2004-10-14-Insight Into Man & Nature
Topic: Insight Into Man & Nature
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean
TOMAS: Good evening. I have come to join with you once again in appreciation of our consciousness and extension of the divine, a reality indeed. My cosmic arms reach out to embrace you all and appreciate your point of light. Perceive of how we are one within this circle of intimate association. The miles vanish, the distance is traversed in an instant as we drop all form and subsistence in reliance upon the substance of that reality which is unseen.
There are so many things, so many topics, so many directions, so many opportunities, so much abundance it is often hard for me to know how to begin to convey to you as I am commissioned to do, that which will most benefit you in your unique and singularly original point of light for each of you are in form very different from each other, and yet in truth you are one and that which has truth will serve that which in truth holds us together as one. This state of being, of substance transcending form, offers intimacy such that your world has little knowledge of, it fears this intimacy, this personal relationship, this cosmic touch.
It is attention-getting and is often perceived as something to fear for it requires they recognize their own yearning for closeness to their source as you reflect in your comings and goings. It is important that you realize the potential impact of your ministry on others in order to remain removed from persecutions when the ignorant flail. They care little about what is in the way of their flailing, even taking some delight in seeing the discomfiture of others, for if they are feeling afflicted and alienated, if indeed they have not learned where and how to find help within, they will react violently, often carelessly at best. The Master was able to see these things in man. He was able to anticipate the traitorous Judas before he acknowledged his role potentially in the outworking of his bestowal.
It is possible for you too to have this kind of insight, in particular if you are open to the intimacy of divinity which extends even into the material realm. You are in this way able to be both the form and the substance, the Alpha and the Omega, the parent and the child, the student and the teacher. It is the quality of goodness that will be your salvation and that goodness comes from the source itself. There is nothing warlike or violent about God even though there are seemingly savage behaviors in the animal kingdom and in nature. Nature is not God, it is of God, just as God is not an animal but animals are of God. All of these wonders of the material realm can be mastered by you because you have the keys to the kingdom.
You have access to the Source, and in many ways you are the source of the experiences that you continually bring about, because, if for no other reason there are so many opportunities, there are so many options. This is not always the case, even with other reservists, for not all reservists are religionists. Total devotion to something outside yourself always sets you apart. Part science, certain service efforts, even certain studies, are able to give experience an edge that allows others to benefit from its very existence and benefit eternally. It is that little kernel of yearning in each of you, that desire to do something good, something meaningful, something eternal for God or for your fellows which gives you that consciousness of innate worthiness that you know resides within you as well as those, your peers, who join you in this sacred circle of sonship here this evening.
Having this taste of the infinite visit us in this way sets us all apart from those who have not yet succumbed to the intimacy of the divine path, who lack eternal substance, who remain within the bounds of form. Jesus came to let the spiritual captives free. When you set out to be of service to your fellows, even by shining your light, be mindful of the effect your light has.
Remember Jesus paused to say "who was that, someone has drawn energy from me." He knew the effects of his person on his surroundings and on that basis was able to minister effectively as he passed by while adroitly avoiding those areas which were fruitless and stirring up that which was crystallized against the spirit. By having this consciousness, intimate appreciation of the souls of your fellows, indeed you will avoid persecution and instead give Gods' goodness. Gods' goodness is irresistible.
Let me hear now from you.Are there questions?
Mer: Machiventa spoke about a year ago about entering a new phase of the Correcting Time, a new phase of the teaching mission, that seemed to be a call to greater action. I was wondering how that is progressing and where Machiventa would like to go from here?
TOMAS: I know that you know that Machiventa is speaking to you who would lead the way. You who would lead the way must not concern yourself overmuch about those who would follow. Your peers are in the vanguard with you and in many ways you are all still learning how to handle this new phase of manifestation. There are some who are more public but there remain many who do their good deeds in private; therefore, make not the mistake of anticipating that this phase will reveal more demonstrative ways of ministering, even while you may find many unconsciously responding to "the spirit pressure" and stepping up to bat in ways they had not considered before. In this observation you will see how it is indeed working. I know you know by now that there will be times when you will need to pursue your goals even when you are alone and no one is your peer.
This is what it is to be an agondontor. It is also agondontor to reap the reward of your own faith, to begin to see with that vision that comes from having lifted the veils, from having lowered your blinders. You will begin then to see how the mission is doing, not by standard means, but by supermaterial means, in faith that this is according to His will and yours and those others who walk in faith as agondontors do. Do you see?
Mer: Yes
TOMAS: And so how does that effect your work?
Mer: Your words are worthy of contemplation.
TOMAS: You may be enthused by the knowledge of those others who are forerunners of light and life are also reflecting the divine in and through their lives as they are guided and instructed from on high, even though you cannot see them, even though you may not know what they are doing, it is true nonetheless, that they, like you, are applying these spirit truths to the business of living the divine will against the mortal existence. It will change the constitution of your planetary DNA, so to speak, such that in the long run your planet will come forward, based on your singular determination to forge ahead in the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty in the divine sense, in the eternal sense.
This is lasting value. It becomes a part of the Supreme. This is what I mean by altering the DNA of your planet, it becomes more than it was. The lights are coming on. The points of light are giving off not so much beacons of light now, but glowing embers, warm glowing light that soothe and calm and comfort. In these troublesome times on your world, there is no greater need evident than the desperate yearning for calm, quiet, comfort and goodness.Unfortunately many will "look for love in all the wrong places" but the more this light hums, the better they can see to find their way clear to make those choices that will allow them to know this goodness that you reflect as you pass by.
