then and be exceedingly glad for you are truly spiritual pioneers and you are truly blazing a trail that others will follow, even hundreds of years from now.
What are your questions?
Q: Do you have anything for Rebecca?
Ham: Certainly, my dear, you are growing daily in wisdom and balance. As your balance increases, so will wisdom. You have an unquestioned devotion to truth. Wisdom is more than love of truth. Wisdom is putting oneself in the supreme service of truth. Gradually, all the facets of the personality become mobilized and nothing is holding you back. Recognize that this is so, that there is nothing holding you back. Then rejoice, and be exceedingly glad for your work is just beginning and you will have wisdom growing up within you to handle every circumstance.
Q: Jarad?
Ham: Yes, my son, you are also now strong enough to court wisdom. Many years you spent in the company of knowledge or cleverness or skill only visiting wisdom sporadically. But, now you have within you the strength to unify your personality in such a way that wisdom is second nature and balance comes more easily. Every day you are opening your heart to greater levels of love and unification. Love is that power which allows all things to be transformed. Continue then to embrace love in all its levels and dimensions. Grow increasingly secure as you grow in love.
Q: Yes Ham, do you have any advice or answers concerning this constant nausea and head aches I am experiencing?
Ham: My son, this is indeed unfortunate. It could be the result of something caused by drug interaction or the left overs of drug interaction. Sometimes this can be a delayed reaction in the body from a cause from months ago. It is perhaps also a sign that the liver is healing and is giving off some chemical resulting from this process. In other words, the liver is throwing off toxins and beginning to function more normally as a result. In other words, we see this as something more as a positive sign than a negative one. Continue to rest and allow your body to go through this process. Your diet is also improving. Be conscious to eat fairly lightly, by that I mean fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains with a lower consumption of meats. In other words, give your body the least problems as far as digestion and having to metabolize foods as you can. Overall, we see much improvement. Be at peace my son, you are doing well.
Q: Do you have a message for me this week?
Ham: Yes my dear. You are doing very well and we are very pleased to see your progress continue at such a rapid pace. Be careful not to push yourself too hard. You have a habit of pushing yourself toward what you might consider productive activities. But right now, you need reflection time and rest as well. Psychological and spiritual healing takes every bit as much energy as physical healing. You must sometimes just sit back and allow your unconscious mind its work. You don’t have to figure everything out in the conscious mind for their to be healing taking place. Relax my dear, for you are doing very well.
Q: Do you have any counsel for me tonight Ham?
Ham: Of course my son. You are also achieving ever greater levels of balance and ease. As you have grown in self-acceptance, so have you grown in comfort, peace, and spiritual security. As your spiritual security increases, so too will your material security. The spiritual life is like the template. It is the cornerstone upon which all else is built. As you grow in spiritual stability, so too will your out life stabilize and settle down. Realize and recognize that you will have just what you need, when you need it so long as your spiritual purpose remains true. Look neither to the left nor the right, but focus upon each day’s work and each day’s struggle one day at a time. Allow your overall course to be set by the Master. Trust increasingly in his guidance for you are doing very well.
Q: Yes Ham, could I please have some counsel?
Ham: Yes my son, you are doing well. You are also beginning to see your glass as half full rather than always as half empty. You are wisely taking stock of your blessings as well as your troubles and you are growing in an inner peace and gratitude, a feeling of joy and abundance within so that you are beginning to recognize the eternal mercy inherent in every human condition. All is well. You are finding the value of self-reflection and that this cannot be skirted or substituted. You are finding that in reality you are not trapped in any way nor are you saddled with anything you do not desire to carry. The Father’s gift of freedom is profound and intense. Be at peace my son. You are doing well.
Q: Bob wants to know if you have any counsel concerning his new roommates.
Ham: Of course. My son the Father brings you into contact with others for many reasons. These lessons are not always immediately apparent. But what human beings learn through and from each other cannot be substituted or learned in any other way. Simply give thanks for what they can teach you and be a humble conduit for the Father’s love to them. You are doing just fine my son. Be at peace.
Q: From Marije: I would like to ask for a personal message on this special Day of events.
Ham: My dear, you do very well. You are a great joy and a blessing to many people. Continue opening your heart to loving acceptance of all. Know that the Father works within you and do not worry about what you should do or say for when the time comes, he will give you the words.
Q: Marije's friend Tessa is wondering what kind of job she should choose to serve the world, but that also fits her personality and her spiritual path. Ham, could you please give some insight?
Ham: My dear, it is not so important what work you should choose for all work is valuable. What is important is choosing always the Father’s will over that of your own needs or imagined needs. Gradually over time as you become more and more your true self, as you bloom in the spirit and bear the fruits of the spirit, your work will come to reflect your greater spiritual self. Do not be in a hurry for the growth of the spirit is the work of a lifetime. Simply pray that all parts of this path reflect the Father’s will for you and you will be fine.
Q: Jennings wants to know if you have any counsel concerning the dream he had the other night and if he could have a private session regarding this.
Ham: My son, I cannot discuss the specific symbolism in dreams for dreams are always highly personal. Vivid, profound, life changing dreams are often a way for the thought adjuster to sound an alarm and to make conscious some unconscious things that are not being dealt with. Sometimes it is through the most profound fears that the most profound healings can occur. You my son are going through some spiritual changes that cannot be simply dealt with in a perfunctory manner. Take your time. Gradually begin to sort out the meaning of the dream and its own personal peculiarities. Think about what it means to you, how you felt at each stage of the dream, what were your emotional reactions? You will be able to work through this. Have patience with yourself. But no, it does not require a session to discuss it.
Q: Do you have a personal message for Charlie B?
Ham: Yes, of course my son. You must also continue to emphasize patience for wisdom is not acquired overnight and a spiritual journey is only accomplished over a period of time. Whenever you are tempted to feel yourself superior or out ahead of your fellows, something will come along to bring you back to earth and this is as it should be. Walk each step humbly with your hand firmly in the Master’s hand. Focus on the step ahead of you and let the future steps take care of themselves.
Q: Do you have any feedback for me this week?
Ham: Yes of course. As always, you are doing well. Have courage as you move forward. Do not worry where you have been nor where you are going. Rather, find a peaceful and serene calm in the now. Work but rest. Reflect and play. Balance your energies and things will be much easier to tackle. Allow yourself the time to truly appreciate your blessings. Ponder the thought of if this were my last day, would it have been well spent? Tell those you love how much you love them and appreciate them in your life. Allow yourself to take stock of your life and to give yourself a pat on the back and a well done. This is something you don’t do enough of. So give thanks for the blessings that surround you. Thank the Father for his steady guidance and unending love. You are doing well my friend, be at peace.
Are there any further questions at this time? Very well then, until next week, as always, my love and prayers are with you each. Farewell.