2004-10-02-A Lesson on Awareness

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Topic: A Lesson on Awareness

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown



It is the awareness with which you develop your listening skills that counts, and then, of course, the level by which you ‘feel’ an understanding, so My words can sink into the deepest of the depth of your being, and start resonating via your very cells into the DNA -- the building blocks of life. Mortals simply have but faint concepts of how they themselves can influence their healthy, or unhealthy, state of being. It is the thought-energy-vibration, which causes the alterations in the DNA chain and can therefore be ‘carried over’ as a genetic inheritance in potential offspring. It is therefore so very important to become aware of your own thought-stream, the way you think. Even the intent of the heart is included and plays a role in this awareness.

This is why the more you live in present-centered awareness, and the more you filter out the negative thoughts, the easier it becomes to create health in your body-mind. It is so very easy to get off track, mainly through lack of self-discipline in the mastery of the mind. Unruly and unbridled thoughts play havoc with the human being, and a constant stream of negative thought impressions leave an imprint on the spirit-self which becomes weary and fear-filled. If one is always bombarded with a steady stream of bad news, it becomes quite a struggle for the soul to remain optimistic, unless it is safely ensconced in the citadel of the Spirit.

Banish negative thoughts at once. Refuse to believe that there is no hope and that the world is doomed, because of negativity and lack of faith. This can all be changed in the blink of an eye if more faith were to be found. Things can change for the better. It only takes an awakening into a greater awareness that the kingdom of heaven is within. Ask and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. Do not be misled by the false doctrines, and man-made creeds that God will punish you if you don’t do as you are told by the priests and clergy, who supposedly have a direct line to God. You all have a direct line to God. Hell and damnation are right here on the planet, and if you belief that these exist, then so they do exist.

Shake yourself loose from those erroneous belief systems. Grow into the awareness that God is a God of Love, and God is changeless and does not indulge in human emotions. It is the human’s own thoughts and attitude which can create monsters and drag humans down to below the animal level. Check the unbridled-ness of thought. Think clearly, and always be ready to forgive any wrong-doing by yourself and all others. For whomever you have wronged in the past, all memories need to be forgiven and replaced by unconditional love. In this manner you grow your own inner light and clothe yourself with divinity in partnership with God.