2004-11-13-A Lesson on Connecting
Topic: A Lesson on Connecting
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Unknown
Allow Me some moments to speak in more detail about connecting. Let us consider what connecting really means. You know that when you feel a kinship with someone that a connection has been established. I don’t mean just knowing someone by name, or knowing a person superficially, or even intellectually. By connecting I mean the establishment of a heart-connection, an understanding, which is somewhat unexplainable, and yet it feels so good that the memory of that moment is never forgotten. It is like recognizing that something is ‘very right.’ It is like you are wearing a comfortable slipper. It is like an old friendship, which, when rekindled after many years of not seeing the other person, makes the years ‘fall away,’ and you experience that same feeling of connecting all over again.
It is a connecting of a wordless understanding, as words are unnecessary. This is a connecting on a higher level, the human heart cries out for that feeling to be recognized -- the feeling of being worth something to someone else. This is not a selfish desire as it is your divine birthright to be understood. The human is a very sensitive being, and loves to be understood by others rather than having to explain why he or she is, and acts, the way he or she does. It can be very frustrating to be always misunderstood. It is like swimming outside your own school of fish, and always feeling somewhat alienated, but this is how you learn and gain understanding, leading to wisdom. Lessons help you to become more complete within yourself.
Humanly speaking, you may feel disconnected, but in reality you all share similar seed-souls. It is only through your personal choice and decision making process that your individual colors emerge, so to speak. It is your personality, given to you at birth by the Creator God, which helps bring this about. So spiritually speaking, you are never disconnected, for this is simply not possible. In all the wide evolving cosmos, each and everyone is connected like a sunbeam to the giant sun. Only clouds in the form of experiences may obscure this giant Sun, but it is nevertheless always there, otherwise you would cease to exist. Thus, the feeling of not being connected has only one remedy, and that is, of course, to get to know yourself on a much deeper level, which you do by coming regularly into the Stillness of your heart, where you find your God-connection waiting for you.
It is totally up to you to make that connection, and then the realization will dawn that you are not a cosmic orphan, or a cosmic accident, but that there is order, and a dependable regularity in the wide universe, and that you also play an important part in the grand scheme of things. If you do not play your part, then there is something missing. As soon as you realize that you do have the right to belong, and that in fact you are needed to play your role in the evolution of creation, you will feel better connected, as you are then becoming aware that you are in truth and fact a cosmic citizen. So take your rightful place, and become a worthy citizen in this grand scheme of things, and learn to develop a dependable, honest, sincere, and loving character. It is all in your hands as to how you purport yourself. And know that you are never alone, as you are always, and in all ways, connected to the All That Is.