2004-10-31-Rejoicing In The Harvest & The Art of Debate
Topic: Rejoicing In The Harvest & The Art of Debate
Group: Rio Rancho TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean
TOMAS: Good tidings we bring, we in the invisible realm who have come again at your bidding and because of your willingness to open to the broadcast from On High and important also is that you come to reconnect with that which is eternal and sacred to you and your highest aspirations.
I am Tomas. I embrace you all, you who are in this immediate arena, as well as those of you who are benefitting from the up-stepping of psychic and cosmic energy that is invested in this process of reconnecting your material world with the spirit circuits, and greater realities of life as are introduced and shown to you by Paradise itself.
I tell you this communication is blessed by our Master Son, Michael of Nebadon, and smiled upon by Nebadonia, your Mother Spirit and Divine Minister. Our Parents are overseeing all our efforts and, attentive as they are, they garner every fine point of value, which you envision and actualize.
This nurturing of children is like the Master Gardener who nurtures his crop, Who gives himself to the seasons and the process of life and death as it is known in nature, as one season gives way to the next. And thus there arrives, as we enjoy today, a harvest. The season of harvest is upon us. The fullness of summer has just passed, is in its decline, but in its passing, it shouts aloud to all who will hear of its perfection in its fullness of being.
Rejoice in the harvest, in that which is, in that which has been developed, that which has been mastered, that which has been undertaken and accomplished. Rejoice in the part you have played therein, in the planting of seeds, the hoeing away of weeds and distraction, feeding your soil, preparing the growth, directing its advancement into fruition and enjoying the product of your efforts.
How great God is! What a provider we have in our Creator, and what assistance we enjoy through the Mother -- and her wood nymphs, and elves, and fairies -- who contribute to the enchantment of your Garden.
Reneau: Are you saying they are real?
TOMAS: No. I am saying they are a real perception. You must mark my words more poetically and less literally, for the garden and the spirit nymphs that grace your arena are all parables of a greater reality.
If you understand that these metaphors are representative of a common perception of what is generally perceived of as angelic life or spirit sprites such as have graced your superstitions and your literature for many generations, you will be able to capture the fancy of those who are attracted to the mystical and the mysterious. I remind you of the star of Bethlehem that many believe shone on the Christ Child, but this "fish story" is devised from what is truth, to conform to your imagination.
Remember, my child, I am a Teacher whose purpose is to teach you to become a teacher in your own right. You cannot catch all the fish in the sea by using one lure. Different schools of fish require different bait. You yourself are the arbiter of how you go about presenting the reality of the divine light to those you meet; therefore, I am giving you inspiration and permission to depend upon your own creative nature to find the ways and means to lure your fish into nibbling on your bait.
This is not a disreputable approach, for in truth it is wholesome, compared to the method that most of you are familiar with and which is expressed by God "hitting you upside the head with a two-by-four" to get your attention. It is not necessary to undergo a trauma or devastation to find God’s existence an integral and necessary part of your life experience. It can be gotten by simply inviting an enlarged concept of what God is, what the universe is all about, what relationship is, and how people get along. All of this is part of the work in the field. This dedication to duty and working in harmony with the laws of nature can provide the fruit of the spirit that will act as a lure to others.
I am in the situation here with you, in this configuration of students, to realize that most of you are associating with civilized, functional humanity who live a righteous life within the parameters of their own understanding. This might present an obstacle to the kingdom worker who perceives that there is nothing that can be added to these people. There is nothing you can contribute to their enhancement, for they already have matters well in hand.
I have a hunch this is the appropriate perspective from which to approach your work with these people. But there is still something that you bring to the paradigm of life as you live it that speaks uniquely of what you represent as you pass by. This is adding fertilizer to the soil, this adds nourishment to the field, this yields a better crop by its encouragement, by its acceptance of what already is, and by a thorough-going enjoyment of what humanity has already been able to harvest by and through its own efforts and evolutionary growth.
As you are in tune with the divine nature, and as you ask this greater consciousness to prevail with you in your comings and goings, it will then be able to perceive on behalf of the greater perspective, those new seeds of spirit consciousness which will be received in the hearts and minds of those with whom you have interacted in such a way as they feel opened to you and trusting of your qualities. Thereby you become more able to prevail with men, and it is essential that you develop the ability to prevail with others in order to get things done.
You are an industrious lot, products of an industrial time and place; you are ambitious for more, and you are willing to work for your ambitions to be realized. This alone allows you to have an impact on the world in which you live. The effectiveness of your desire to accomplish things that contribute to the advancement of humanity is not always something that can be done from the high art of divine communion because a pint cannot hold a quart.
If you can work with what is, you will be successful. This gives you virtual carte blanche. But giving you virtual carte blanche of the keys to the kingdom also gives you opportunity to learn how to manage this tremendous inheritance you have won from your ability to add to the truth, beauty and goodness of your fellows and their way of life.
You are very sociable. You are skilled, adept, adroit, sophisticated, sensitive, cunning and delightful in your accomplishments of these arts of civility and social intercourse. This is an attainment that others would enjoy more with the cosmic consciousness of divine reality added thereto.
