2004-11-07-About Monjoronson, Spirit Association
Topic: About Monjoronson, Spirit Association
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teachers: Evanson, Abraham, & Elyon
TR: Jonathan
Evanson (Jonathan TR): This is Evanson. I have asked to meet with you today because it is my desire to further your assurance of your belonging in this great universe family. It is such a delightful sight witnessing your faith. Your faith has matured, it has grown from early stages of hope and longing toward confidence and assurance and security. This has occurred because of your dedication to living what you understand about spiritual matters. This experience ripens your faith.
Now tangibly you know that your voice before the Father is heard and that his representative here in Nebadon will fully present the Father's will to your petition. As you have come to this deeper relationship with the Universal Father, our Creator Son, and your status as a child of God, you are empowered beyond measure. The years you have spent in communion has widened the channel of communication, and you are familiar with the small voice that speaks from your inmost being. In engaging this voice and applying its impulse of truth to your life you have developed a working ability, one that is associated with spirit and active in the world. And herein lies your duty. Many on your planet struggle with the development of this inner ear, are uncertain of their security with spirit contact, even afraid of encounters with malevolence. You become the voice for your fellows hoping to gain a stability, a trust, with spirit, an assurance that they do receive good and righteous guidance.
It is the words you speak, the actions you undertake, that point the way and your willingness to address their concerns, your willingness to indicate to them the reality of their own connection. These are the preliminary experiences for another as they develop their own confidence in the association with spirit. Faith begins humbly, ever willing to receive grace, the revelation of truth and the holy touch. But faith is living, and faith becomes a mighty muscle that works to lift many around you. It serves not only as the means whereby you ascend, but also as a method whereby faith is born in others. Where you stand today in your ascension, ahead of you is the adventure wherein your faith is small and humble, seeking to know and experience. Behind you is your attainment where your faith is strong and tall, ever ready to minister and to reveal what you have attained. Your world is in need of those who are willing to stand before others with the same confidence that our Creator Son did when he lived here. Deep in the soul of every spiritually sensitive personality is the ability to detect certainty of spirit association, of truth alignment, independent of organization, of doctrine.
This is the living link that speaks volumes to another. When it is recognized in you it transcends any expression that would require convincing. It stands beyond logic. It is a pure recognition of spirit placement, of belonging. This is your witness, and I perceive in you this reality. You are fully capable of re-presenting Michael and our Father in heaven to all. Thank you for hearing me. It is a joy to make my contact, to draw close to you in heart and to share in reflection.
Abraham: I am Abraham. Take yourself to the holy mount. Prostrate yourself before the altar of God. Enter into holy communion. It is with such devotion that you will be gifted with a high priest as I was. It is in your preparation that you will readily receive your assistance and do so without confusion. I have had such a remarkable experience in association with Machiventa. I assure you there will be adjustments to make, decisions to make, requirements to accept. But your dedication to Father is the anchor that is required that you may be able to adjust to cosmic influence and to align such that you not only receive but transmit cosmic ministry. If you give up yourself and give over to Father it is true all things will be added to you. I will add, even many beings will be added to you, for you will enter into a more active exchange with your higher brothers and sisters. Continue the maturation of your faith through communion. Shalom.
Ginny: Thank you, Abraham. Being a mortal having to deal with a supermortal being, you could give us good advice on being . ... (inaudible)
Elyon: This is Elyon. I am glad to have the company of Abraham and my dear friend Evanson. I have no lesson for you, as you have received well two encouraging and engaging expressions by these fine beings. I wish to be available as one to address your questions if you have them and to engage with you in comments.
Evelyn: They said it all; you have been for years now. When Abraham mentioned there would be adjustments, decisions, and requirements, it's easy to imagine the Thou-shalt-nots or how difficult it might be, but I don't think that's true. I don't have a question as to what the requirements might be, since he said we would receive all that without confusion. It's awe inspiring.
Magisterial Mission
Elyon: When Machiventa befriended Abraham there was a period of time for adjustment for Abraham to grow in comprehension of the significance of this visitor from Salvington. This was manageable, for it was one human being who realigned his spiritual awareness in order to accommodate the occurrence of such a bestowal. Upcoming is a visitation that will be made known to more than one wholehearted and faithful soul as Abraham. So have you all been preparing ahead of time, adjusting before the fact, readying yourselves prior to what could be startling and confusing. You are over these years becoming ready, and this will make the mission of the Magisterial Son more efficient, for the groundwork has been laid, the field prepared. You will be able to go right to work.
Evelyn: It's exciting.
Ginny: It sounds like Monjoronson will be coming and going. He will be appearing with many people and then going somewhere else wherever the work is needed.
Elyon: Monjoronson does have many tasks throughout Nebadon. However, Urantia is first on his list of engagements, for this bestowal world of Michael is of great importance. Your world is a landmark; it has historic significance in Nebadon. It is the primary example of the triumph of truth. Yes, it will require many associates to finish the Correcting Time on your world. Michael's bestowal, while affecting greater change in Nebadon due to his sovereignty attainment, also blessed this planet with a presentation of spirit truth intended to infuse all cultures, each religion. But the method was by personal sharing, testimonial, and witness. Monjoronson is working from the top down. A great staff will accompany him, and many enlistments from the surface of this world, that being yourselves, will also be used to help transform the whole world. It is an undertaking of great size. It is also an experiment in Nebadon; and your world, a decimal planet, qualifies for the outworking of such an experiment as a global transformation would be. It will, however, not be forced; you must as a planet accept. But it will be done with concerted effort, for while many upon this world enter into the morontia ascension, there are personalities who cherish this world and reside here for century after century, and they too want to see this planet attain its full capability, that you stand as a beacon of light to be counted among the worlds of transformation, a symbol that light prevails throughout darkness.
Evelyn: Thank you, Elyon, and thanks also to Abraham and Evanson.
Elyon: It is always my pleasure to sit among you and to reflect upon our mission for Michael. [[Category: Evanson[[