2004-12-21-My Peace I Give You
Topic: My Peach I Give You
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Unknown
Session 1
Dear one, allow yourself to be guided by Me from moment to moment, so your awareness grows into a greater consciousness of Me, and your soul smiles in My direction whenever you think of Me. Your understanding shall enlarge, exponentially, and your cooperation will increase as you take every little insight to heart and act upon it.
Acquired knowledge is dead if not acted upon. First you learn for yourself and then you put it into action to bring forth the fruits of the spirit, and your spirit will grow more powerful when you exercise more faith and trust in Me, your Indweller.
The only thing you need to apply is self-discipline, for it is up to you when you notice an uneasy feeling within yourself, to go to the cause of it, and to forgive yourself and others. To attain and retain an inner peace with a growing harmonious balance, it is needful that you be in a state of constant forgiveness and compassion towards self and all others.
Everyone at some level struggles for perfection, whether they are conscious of this, or not, depends of the level of awakening to the higher truths and values of life.
By sincerely trying to be mindful of Me, and My guiding you, you shall reap untold benefits as your mind becomes imbued with more positive thinking, and an increased state of balance develops. This in turn leads to a greater state of health for mind and body.
My question to you is: "When will you get serious about My guiding you, so I can give you clearer instructions?" Neither ears have heard, nor have eyes seen, what you are truly capable of as a child of God.
Don’t any longer deny yourself, or Me, the pleasure of starting to fulfill your Divine blueprint, and worry not about any of this, for I shall lead as you follow, giving Me your own free will to ultimately become one with Me.
My Peace I give you.
Session 2
Purify the Ego-self. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—282—May 2, 2004.
There is so much in the way of misunderstanding about the Ego. The Ego is an essential "commodity" that must be purified, not done away with.
Dear one, allow Me to explain something about forgiving and forgetting. This is the path of purifying the ego-self, and the hardest road to travel. It simply means that one aims to live a divine life here on earth, which is the ideal life to strive for.
Let Me put it this way, for you need to clearly understand what I mean by purifying the ego-self: This is the self that is easily hurt and angered by others. It is the self that holds on to resentments and past injuries. It is the self that keeps remembering those hurts, even if it thinks that it has forgiven them. As long as one remembers those, the self is not pure.
Forgiving is human, but forgetting is divine. Each day anew, something may serve as a trigger to remember old wounds, pains, grief, hurts, old angers, grudges and resentment, but as long as a shadow of any of these hurts remains in your memory, the self is not pure. This needs to be clearly understood. To cleanse the self anew each day is to aim for the divine life.
This has been made possible by the example of your Master-Son Jesus, who petitioned His father in heaven in His greatest agony, while being nailed to the cross, and after His message of Divine love and Forgiveness had been rejected. This, when He said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do," and then in His own great sorrow, He gave sustenance to one of the thieves hanging beside Him; one who repented of his sinful life, and He offered him to sometime be with Him in Paradise.
This is the divine forgiveness and forgetting to strive for—to rise above human limitations and to start aiming for the highest attainment possible—freedom from the little self.
This is not a path you can walk alone. You will always have My Guidance and sustenance.
This is My promise to you.
Session 3
Your Weaknesses Are Made Strong In Me. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—285—May 5, 2004.
Dear one, let us discuss the little self, which is destined to outgrow itself. You were born to become free, born with an innate capability to throw off the shackles of self-limiting thoughts.
You were born free to grow your own soul-self in the experience of life, and to learn to overcome obstacles in your way placed there by the circumstances of life, and often placed there by your own unthinking choosing and decision making. So through the experience of sorrows and grief you wake up to try and find a better way.
That is the moment when you begin to flex and train your faith-muscle in earnest, to persevere to the end of mortal life and attain the goal of eternal life. This effort needs a strong character to succeed, and in the sense that you realize that you have but a puny self-will and learn to exchange this willingly for God’s Will.
This is the supreme desire of the soul, and the struggle of the mortal who treads a weary path along the way, often forgetting that I live right within them, and could well relieve them of their burdens.
Let us face it; a life lived with a strong connection to the Creator God, is invariably more peaceful, more joyful, more loving, and more interesting than a life devoid of this living connection. The bereft ones sense deep within themselves that something is missing in their lives and they search everywhere in the outer world, little realizing that the greatest Anchor of life lives within them.
Dear one, when you feel out of sorts, the one and only thing to do is to go into the Stillness of your own heart, where I am waiting to reinforce your connection with Me.
All anxiety, fear and uncertainty will leave you as you come once more to rest in Me. You need to do this as long as the connection from your end does not feel strong enough, because you will fall back into your old habit patterns of fear and anxiety.
Remember to come to Me whenever you feel the need, and together we shall be strong and unbeatable. For your weaknesses are made strong in Me.
