2004-08-30-Dignity of Self Will
Topic: Dignity of Self Will
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
Prayer: Michael and Mother Spirit, we gather tonight to welcome you to join us. You have given us to know these last few years that you are always with us. Mother, we literally live and think and perceive in your mind. You experience everything we experience. Michael, your Spirit of Truth lives in us to help know the Father’s will. You have given us to know that there is something further we can do. We can invite you into our lives consciously, not only being aware of your gifts to us, but to welcome you to share our lives with us. And so we say ! welcome, we’re glad to have you with us. Help us realize your presence. Thank you.
Good evening, my children. This is Michael. I am so happy to be here with you tonight. It is always a great joy for me to be with my sons in the human body myself. This is one of the greatest glories of my life; to live here on your earth and be able to love my fellow men as one of you. It is true that I experience with Mother Spirit all of your life that I am welcomed to share with you. Still, it was a great glory to be with you as a fellow human being, and to be with you tonight, I revisit that glory.
My dear children, what it is to be alive this way! I cannot express! This life was so precious to me; I stayed with it to the very end. This was my Father’s will. All that happened to me was my Father’s will. And it was my great glory; it was also my will. Everything that happened was my will. And now, I wish to say to you this can also be your will. You too can do this. Our Father lives in you. He surrounds you with the whole universe! that is yours. And yet there is something you can give to him, just as I did. This is a part of you that we hold absolutely sacrosanct; it is truly yours. It is the dignity of your will. You have the innate ability to choose.
How can you know this ability? How can you find it if you feel you do not have it? Where is it? It is in its use. You have a parable that you cannot hold a river in a cup, only water. It is like this. It exists only in your use of it. When you choose highly consciously between alternatives that your own spiritual power of imagination has created for you, this is it! You help create your own awareness of these alternatives that give you this power of choice.
At this moment, all your lives, you have been helping to create your life. You have been using this power, however consciously you are aware of it, but the more conscious you are of using this power of freedom the more it grows, for this is its essence—consciousness. Mother’s consciousness. My consciousness. Our Father’s consciousness. This is your will, and this is something you can share with us. This sharing becomes your soul wealth. This is what you give to the Supreme Being and your own personality. This is a cosmic reality that can live forever. This is your soul. This is how you participate in the creation of your life. This is an eternal possession. Consider these ideas and I will be open to any questions you have.
Student: Father Michael, how can I change or overcome the missed choices I’ve made in the past, the bad choices or ones I made that weren’t accurate or based on accurate information. I am just stuck with that or is there a way to overcome it?
Michael: C, my son, time is a complex dimension. Everything that has ever happened still exists and will always exist in that aspect of God your text refers to as the Supreme Being. This is a personal aspect of God who experiences everything happening, you might say, out here in time and space. This includes everything you have done. Also, on the very personal human level, God’s presence in your life makes a spirit recording of everything that happens to you. This is an eternal possession of your personality. This is your soul. And it is a living growing possession of yours forever.
Try as much as possible to keep the original experience, whatever it is, sacrosanct in your memory. Try as much as possible to give yourself the time and effort necessary to re-live moments in your life. Try to keep these moments as they happened originally separate from evaluations and judgments that you may have made later, for these judgments are closer to you in time. These judgments have happened since this original experience and they can stand in the way of you reliving what fully happened to you the first time. For this is how you are living your life this moment. In this way you are paying proper respect to a younger C who set forth one day to have these very experiences you now wonder about. Does this help you understand the nature of past experiences?
Student: Yes, Father, in a way it does. The question now is, keeping the memory of the experience alive as opposed to keeping the emotions attached to the experience alive. Sometimes the emotions are disturbing to me now. And you are right, I’ve made a lot of judgments on these experiences I’ve had that came way after the experience itself. I saw they were not very accurate.
Michael: Good. You see the situation very clearly. You have both the original experiences and the subsequent evaluations, judgments, and understandings. Now you are expanding to see all of these different elements. And you are feeling all of these different elements. And you are free now to understand further how all these different elements interact. But the separation of these elements give you an appreciation of that first original experience, and who you were then before that experience happened to you. You are now a larger person in the sense of soul wealth. What you have in your soul is much larger now. And it is in embracing all of these elements that you can grow your understanding. They are all real. You can feel them. Give yourself time and the effort required to understand them further. Is there any more you would like to know about this, my son?
Student: Not at the moment I can’t think of anything. Thank you for your love and understanding.
Michael: You’re very welcome. Be in my peace.
Student: I think I could make more clear-cut will decisions if I had an ability to stay focused in present time better—it’s almost like being a better listener. I know part of it must be genetic, and part cultural and habits. Can you help me in that area?
Michael: V, my son, I would say be of good cheer. You are already well on the way. The very fact that you can perceive that you need to be more present points the way. Where does this evaluation come from? Think about this. There is some aspect of you already more present that is a basis of this perception. I would recommend a like of relaxation, a kind of self-confidence in that perception that there is more. Trust this feeling perception. It is coming from you. It is coming from a wisdom deep within you. In a way, you already know and it is in relaxing in the faith and trust in yourself that the present can expand. This, like your will power, is something you will have to do, for it is a living thing—this present moment. Does this help you understand the mystery of this?
Student: It is a help. I can see the pleasure of being in the present time. It’s reduces the fear factor. It eases the Luciferian fear of death or impatience with the present so I have the courage to invest more into the present time. May in exercising it I can exalt or enjoy it. With your leadership it won’t be difficult to feel improvement, and I thank you for that.
Michael: This is good. You have a very good grasp on the ungraspable. This is its mystery. We are back to that river flowing by you again. Sometimes just by splashing around and having fun you feel its power. And the even greater mystery that as you go along with it wholeheartedly for that river is the Father’s will, is it not? That river we are all swimming in? The more you put your will with the current of the river, the more all of a sudden the river seems to slow and expand. And sometimes it almost seems to stop. Keep going, my son, and be in my peace.
Student: Michael, I been noticing that as I allow myself to experience my spirit, my soul, and actualizing the promptings and directions I am to take each day in each moment, I notice a degree of peace and calmness contrary to the activities that my mind wishes to take. Then I am more readily there for the people in my life. That is not to say that I don’t react from the mind, but the more I allow myself to experience the promptings of my indwelling Spirit, the more I am in the presence. What I have noticed lately as well is an increase in energy and in wanting to be immersed in this presence, even though my body and mind are tired. So I sit there in this fashion.
Michael: Well, my son, it seems that you have discovered stillness. Congratulations! Is it not a wonderful thing to be aware of the enormity of your own soul? To have the enormous life you’ve lived present and to be able to share it with those you love. The spirit is wholeness. The spirit is inclusive. The spirit unites and preserves. This is what you are feeling. You are growing in your discrimination where one and the same time your life, like all life, is a single living prese! nce of the Father. And yet, at the same time you are a complex being and the discrimination of these different single-knit living aspects of yourself give you a power of understanding. This is a true power for it can change things. It can change you. It is what we call growth. Feeling and understanding these different aspects of yourself in spirit, mind and body, and how they interrelate, this growth is not just your soul experience, it is your true philosophy of life—your overall comprehension and understanding of what is happening to you and how you are a part of it. Your joy in this discovery gives me great, great joy myself. So thank you, my son, for sharing this! with me. Be in my peace.
Thank you, my sons, for your faith, for your courage, for your curiosity and your wonder. Let us keep growing together in this adventure our Father lays out before us. Let us trust the Source of the adventure and pray to our Father to help us realize that it is actually our will that it be exactly so. Thank you, Father, for these my sons. Good evening.