2004-08-09-Corridors Of Your Heart
Topic: Corridors of Your Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia, Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Prayer: Mother and Father, we ask you to envelope us in your presence. Prepare us to receive you. Fill us with the life breath that liberates us from our fears and doubts. Fill us with your breath that creates new ways for us to know you, feel you, and honor you. Fill us with your life force that renews us body and mind. For all that we receive you have our deepest thanksgiving. Amen.
My children, good evening; this is your Mother. Gather yourselves into my presence. Envision yourself as a small child being enveloped in my arms. Let me impress upon you your Father’s peace. Feel this in your heart centers. Let your body relax and grow heavy with this peace. Let it absorb, drawing you down deeply into me where I will build his foundation of peace in you. (Pause)
Go into your heart center time and time again as your mind wanders. Go into the corridors of your heart where peace is being instilled; the long corridors of your mind that are linked to me. I will build his foundation of peace in every space and every place of your heart. (Pause)
The corridors of your hearts are very expansive which allow me to enter into them. Too often your hearts become contracted with pain, confusion, and despair. The energy of your Father’s peace is not able to be experienced as you have not allowed your heart to open to receive. To receive, you must be willing for us to enter into it where all of your pain and all of your error reside, and allow us to have our way in you. Put down your resistance. Lay aside your doubts. Seek only that place within you that longs for the sound of peace to echo in your cells, for the tranq! uility of peace to soothe your soul. Receive this now, my children, it is our gift to you. (Pause)
The assurance that all things are under divine control: that is peace. The assurance that you are loved and well-cared for in a loving, friendly universal family: that is peace. We are building the foundation of hope-fullness in you in this peace. This is all a part of the gifts we share with you. When you are ready it will be time for you to share this with others. For tonight, let us continue to build you in this foundation.
Last week we began to discuss the quality of hopefulness that is renewing, regenerating. This is the resurrection life energy that you have access to. This is something that we are sharing with you, children. You will know how to use this when the time is right. But, for tonight, receive. Relax and receive. Stretch out on the floor if you need to, but tonight is a night for you to receive. Receive your Father; receive me. Receive in faith what we long to give you. Be as open as you can, my little ones. Expose your raw humanness to us so we can fill you with something more divine. (Pause)
Receive this in your electrical system. (Pause) Receive this in your nervous system. (Pause) Receive this in your musculo-skeletal system. (Pause) Receive this in your circulatory system. (Pause) Receive this in your respiratory system. (Pause) Receive this in your digestive system. (Pause) Receive this! in your sensory system. (Pause)
Tune your inner ear to the internal signal of peace in your body. This is the inner rhythm your soul needs to develop. You cannot grow spiritually without this. We are feeding you what you need, what will enliven you—body and mind. Whether you consciously recognize or not tonight, the deep impressioning of what we are building in you will change you in ways that you will not yet fully comprehend. Feel your desire for the inner rhythm for peace to overshadow how you tune to the rhythm of the outside world. Simply focus all of your heart’s desires to be in tune with the! inner rhythm that we build into you and you will feel it grow. And grow the extent that you may live in the external world and all of its clamoring and commotions, but your internal peace will steady you, and keep you stable and strong in your Father-Source. Be in your desire for this, children, and let us move in you now. (Pause)
"I am my Father’s peace." Say this, feel this, know this deep in your cells. "I am my Father’s peace." (Pause) Now feel your desire, your heart-felt longing, to fill the earth: into the soil, the air, the water, the plants, the animals, the individuals. Feel your desire for this to overtake this world. (Pause)
"We are the peace of this world. We have a piece of this world, and this peace is our gift. We give the source of love and life back to this planet through our individual attempts to share the divine source with all whom we come into contact." Feel your desire for this. Feel your desire to be the peace of this world. Build your peace, piece by piece on this planet. You carry the impression of your Father’s peace. Leave your mark upon this world, my children. (Pause)</F! ONT
(At this point, transmitter received instructions to go around the room and embrace everyone. This was the Mother’s embrace of her children.)
The hearts of my children are broken on this world. You are the ones who will bring my love to them. But first, you must all be made whole. Hold not onto the grudges of the past. Hold not onto your victimization, your estrangement from your families and friends. Hold not onto the petty resentments and judgments you have against one another. Hold not onto these!
You are children of God. You are noble sons and daughters. Arise to your nobility! Awaken the seeds of greatness in you! Bring the healing to this world. Restore new life and hope. You are the harbingers of the new age. Step up and receive the gifting of this responsibility. Receive the gifting of this privilege. (Pause)
Allow the words you speak to carry the song of truth, allow the touch you give to carry the weight of tenderness and gentleness. Allow your eyes to look at another with kindness and compassion, understanding and forgiveness. Turn into your internal rhythm of peace. (Pause) The light of the world is upon you. Be in his peace. Good evening, my beloved children.
My children, this is your Father. I am Michael. What we are slowly building in you is a new structure of life, of hope that you will bring to our children. This is the time of healing on my native sphere. This healing is available to you, and there are many others who are being prepared in various ways to bring a great healing peace upon Urantia.
Keep safe these seeds that we have planted within you tonight. Nurture them by asking for my truth and hope to ever be delivered to you throughout your day. Safeguard these tender sprouts as they grow in you so they will be a mighty power when they fully blossom. The tender stalks within you of your thought structures need fortification, they need me. I am designing the new foundation in you, and the more you come to me and ask to be rebuilt in this, the more will I share myself with you.
Great new awakenings are occurring on this planet. More and more will you receive the handwork of God streaming down from the heavens into the hearts and minds of men, women, children, all life—all sacred life. We will build this planet piece by piece in the divine streams of love. Feel this now, my children, feel the potential that is growing within you and on this world. This is my peace, this is my truth, this is my light. (Pause) Rest, my children, in my peace. Good evening.
Prayer: Mother and Father, we are so grateful for your presence this evening and for what you are building in us. Though we may not understand and experience the depth of this, surely we can trust. We thank you for our capacity to trust you. We ask for the energies still present within us to continue to vibrate and build us in you and in the world, all over the world, bringing new hope to each one of your children in the knowledge of how precious they! are as essences of God.