2004-11-01-Buttercups & Mountains
Topic: Buttercups & Mountains
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Katrina
TR: Helen Whitworth
Lesson 1
During a flight from Iceland to the UK, November 1, 2004. Teacher Katrina (A Celestial Artisan). Subject: "Buttercups and Mountains."
Katrina: "If you find yourself seated in a field of buttercups, the glory of the world is apparent within the small shining golden cups of yellow. You take a moment and delight in the scene of nature and of creation.
"When you are seated in a harsh cold wasteland do you see the same beauty? These scenes that give rise to awe and reverence may not be seen in the same glad-filled mind as are the buttercups, but the presence of the Creator is without doubt.
"The glory and majesty of such a scene is raw, it is harsh and it is powerful. It can make you feel huge or it can dwindle you to insignificance.
"Sometimes, when you meet with such strength of naked energy and power within your emotional reality, you may wish to turn your back, hoping instead for the field of buttercups, but the strength of such bleak situations should be reveled in for what it is, just as you revel in standing (physically) in such a place with the wind chilling you to the bone.
"It is as much a part of the God’s creation, such bleak times (in your life), as the fun filled days of laughter and joy, but there is a need to recognise in these moments the powerful forces that shape you as an individual. These come from the raging rivers and solid mountains more ever than the meadows of flowers.
Lesson 2
Cheshire, UK, November 16, 2004. Celestial Artisan Katrina. Subject: "Mists."
Katrina: "In the midst of the mists of time, there is motion, seen and unseen. Much of what happens is hidden beneath the surface but, too, the mist undulates and forms into beautiful patterns that can distract you, if you so choose, from the real case at point.
"These patterns of the mist are purely the sun, beaming its light upon the field and allowing the water and the dew there to evaporate. There is much in the way of phenomena at the moment that is confusing people. They are seeing the changes.
"At times it makes the mist grow thicker, but know that this is a stage, and shortly the sun will have cleared the dew, and the grass will shine green under its light. Then the insects come out, the worms from the earth, and children may play without fear of slipping or wetting their clothes.
"For the minute, appreciate what is there, and although you may see a foggy bank, pay attention to your feet, because through the fog, even though you cannot see the ground beneath your feet, you can feel it, and if you trust with your guides, then they will help you make your sure-footed way across the early morning field."