2005-01-01-South Asia
Topic: South Asia
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Sandy Montee
Machiventa: "Hello to you all.
"Your Midwayer friends and I have been in South Asia to help with the Father’s work of caring for the many who have passed on. These souls have been lifted into the higher realms, and are beginning a new life where the sometimes-brutal hardships of earthly existence are left behind.
"Also left behind are the thousands and thousands of survivors, who are distraught because of the sudden loss of their loved ones. The world shares their grief, and we will work together to soothe and comfort them. Our work is beyond their vision, but vital to their spiritual well being. Soon they will begin a life of fresh new hope.
"Let us look beyond the clouds and thank God as he greets, loves and cares for the ones that have been lifted into the heavenly realms.
"This disaster of such magnitude will go down into the pages of history for centuries to come. It is the natural evolution of the planet as it gives to the pressure that builds up over eons of time, until it explodes with such mighty force.
"I ask that every person who reads this will send prayers and loving, positive energy to their brothers and sisters who are suffering, and also to the caretakers who have gone into these areas of devastation and human misery, for they, too, are angels, indeed.
"I send my love. I am Machiventa."