2005-01-02-Experiencing God
Topic: Experiencing God
Group: Nashville TeaM
Teacher: Ham
TR: Rebecca
Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am happy to be here this evening among you. Let us discuss what it means to find God then what it means to grow to know him. Knowing God comes through experiencing his spirit. When you know God in the mind, the intellect can discern what God should be like, what God should not be like, but the intellect alone does not perceive God directly. The mind can decide and differentiate between value levels and attributes a perfect God would logically possess. But, only the soul can perceive God’s spirit and know him directly as Father and Friend.
Experience of God, then, must supersede thoughts about God and this experience – the direct perception of God’s goodness, truth and beauty – can then create the mental impression which begins the true knowing of God. Experience is translated into thought. Thought about God, at least, cannot be directly translated into experience of him. The mind must be a doorway, a point of acceptance, but it is not directly the seat of God-experience.
God is experienced through the loving channels of the soul. You perceive him in your hearts, truly, and this perception is first felt then thought about. God’s love is known before it is described. God’s love is experienced and that experience creates knowing in itself. You know the color red because you have experienced it. Without the experience, all description falls short and description cannot generate that unique perception to one who has never experienced the color red. In this sense then, the mind is a doorway but the experience of God by your souls is so altering, so effective in realigning your perceptions that when God’s love is felt, there is a simultaneous knowing of God.
If you did not directly perceive his goodness, the mind would rebel against the requirement of trust. But for those who have perceived God’s goodness directly, the question of trust is never in doubt. Once you have grown in your perception of God’s goodness, you simply cannot help but to trust him. And, trusting God is the only certainty upon this path of life for God’s love is the only constant you will know.
What is God’s will? This is truly the central question of your lives and yet the answer can only come through the knowledge of God as given directly through experience of him. When you experience God in your hearts and have learned to trust him, then walking a path of righteousness, bearing the fruits of the spirit, and serving your fellows all are manifestations of his will. When you know God, then soon you come to know his will for you.
My children, you must rest securely in his arms. Allow the Father to rap his arms around your life. Allow the Father to guide and direct all your efforts, not simply those you have consciously dedicated to him. Consciously, you must simply open the door. All else will be added unto you and your knowledge of God will grow as you increasingly experience his love.
All of you are coming into greater God-knowingness through increasing experience of his love. All of you are increasing in your trust of him and in your willingness to be led. In this you are all doing very well and are finding your love for your brethren increasing over time. Be at peace then in all things. Release your tendencies toward worry and distress and do not be afraid of what the future holds, for in this the Father goes before you preparing a place. You are his children, precious in your nearness to him. Trust him and he will not fail you. Lean upon him and the way will be made straight and easy.
Q: Today I think I experienced what you are talking about while I was out running. At the time I had no doubt about the experience, but now that we are thinking and talking about it, is there ever a danger of misinterpreting experiences like this? If you are feeling like you are experiencing the reality of God or the love of God should you just trust that this is happening?
Ham: Yes. Do not try to analyze spiritual experience, for in the analysis it will seem to disappear. The soul informs the mind on matters of the spirit, not vice versa.
Q: Are there certain situations that can facilitate God-experiencing, like stillness or being in nature?
Ham: Well certainly this is so, but it is important understand that the experience of God can be had any time and all the time. If you confine the experience to certain set conditions, you may be hampering growth rather than facilitating it. The mind knows perfect peace that is settled on God. Settle your minds upon God’s perfect spirit and you will certainly know that peace. Once you know that peace, you will crave to have it with you always. For the Master and the Father both continually exert a pull upon your souls, pulling you ever upward and expanding your soul to encompass the ever greater God experience.
Q: Could I have a message Ham?
Ham: Yes, certainly my son. My son you are doing well. You have come through many difficulties and are now growing in balance and truly more balanced thinking and more calm self-assuredness. Your path continues as your soul expands and develops. Always remember that spiritual growth must come first. At this time, it is well and good to pursue your path in the spirit with all your heart for the growth of the spirit, of the soul, will lead all other developments. Also, if you are blocked in your spiritual progression, you will be blocked in other ways as well. Seek first the kingdom of heaven, then all things needful will be added unto you. Make the spiritual your priority, everything else will follow of its own.
