2004-09-29-A Lesson on Intelligence
Topic: A Lesson on Intelligence
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Unknown
Let us speak a few words on intelligence today. It seems to Me that many people are in a quandary as to what true intelligence is. There are too many people with a low self-esteem, who simply have no knowledge of how richly intelligent they really are. True intelligence is located in the heart. True intelligence comes with feeling, with compassion, with understanding, with wisdom and many more attributes, too numerous to mention, and they are held together by love. Love over-shadows everything. It balances and harmonizes into mental health, into emotional health, and above all, spiritual health. Where love is absent, a break-down occurs in the body, because in some areas love is lacking.
Feelings are the first that can be distorted. This can be traced back to the moment of conception and the mental state of the couple, if true love and consideration for each other is lacking, or if coercion or blind and unbridled passion is present. These are not ideal circumstances, or an ideal environment, in which to create a new being. Then, ideal conditions during the pregnancy are often lacking, too, and it is wrought with stress and worries. An inharmonious and unbalanced situation ensues, which is not conducive to the development of the growing fetus. Also, the genetic inheritance of both parties play a great role, and so the co x matrix, (condensed energy) in the core of being is thrown off balance. This all has the effect of creating blocks in the human system. You would now have an understanding of how complicated matters can get in the development of a happy and healthy baby.
Far too little thought and research has gone into these mental developments. Science has made great strides in developments along practical lines to bring the invisible realm into the visible, due to the development of sensitive instruments, but scientists are hardly out of the starting-gate in recognizing the spiritual creative principle of development. The recognition of the properties of the spiritual heart -- the Violet Flame – which is located behind the physical heart is seldom seen, even by the mortal eyes of the heart surgeon. Here it is where true intelligence resides, which has everything to do with the development of the spirituality of a person. This intelligence is independent of creeds, dogmas, strange isms, superstitions, and the various belief systems. It is able to retain a sane balance.
Only One did achieve a complete balance in all matters, and this is your Universe Ruler, Michael, when he undertook to become a babe of the realm as Jesus of Nazareth, and chose to live as a man among mortals to show them the better way to live. He succeeded by searching independently with his heart, not just with his head. You see, these two must go together. If something does not ‘ring a truth-bell’ deep within, start questioning yourself why it is that you feel unhappy and out of sorts. It is because the inner balance has been disturbed, and oftentimes distorted. Always use the heart’s intelligence first, as there is where truth resides. Search always for the truth-content of everything. In this manner you will not be so easily swayed and contaminated by the temptations of the world, which would direct your attention away from Me, as I am your heart’s Intelligence.