Session 3
One Eternal Moment in Time. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—286—May 6, 2004.
Dear one, let us discuss the depth of the inner life. Let Me assure you, that the deeper you delve into yourself, the more you will find to correct. A life lived with Me is not for the spiritually lazy, because it is a life of effort and struggle. It means an increasing honesty with self and more sincerity in dealing with others.
You will at times become painfully aware of how you react to others, and you will immediately experience an uncomfortable feeling in your spirit-self, if that reaction is less then honorable as it would befit a child of God.
For this you know by now; that you are a child of the Infinite Creator, Who sent a Fragment of Himself to dwell within you, to help you on the way to your destiny, so that after the completion of your training you become perfect as He, Himself, is perfect.
It is I who endeavor to lead you deeper and deeper into yourself, away from the shallowness of the outer life, which has been given to you as the terrain on which you make the deeper-felt choices and decisions as to how to live. Will it be a totally materialistic life dedicated to worry and stress, or will you continue to seek within, where I am waiting for you?
I know, that the outer material life can be very intense, and then you momentarily even forget that I am here, and you try to do things on your own rather then consult with Me.
I desire to lead you in such a manner that we are as one, as this is our ultimate aim, yours and Mine, to become One, not as one. There is a big difference and is quite do-able, and not as impossible as it sounds, to become one in fusion.
But this mighty occasion, a graduation of sorts, happens in your eternal life, although it can sometimes happen while still in mortal life. It is entirely up to you, for I depend on your choices, decisions, motivation, dedication and perseverance for you to unfold and grow.
This is one eternal moment in time in which you live. It is always the now, and the now, and the now.
Session 4
Each Other's Gift A Thought Adjuster Speaks—288—May 8, 2004.
Dear one, we are each other's Gifts. It is a great gift to Me, when you dedicate some time in your day to come to Me. Your perseverance is paying off now that you are beginning to discover what a great Gift I Am to you.
Did you realize that whenever you come to Me with wholehearted attention you are gifting yourself to Me, and My waiting for you is reciprocation on My part? Your dedication and perseverance shows Me that you are serious about getting to know Me. You are discovering what I Am to you, and you begin to better realize that undiscovered riches lie within you. Thereby, deep within you, a feeling of joy and child-like glee and happiness are stirring.
You are now beginning to experience the "pay-off" of your perseverance and dedication of your intent to develop your inner listening skills, which you can obtain only through practice. I know what a struggle this has been for you, and still is, to pay close attention to My words, and to not just "hear" them but to also feel them in your heart.
Our communion together brooks no outward intruding thoughts. It requires ‘a total absorbing yourself’ in Me, and the more often you do this, the more readily will I be available to you in your daily comings and goings. Thusly, you will be able to tap into My Wisdom.
So, the more you give Me your full attention, the better I can reciprocate, and the more we will become each other’s gifts. You give Me more of yourself, so I can give more of Myself. This, My beloved, is the path the Creator foresaw in His Wisdom, and since I Am part of His Wisdom, you can tap into Mine.
And whenever you are ready to enfold yourself in Me, then can I unfold Myself in you, so I become your mantle as it were. You are safe in My love and protection to grow and feed on My knowledge and wisdom.
You give Me your personality and character out of your free will, and I gift you with enfoldment into My Being.
Oh, what a partnership this is turning out to be! And this partnership is open to all with an ear willing to listen to their own Gift from the Creator-Father.
Session 5
I Am The Eye Of The Storm. A Thought Adjuster Speaks—366—July 25, 2004.
Are you ready to follow Me? Are you ready and willing to come into the Vortex with Me? Hold onto Me, no matter what turbulence may beset you, no matter what storms may assail your soul.
I am that Vortex. I am the Eye of the storm. I am the utter Peace, the Immense Calm that resides so deep within you. The Blinding Light where nothing remains hidden and all is known.
I know everything about you. I am the One who has been feeding you My words.
We will go on with your further training; you and Me, Me and you. It needs to be total trust on your part that when you put pen to paper, you will only write My Words without your thoughts intruding.
Are you willing to do this, My dear one? For it is I, your Beloved, Who speaks. I demand your total attention, your total devotion when I commune with you. You have told Me that you are now willing to do My Will, which is the Will of the Eternal God. Are you still abiding by your decision?
Receiver: "Yes."
Very well then, we will embark on a new series, which will astound both, you, and those who read these words.
Your material brain has been made ready with the necessary adjustments and connections, so the words can flow much easier than before. Everything shall unfold according the Will of God.
When turbulence hits in the outer material world, you can, at any time, come to Me, for I am the Eye of the storm. Are you ready now?
Come, I shall lead you. Just hold My Hand.