Q: You mentioned earlier about Jesus having experienced energy taken by the woman who walked near him, and this experience is far beyond me. Seems to me this planetary DNA is part of the interaction going on between celestial and planetary beings. I think this is experienced by agondontors, as in expansion of hope in the world. It's a flow of energy that we receive and pass on, is this not so?
TOMAS: This is the goal, the ideal and the prize, yes, and it is possible, those of you who have been students of ours in this university course are able to call upon the power of God to convert you into a calm and conscious son of God in a heartbeat. You have learned how to walk over and turn on your own light switch. You are able to pick up the tools and play with the toys that have been provided to you that will give you back your consciousness. That consciousness with which we have been working has become familiar and are now putting it to work in the arena. You have the keys to the kingdom; you are putting them to use.
You know how to bounce back from the vicissitudes of life. You know where to go for strength and reinforcement. You have been making good progress. Your work in the field now can affect many. Never have people like you been more important to the world circumstance. This is why we work with Machiventa, why he works with us, so as to keep spiritual truth alive in these days of great stress and transition. Not only to keep it alive but to enable it to catch hold and thrive, for there must be at some point, after Armageddon, God's new world. You are helping to create God's new world today.
Is that Marshall I hear?
Marshall: I haven't said anything yet, Gerdean. May I ask a question, dear Tomas?
Marshall: Speaking of those who will lead the way in the global transformation and reorganization, you mentioned that there are reservists, not all are religionists. There are many on the planet receiving guidance from our celestial teachers. We are aware relatively, and these teachings of Michael's Correcting Time, there are many that are not. Is there a team being mobilized, trained to bring leaders together that may not be aware of their positions?
TOMAS: You are referring to a human organization?
Marshall: Yes Tomas, working with spirit and being the hands and feet for celestials like yourself.
TOMAS: To a large extent this Teaching Mission is comprised of these individuals. Even so, the real mission goes far beyond the stores of the Urantia papers. There is no plan to formally organize a planetary battalion of workers, yet there is certainly a spiritual move in that direction. Your world is not able to sustain such an organization yet. Egos are still too new and untested. Selflessness must be practiced in order to become second nature. Earlier when I spoke to you I talked about being aware of the effect you have on people. There are those who would argue that point simply because if the spirit is doing the work, there is no need for the mortal to be overly mindful; however, this is a process. Learning is a process and you must do ABC before you do DEF much less master the entire alphabet and then begin to build a language.
We are undertaking this and I appreciate your ambition. I would not discourage the idea, in terms of time; it is possible for this to occur in your lifetime. But let's stick with the first phases first. Then we will know how to deal with XYZ when it comes.
Incidentally, not everyone who talks to spirit is in the reserve corps, just like not everyone who cooks is a chef.
Q: You spoke of Armageddon and the times after. Are you inferring we must go through an Armageddon? Would you speak to that?
TOMAS: Of course the word is chosen because of how it has represented itself. I chose that word purposely because this time on your world is very much like the Armageddon predicted in revelations, but I would illuminate, all conflict, even when it is civil war within one human being, is an Armageddon, and after the conflict is over, the new life is able to be revealed and express itself. Utilizing that theory then, in terms of after isolation has ended and as we embark upon a communication/intercourse between visible and invisible, between infinite and finite, between celestial and mortal, we have opened up into another realm. We have passed through conflict into clarity, at least I hope to convey a degree of clarity. Perhaps I confuse you more but this too shall pass.
I know in your heart how it is that you yearn to be all that you can be. I have faith in you. You will come forth as Lazarus came forth out of the darkness and into the light. Armageddon is a symbol of confusion, chaos, and destruction, but as Jesus came to point out, after that is the resurrection. Knowing there is a resurrection morning can enable all of you to withstand an occasional conflicting evening or moment in time, and it is this faith in tomorrow that we are happy to represent to you that you might prove it to yourself in your own life and knowing this are then able to turn around and show this light of truth to those who still suffer. There is nothing you can do for those who want to suffer, but again, as I said earlier, if you are aware, if you are conscious of all that you are, it will be clear to you what to do. You and the spirit of truth will see eye to eye. Is that helpful?
Q: Aye, aye.
TOMAS: Aye aye.
Q: I'm just grateful that all the big elements are coming together and the changes on both sides and just grateful to be in Michael's mission. Thank you for being here. I appreciate it. I'm hoping to manage all these major energies and I'm enjoying the stillness that can tweak me in a certain way, to relax in that space, which is hard to do sometimes, and I appreciate it.
TOMAS: It is a joy to have you as one of my associates and younger brothers. It is a joy to work with you young ones with eager faces held high for [inaudible (noise from an unmuted phone)] … blessing all of us have that same endearing quality I am told to Michael and his elder brothers and our Paradise family as well, thus I know you'll enjoy and I know the privilege you make reference to. Such a command we have been given. What wonders to unfold. Anything else?
Q:(Group thanks).
TOMAS: Charming children, it is indeed my pleasure to be your friend. I am like you, grateful for these occasions when we can bare our soul and put our trust in the pilot. Beautiful children, farewell and amen.