How do you work in the field? How do you bring man to God? How do you bring yourself into a state of being that is love-saturated and desirous of ministering to the needs of your fellows in strength and faith of their desire to also be of service to you? Oft times a learned behavior can become an automatic behavior, a habitual way of life, a conditioned response, but without this morontial dimension, it is unfinished, not ripe for the harvest. Help the harvest along, but rejoice in that which you have already brought forth, and indeed, appreciate your place at the table where this abundance has been royally displayed.
Are there questions this afternoon from your perspective on life, regarding your efforts in the field, your encounters with humanity, your experiential learning or your metaphysical probing?
Elena: Tomas, the thing that you were talking about, I felt like you were talking to me and I am very appreciative. This past week was very frustrating at work, a very discouraging week. People at work seem to be so negative that it seems to be bring me down. Their life seems to be so . .. I don’t know. Your words are very encouraging to me. I find it very difficult to light my own light, much less let it shine through.
TOMAS: It is the last week before the elections and the moon has been full, and these have tremendous impact on humans. Your conditions here give rise to a great deal of conflict and turbulence. Your challenge is to be able to recognize many of these energies, identify their source, and put them in a category so that you can manage them and the personalities.
Paula: Don’t you think that a lot of people are kind of trying to force their views on you? And it’s ridiculous because probably everybody has made up your mind what you’re going to do, but some people make a big argument about it.
TOMAS: There are a lot of people who thrive on the art of debate, for it gives them an opportunity to hone their skills. They become more sharp in their ability to respond to others. They find self-esteem within that paradigm and thus become as if they were sharp knives, able to cut away anything.
This is an advancement from the barbaric practice of war, as is going on in Iraq today, and in many other hot spots of the globe, where violence is the response to frustration. The high art of debate, while cutting and incisive, is an intellectual response to the need to win, much as the Olympics represent a physical manifestation of this same need to surpass others, and be victor over those who are not as artful as he or she who triumphs overall.
These are efforts and exercises en route to civilizing the elements of mankind, which ultimately results in a state of light and life, that state we have mentioned many times, which even now to many of you may represent a vague and undefined future state of being, when in fact, as I have said many times, light and life is possible for each of you today, in your individual paradigm of reality.
And when you have wrapped yourself in this mantle of reality, you can walk through the lower and/or other paradigms of reality without losing your way, and without losing energy to the defense of your right to represent your reality in the world as does the sovereignty of every other individual. In a state of light and life, everyone does this. Until such a time as that is attained, the realities of the material life will prevail.
That is to say, the animal kingdom will take precedence over the divine kingdom ~ which is a natural evolutionary process, but stressful, nonetheless ~ and it will continue to be stressful for those of you who must, for one reason or another, have loyalties in both tracks ~ especially when those loyalties are in conflict ~ but this is the stuff of character growth and personality perfecting.
Elena: You mentioned loyalty to both tracks. I’m also thinking about what others have recommended before, of having an actual balance between the spiritual and the material worlds, and so I’m a little bit confused about having loyalties in track, and then about how -- going back to something you said earlier, about those two are alike, to the Father, so I’m confused there.
TOMAS: You have brought up wonderful material, fertile soil, indeed, for your own growth and the growth of humanity, with this important mota you approach.
This indicates the crux of my message and the gospel of Jesus. The question is about the two worlds in which you live: the human and the divine. It is a part of your nature. You are of animal origin with a divine destiny, and as you become more and more familiar with that spirit aspect of yourself, as you succumb to the powers that have led you (and will continue to lead you) in divine awareness, you are naturally and inherently experiencing the cycles of rebirth from old perspectives to new, as are those around you who may or may not be as willing to open to such perspectives because of a lack of understanding of how God works in your life or in the lives of those who have been reborn of the spirit and who function as a herald of greater reality.
Many times those who are civil religionists ascribe all credit to behavior-- the paradigm of behavior that is socially acceptable, as you would say "politically correct". But this is not lasting value, as is inherent in the reborn child of God, such as you know as one who entertains within you the divine fragment of divinity into which you are investing yourself in an attempt to grow your own immortal soul.
Living in the material realm with many who are not cognizant of that other dimension – even while many do play it lip service because they have an intellectual comprehension of what that represents and what behaviors are necessary in order to survive – results in the conflict because the loyalties of the material realm are often more emotionally poignant and culturally important than spiritual loyalties, whereas, from the spirit frame of reference, from loyalty first to the spirit, the cultural realm and the emotional fields are all better managed and the loyalties will fall within their proper perspective because the spirit reigns over all.
You can investigate this yourself by ascertaining one of your mortal loyalties and then stepping outside of that relationship that you have understood requires your loyalty, to the perspective of the consciousness of God that will allow the greater pattern of Paradise reality the opportunity to arrange a place within it for the loyalty of your creation ~ between yourself and that which you give yourself to in the material sense.
Elena: I think that helps. Thanks, Tomas.
Thoroah: I just had a thought, an analogy of two different worlds and the intrinsic nature of using your ability to live in both, like an amphibian that can live on land or in the water, and when it’s in the water he adapts to the water; when he is on land, he adapts to the land. He can do both. He doesn’t forsake one for the other. But he has the ability to do both and so that ability works in both places. So it’s not as much of a conflict as it is just being aware of whether he’s in the water or on land.
