2004-12-02-He Is A Personal God
Topic: He Is A Personal God
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Machiventa, Elyon
TR: Sandy Montee
Session 1
Machiventa: "Hello, this is Machiventa. I greet you with love.
"Each day the Father greets each and every one of His children with love, and holds each of His children close to Him as they go about their lives. Whether your trail is of love and joy, or filled with sadness and grief, the Father is with you and longs for a closer walk with you.
"He is a personal God, who cares for each of His children as if each of you were His only child, while giving, teaching, caring for your every need. In His eyes each of you is already perfect, even as He is.
"He asks for you to listen, as He whispers to you in a soft inner voice His words of encouragement and truth. His purpose is to bring you closer to Him, for you to believe in Him, and trust in Him.
"Michael joins me in bringing you these words, and we desire nothing more than to have you praise your Father for all time and eternity.
"I am Machiventa."
Session 2
Intentions & Perceptions
Machiventa: "Hello, this is Machiventa. Welcome, my students."
"Let us look at our inner selves today. Your intentions and perceptions have an effect on all that come into contact with you, and, indeed, they have an effect on the world around you. The first step is to examine your motives when working and playing with your fellow brothers and sisters.
"Ask yourself some hard questions.
"Do you think about the effect on other persons before you speak? Are you brutally honest and insist that your honesty gives you the right to offend. Your truth may not be someone else’s truth, and can be perceived by others as a threat.
"Take a "deep" look at yourself, and see the negative energy you produce as you are trying to control and twist things around to your own benefit. This negative energy is going out all around you, and it has a negative effect on those people near you. Think about the positive in what you do, and the energy field around you will engage others and indeed the world around you.
"Keep your mind on happy thoughts and appreciation. It will help you stay aware of the beautiful and good around you, and thank God for the people in your life who do love you. Happy thoughts make for happy people. Pull toward the positive and sweep the negative under the rug. Live for today as you take the hand of the Master and walk in unison with Him.
Sandy: "I am hearing a lot these days about a better world and what is going to happen regarding Monjoronson and his coming on assignment to Urantia. The excitement is running high, but I believe it is futile to try to anticipate that arrival date, and putting your life on hold to simply wait and watch.
"I know you want a better world, and feel that things are out of control as far as it concerns wars and terrorists and hunger. Urantia is right where it belongs in the sphere of the universe as of now, and the lessons are coming in from the Teachers at a faster rate than before.
"You need to run on your own energy, and look at yourself to see what you are doing to accomplish more peace around the world.
"I will step aside, because your dear friend Elyon would like to say a few words. This is Machiventa."
Elyon: "Hello Sandy, this is Elyon.
"The push toward Light and Life on Urantia is real, and as Machiventa said, you all, individually, need to prepare yourselves for upcoming events. However it is in your day-to-day lives that you need to look for God’s Will and be aware of His purpose in your life. Give freely of love, and that is the best you can do.
"Machiventa and I will now both take our leave, and we say Goodbye."