Q: Do you have anything for Rebecca?
Ham: Yes, my daughter, you are doing well. Continue to grow in trust and faith. Continue to move forward and to deepen your commitment to the tasks before you. Know that the Master’s spirit goes with you and before you in all things. He will open your way so long as your trust in him is complete. Think not of yourself at any point, rather think only of the mission and its importance. Let the importance of your work wash away thoughts of personal insecurity or failure for these things are immaterial. Trust, trust, and more trust must be your mantra. Let not a shadow of doubt enter into your thoughts. Rather, be upheld in secure knowledge of the Master’s spirit and his personal, intimate, and tender love. With this love, you can truly be about our Father’s business. Trust then in this love and your way is secure.
Q: Jarad?
Ham: Yes my son, you are doing well. Continue also to deepen your commitment and the consecration of your life’s path to the Master’s holy will. Embrace his love without reservation. Learn that his love is not conditioned upon anything you can do or control. His love for you is absolute and yet extremely personal, solicitous, and tender. Be at peace then, for you way will open.
Q: Do you have anything for Billy Don?
Ham: Yes my son. Truly you have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and now you fear it not and thus it has no power. Trust in God’s love my son, trust in his spirit. Consecrate your will to his service and know that he can and will use you for his greater purposes. You will be going through a time of decision making. In this, and in all things, turn over your decisions to his will and release your burdens. Realize that even as you find everything you need in him, so too does he find what he needs in you. Ask then to be used for his will and he will use you. Ask to know him and you will know him. Ask to be forgiven, and you will find the ability to accept forgiveness grows. Love God with all your heart and all your might and all your mind and his love will be manifest within you. Rest my son. This is a time of preparation not a time of action. Be at peace. You are doing well.
Q: Do you have any counsel for me tonight Ham?
Ham: Yes my son, you are doing just fine. You are finding that indeed when you seek first the kingdom of God, then the things of this life begin to fall into place without too much effort. My son, as you find your way forward, remember that growth in the spirit is always manifested in every day life. Know that you have past many tests and that you are being strengthened for the work ahead. Understand that so long as you seek after the Master and his righteousness, you will have what is needed in all areas of life. Trust in him and you will have what you need.
Q: From Keri: If you have a meeting with Ham on Sunday will you please thank him for his continued words of hope and guidance and may I have a personal message too?
Ham: Yes my daughter, you are doing well. Gradually my dear you are coming to order your life by the priorities of the spirit. Let this continue. Find your way forward by means of listening to the still small voice in your heart saying this is the way. Pray that you can accept the great love the Father continually showers upon you. For the more you can perceive and accept that love, the more peace and fulfillment you will find in all areas of your life. Embrace God and the way is plain. You do well my dear.
Q: Do you have a personal message for Norbert?
Ham: Of course my son, you are doing well. My son, do not worry about your future, for your future is secure in your acceptance of our Father and your acceptance of Christ Michael and his spirit. Hold back nothing, but give all you have and all you are to the greater purposes of our Father and his Son. Do not be confused. Seek and you will find. It’s as simple as that.
Q: Do you have a personal message for Charlie B?
Ham: Certainly my son, you are likewise doing well. Embracing the loving hand of God would seem to be an easy and natural thing. Of course, with the complications inherent in all of the human condition, accepting God’s love is often anything but simple. Reach out to your fellows as you have done. Do not fear nor worry about the future. You will have all you need.
Q: Do you have any feedback for me this week?
Ham: Yes, my son. You are doing well. Rejoice in the spirit for your way continues to open. Increase in the fruits of the spirit. Let your love overflow to all those you meet and open your heart in increasing measure in all areas. Do not be tempted to revert to judgmental feelings, rather push through these kinds of responses into acceptance of all who cross your path. Embrace and love all the children sent into your charge. Show consistently by your example a feeling of calm and a feeling of security through knowing God and striving to be like him. Show forth the fruits of his spirit. You are doing very well my son.
Are there any further questions at this time? Very well then, my friends, as you go forth in this life during the week ahead with all its challenges, let my love be with you, let the Master’s spirit be increasingly part of your experience and your consciousness. Let his word speak constantly to your hearts. Until next week, farewell.