2004-09-24-A Lesson on Imagination
Topic: A Lesson on Imagination
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Unknown
Session 1
September 24, 2004
Let us for a moment discuss the word imagination, and what it entails. It is a most wonderful tool everyone is gifted with to varying degrees. It is a tool, which has brought great progress to the planet in science, art, crafts, music and more. However, it has also been used to retard progress on the planet, especially in regard to the human propensity to make war. Mankind cannot be said to have moved out of the cave of barbarism as long as war is being waged. Also, imagination has been used very negatively in the area of religion. It has enslaved the minds of man, women and children by inciting fear and damnation to the point of paralysis. This has brought no end of misery to the hearts of the innocent. This planet is threatening to sink into an abyss of fear, as even your news media is ‘pointing’ you in this direction.
Enough of negativity! Now we will switch and talk about the positive side of imagination. Your text (The Urantia Book) relates the story of the childhood of the boy, Joshua Ben Joseph, better known as Jesus; a most imaginative lad, who developed a wide array of skills in painting, sculpting, music, and more. He was most prolific until he drew a picture of his teacher, the chazan, in the sand of the classroom floor. The chazan was most perturbed by the performance of the young lad, so the elders of the synagogue decided that something ought to be done about the boy. They went to his parents, and therewith officially forbade the lad to engage in any kind of art, as he was breaking the commandment of the law, never to make graven images.
It was one of the great trials in his young life to be so stifled in his creative imagination. So too has mankind labored under old, worn-out laws of do’s and don’ts, with as a result that creative imagination has been stifled under fear of damnation. God has bestowed upon each human mind a creative ability to think with imagination. Time has arrived that this faculty be put to greater use to make this world a better and safer place to live. Do not let fear of the future stifle you any longer. Your potential capabilities are far greater than has heretofore been imagined. Cut loose from worries and fear, and teach your souls to soar with wings of hope and trust on the winds of faith, because with God, all things are possible.
You can turn things around by changing your mind. Nothing is carved in stone. Put head and heart together in creative imagination. Dare to dream of great and wonderful things, which will benefit all of mankind. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. Roll up the ‘blinds’ in your minds, and let the Light of God come in.
Session 2
September 25, 2004
Today’s topic will also be on imagination -- the richness of imagination as well as the dangers of imagination. First of all, it needs to be said that mortals are far more capable of imagination for good than what is used at present. Most of what has been ‘imagined into existence’ so far -- and yes, what the mind can conceive it can also achieve – has brought forth much good. It has also turned this ability towards the dark side, and for the negative, rather than to the light and positive outcomes. The point I am endeavoring to make here is that as soon as there is a new discovery with a possibility for mankind to progress, there is also the possibility to regress. The propensity to develop weapons and machinery for mass destruction is a blatant example of this.
This is a great misuse of the God-given bequest of imagination. Likewise is this true of all discoveries with chemicals and with their negative side-effects, which ‘they’ dare to call medicine, knowing full well the disastrous side-effects on the delicate human system in order to slowly destroy it, lulling the majority of humankind into thinking that all these things are good for them. Through their well-thought-out publicity campaigns and pronouncements in the media, which the gullible, uninformed and trusting public accept as gospel, so they run out and spend their hard-earned money on these so-called remedies which ultimately destroy not only their bodies but also their minds, while the ability to think clearly, is jeopardized, and the soul languishes in darkness as the result of being under-nourished, and withers and dies.
Another point I need to raise here is that the imagination can run awry too in over-imagination especially when it is stressed, or under-imagination, in which case it gets dulled. There is a great need for each and everyone to take the time to commune in the Stillness. Take time and remove yourself from your own thoughts and imaginings. Learn to still the mind. Although this is a most difficult art to master, it is not impossible. Turn off all the mechanical noises outside yourself. Find a place where you will not be disturbed. Learn to filter out ordinary outside noises and persevere, at first for short periods at a time. Over-doing anything is never beneficial to the human system.
There is in each one a ‘still point’, a ‘Point of Stillness’, where the body and mind regenerate and rejuvenate, and where the soul gets nourished. Find this Point. It is your private connection to the All That Is. Train yourself in this most beneficial self-discipline, which becomes the point of self-regeneration. It is the Point where things, which are ‘muddy’ in your mind, become clearer. This is the Point where you learn about unconditional Love, where you will feel totally accepted just the way you are. This is the Point from which you can go forth to do yet another day’s battle in your mortal existence. Allow this truth and fact to sink into your imagination, so your soul can fly on the wings of hope and faith before the throne of Almighty God, to sing your songs of thanksgiving to the Creator, who in His Imagination gifted you with a tiny part of Himself, and included the freedom to choose for the positive or the negative. Which will you choose from moment to moment?
Session 3
September 26, 2004
Let us again spend some thoughts on imagination. This is a rich tool which is often misused, abused, underused and unfortunately overused in a negative way. So where do we draw the line? All throughout history, it is the imagination which has propelled humanity forward, but as with anything else, there are always negative propensities connected with any discovery, which allow humanity to be dragged back again, usually through the design of more negative tools, like the killing machines used to wage war. This happens all in the name of so-called progress, but it is usually due to greed and the hunger for power. This planet indeed has gone through a most checkered career due to the negative influences left over from the Lucifer rebellion which happened some 250.000 years ago. Its influence is still being felt, and it has played out throughout the history of the planet. The planet is left far behind in her evolution compared to her more normally evolving sister planets, where war is slowly being eradicated due to wise and far-seeing imaginative minds living upon them.
The space program is one of the most imaginative thus far but yet again the negativity seems to gain the upper hand as some nefarious minds conceive and talk about weapons in space and for what, the celestials do wonder? The fear mongering has gone on far too long, and innocent citizens, who prefer to live in peace, are daily confronted with talks about terrorists and the need to defend yourself from them. Let us get one thing straight here: ‘Thoughts held in mind, produce after their kind.’ It is simply the law of cause and effect. The more people fall prone to negative thought forms like fear, the more fearful things will become. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The things you fear the most, will surely come to pass, as such adheres to the law of attraction.
Let us take this way of thinking and turn it around and start imagine peace, and peace will surely come to pass when each person, one at a time, persists in spreading this benign virus in their immediate environment, so others get the ‘bug’ and start to imagine for peace too. Humanity needs to ‘wake up’ and use this God-given gift for the purpose it was intended -- for the good of humanity. The malicious virus of fear has even taken a hold in religions which are held in bondage due to this fear. Throw off those shackles, and become the free children of the Eternal Creator.
Use your imagination coupled with faith and trust in the goodness of God, for the upliftment of this planet, for God is good, all of the time, and it matters not what you call this eternal Deity who is far above and beyond what your puny minds can conceive and belief. Stand up and be counted among His peace-loving children. Dare to grow into the child you are meant to be, and see the positive in life and don’t give fear any more power. In other words, ‘walk on the sunny side of the street’ with a loving and faith-filled heart.