TOMAS: Let me add to that perspective the dimension that I am told to stress. If your amphibian is phosphorescent, as are the grunion, then I will accede to your example completely, for in that case, the fluorescence of the amphibian is visible in either dimension.
Thoroah: Absolutely.
TOMAS: And it is the fluorescence that allows you to function wholly and fully within either realm as a God-knowing individual, able to surround yourself with the fluorescence of God-consciousness in either aspect of your existence. Accustom yourself, then, to realizing your fluorescence, and consider that as a part of the abundance and the harvest of that which you have already established, and to varying degrees, have mastered within yourself, so that your light shines true wherever you go and you are secure and replete within that consciousness. In this way you will never be brought down by the surroundings. They are simply exterior to you.
Reneau: And this comes with this spiritual security and faith that you are protected, and that no matter what you do or what environment you are in, you do have that secure sense that you are safe and secure and protected. I think you actually don’t have to even like talk to people or try to convince them or anything, but you can still touch them just by . .. as you say . .. your ‘fluorescence’, your spiritual fragrance that you talk about. Just being you in your environment, and still being able to move through that magically because you have this innate security, right?
TOMAS: Yes. And you are able to draw out the fluorescence of others by encouraging them where they are, by speaking their language and encouraging them on their path.
Reneau: Even if it had to be a different path.
Thoroah: Indeed.
TOMAS: If they are given a little illumination, they will see their own way home. They are indwelt. Draw upon their Adjuster to enliven them, in confidence of their ability to work with the stimulation you provide in your desire to light that flame of spirit reality within others. And respond to it affirmatively when you see it manifested. This will help uphold the greater reality.
This is not political, cultural, or social theories or systems I refer to, but the essence of the individual who yearns for that which is the ideal, that will reflect their appreciation for the best they have to offer at this point in time. That is all anyone can do. "The act is ours; the consequences God’s.) And I have come today to encourage you to use whatever creative methods you are innately familiar with and comfortable with to allow the light of truth and the love of God to shine.
Paula: You know, something? We’ve got an interesting Sunday school class. We talk about everything, and everybody has a chance to spout off and say what they think. And all of a sudden they’re reading something in the Bible, and they’re yakking about the Immaculate Conception and at that point I had it. I said, "Look. What in the dickens difference could it possibly make? It’s none of our business. If Mary and Joseph got fooling around and all of a sudden she said, "Oops, I’m pregnant," so he said, "Okay, so we’ll get married and make it okay." So they did and it didn’t take nine months for Jesus to get born. But what possible business is it of ours?
Reneau: Because when the Bible was written, they were trying to show that he had a divine nature, from the very beginning. That’s because the Bible was written in retrospect, and so, therefor, if he was a wonderful, beautiful divine person, then he must have had a divine beginning, so there must have been angels singing at his birth because he as a super special person and we know that because as an adult he did all these wonderful divine things, therefor he must have had a divine beginning.
Thoroah: It was politically correct.
Reneau: So to live that divine life, half divine and half human, so to speak, they wrote in this Immaculate Conception thing because . .. it’s partially true! You know, Gabriel came and talked to Mary and many of the Biblical people will have a special beginning. They’ll have a . .. like John the Baptist. Look how special he was! I mean, if Elizabeth hadn’t conceived in 180 years . ..
Paula: Yeah! I’d like to know how she did that!
Reneau: And so it makes him a very special person, from the very beginning God has smiled on this person. And so whether or not there is an Immaculate Conception, like you say, we have no idea.
Paula: It isn’t our business! Why should we care?
TOMAS: I would recommend that you augment that story about your Sunday school discussion of the Immaculate Conception with the good news of the Resurrection, for that constancy is born into all of you regardless of your material parentage because you have divine parentage, as well, and what difference does it make, indeed, who your material father is, as long as you understand that your eternal life is dependent upon your eternal Father.
However, Paula, this is an indication that this myth was established and it represents even still how people think, and they do not think with the divine eye. They think in terms of social customs, as if that was the eternal quest.
I am going to wind this session down, for it seems we could lay here and watch the stars all night, but I do want to advise you that there will be a new teacher coming to this group to enhance the budding community of this area and hopefully we will be able to expand our palette to include some of the legends and mysteries that have been a part of the consciousness of the Age of Aquarius – that definition of the Correcting Time that is already understood and in existence today.
Paula: Well, who is coming? Will they be like you?
Thoroah: Stay tuned! This is the station to stay tuned.
Reneau: Thank you, Tomas. We love you.
TOMAS: I am not leaving you. I am merely being accompanied in future by a companion I have yet to meet myself. The bleachers today have been filled with mentors – your and my mentors – Machiventa, Abraham and many others align with us in our steps we take toward growing in the spirit. I will grow with you in these next few weeks until we meet again in celebration, again, of the tremendous outpouring of life from God’s cornucopia.
Enjoy yourselves and be about the Father’s business in such a way as you can report to us and teach us as we pass by. Farewell.
Group: Thank you, Tomas.