2004-09-12-Rest, Reflection, & Recuperation
Topic: Rest, Reflection, & Recuperation
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Olfana
TR: Jonathan, Ginny
Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings again in spirit and circuit. This is your teacher friend Elyon. I have a few words to share regarding prayer. It is also a circuit, a form more familiar to your peoples than some of the other communication lines that are available to those like myself.
Prayer, Words
Prayer, while clothed in words, is in actuality an energy line, a connection. It is by your use of language that your mind increases its sensitivity to this connection with spirit. Forming thought into sentence structure draws open the membrane between pure spirit and the material realm.
Ages ago it was said, "Pray without ceasing". It is not natural for the human being to pray incessantly, for you have far too many other things to consider that require your attention that even it would be unsafe for you to be distracted through constant verbalization in prayer. However, since prayer is a circuit, you can become more greatly associated with this energy conduit and hold within your heart the feeling of divine connection, of celestial support and guidance. Such an acknowledgment and awareness is possible without words, without concept. This is the unceasing prayer.
The value of words is that they draw you back to your connection when you are distracted. Words are a stimulant which triggers the mind to look upward, to look inward, to look Godward. Even as I speak to you today this same function is occurring, for you in heart and deep mind are tuning your ears toward God. I am merely stimulating that form of attention. When we assist our fellows we are ministering in this very manner, stimulating another's attention to look toward the divine. No matter how it is formed in concept, the soul is looking, is drawing near.
These are my words. I hope you find them of worth in your meditation and reflection.
Evelyn: We are told God knows our thoughts, He is already there, that it is not important that they be put into words. So, the benefit is more for us to verbalize or compose our thoughts?
Elyon: Yes. It is a focalizer to the mind. It is a lubricant for feeling. It softens the personality by redirecting attention. This, by the way, is not to discount the value of the content of the prayer, for the words shape what is meant by the personality reaching to God. Soul longing can be hard to clearly discern in the mind. Framing thought structure in prayer is like laying a sheet over an invisible object to make it appear to the mind. Then the mind is able to function in harmony with your deeper self, your soul, your personality, and the spirit presence. The mind resides at the membrane between spirit and matter. Words in prayer may be likened to the beating of a drum that signals from one side to the other.
Olfana (Ginny): Good morning, this is Olfana. I greet you at this time of slowing down, reaping the fruits of your labor; a calming down, so to speak, of your summer activities and energy. As you know, it requires both to be in a balanced state of change.
It is important to reflect upon how necessary it is to rest, to reflect, to gather the seeds, so to speak, to sit back and reflect upon the fruit of your labor and to begin to take more time to assess your life. Although things seem to be waning, things are losing energy, they are disintegrating in nature; it is also an important time to look at ourselves at this time and appreciate our maturity as well as our vulnerability, for indeed it is a mature time of year when we see in full bloom the results of our efforts to bring to fruition all the wonderful fruits of the land.
We also become a bit sad that things are waning and dying only to hibernate, to recoup, and to prepare for the next burst of energy in the spring.
As fall approaches let us appreciate all these qualities, not only as applied to our physical surroundings, but also applied to our growth in the spirit . .. good analogy. Just as springtime brings us lots of hope and growth and renewal and life and energy, so does this season give us a chance to review our vulnerabilities, maybe our weaknesses, our maturity, certainly. So, I encourage you in your time of reflection to appreciate these times and give yourselves the opportunity to rest, to reflect, to appreciate, for each season brings with it qualities that contribute to a balanced planet. You as part of this growing season are also part of that cycle of rest and renewal.
As you do your fall chores with your plants and vegetables, fruits, be reminded that all these qualities reflect your nature also. Appreciate it all. It is all necessary. I encourage you to be grateful for each day, whether it be sunny or rainy, as each day you view opportunities to advance in spirit. Gather your fruits and enjoy.
I leave you now.