2005-01-09-Fourteenth Anniversary of Group
Topic: Anniversary
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teachers: Michael, Daniel, Klarixiska, Aaron, Loretta, Jedidiah
TR's: Nancy, Virginia, Simeon, Ron
MICHAEL (Nancy):
Beloved children, I am your Father—Brother, Michael, here amongst you holding you in my warm embrace, feeling Fatherly pride and a deep sense of kinship and abundant love. I appreciate every effort you make to know me better, to develop a friendship with me.
Let me be your companion. Let me hold your hand in all hours of the day, in the early morning when the sun is rising with the promise of new events, new possibilities, challenges, yes, and opportunities for success, for growth.
Let me hold your hand in the wee hours of the night when the stars are shrouded in mist and love seems distant.
Let me hold your hand in the afternoon as you work at honest toil, part of human endeavor necessary for sustaining life.
Let me hold your hand in the evening as the sun begins to set and its massive rays extend high into the sky signaling the promise of another day.
I am with you at all times. I love you at all times. My greatest desire is that you know me like I know you, that you may know the beauty of my embrace and return it fully.
I congratulate this group on completing your thirteen years, and I look forward to your growth together in this great time of change and upliftment that I have set into motion.
Father be with these, your children, and your extended universe, as they meet tonight to learn at the feet of their teachers, your children. May their minds be open, that reality may enter. Glory to You Oh Father. Amen.
DANIEL (Nancy): Greetings friends, I am Daniel. As part of tonight’s format, we ask that you all share your receptivity. There are several who desire to be heard using the voice of their charge. I welcome you. I love you. I will return later this evening.
KLARIXISKA (Virginia): This is Klarixiska. I would take this opportunity to wish a happy anniversary to this group, and I would briefly review the short few years that you have been a part of this experience, from one of skepticism and fear to one of trust in the unseen and to one of love and bearing of fruit.
Yes, it is true that each individual, both those seen and unseen, is limited in their experience of love, but that does not mean that your love has not grown. Yes! Love for self, love for one another and, of course, love for the Father—all this is love. The desire to do God’s will and the desire to give to others, this has increased.
Never do we talk about perfection but always progress. It is certainly not where you are; it is how far you have come as individuals, as a group. And, yes, people have come and gone, and yet you can look at each one from the past and the present and recognize that love has come to you and you have been able to extend because of each and every experience. Perfection, no. Progress, yes! Thank you for listening to me.
LYNDA (Nancy): I am Lynda, PamElla’s personal teacher, grabbing at this opportunity to share with this group my perspective, not only of the past thirteen years, but including the additional years since I first came to this world.
I was here prior to the full adjudication of the rebellion as part of a team of helpers being placed with young individuals that we might assist in these children and young people’s development, and assist them in more clearly hearing that guidance that is provided, and, in so doing, learn and grow ourselves as we participated in this opportunity to tutor.
I have been with PamElla from a very young age, and I have experienced this planet as energies were beginning to swirl, to change, to adjust. I have observed this nation as it entered the era of Civil Rights and saw much growth and upliftment in attitudes. From my perspective, I have continued to see change in desire for greater knowledge, greater understanding, greater freedom, greater goodness, greater desire for God’s will.
With the opening of the circuits, there has been a flood of teachers, of assistants. Now any individual who has desire to grow, to become more than they are today, for these individuals, there is a ready assistant there to help. And so when I first arrived, we were limited in number. Now the help is magnified enormously.
While your world remains polluted, you are on the verge of change. While the world appears divided and fractionalized, you are on the brink of outswelling, a cry for unity, that will be realized.
And, so, I have seen incredible progress made in a very short time of Urantia history. Then I look to each of you, those who I have known for many years and those whom I am just becoming familiar with. I am aware of much progress driven by your desire to love God, to know God, and to be about the Father’s business, to do His/Her will.
I appreciate the opportunity to share my perspective and to congratulate the group and to congratulate the individuals for your individual work and perspective. I am Lynda, sending you my warmest regards, my great affection, and sharing with you in God’s love.
AARON (Bob D.): Greetings to you, this is Aaron. My pleasure to be here this evening. You each have been growing, and the struggles that you face are signifiers that you are not satisfied in complacency but seek to better become identified with the patterns of divinity. Your perceptions about the gap between your ideal and present state has the potential to power you forward if you recognize that the disparity is bound by time rather than embodying some inherent flaw or lack that is unfixable.
You all are given the opportunity to rise from your state into a higher state of being, characterized by continuous love, mercy and ministry. This is preordained in the sense that we can see it as a fact aside from time. This is who you will be, not merely what you want to be.
Our efforts here now, in this ministry with you, are to bring you to the common awareness of the love of the Father for you individually and your capacity for love waiting to be actualized as you perceive the ministry of your Father Fragment indwelling you. Take seriously the call to develop that relationship and thus become characterized by the very ministry now presented to you, such that you are ministry personified in the activities of your life.
The love of God and the love of your fellows are the steps that will undoubtedly bring you forward on the path toward the eventual realization of all that you can conceive and that which you have not yet conceived. There is no need to look too far down the road and overlook the simple ministry you have before you. For as you live the commonplace existence with the recognition of your relation to God, your ministry will flower and the long-range destinies will be fulfilled.
So take heart tonight that your flaws are mere nuisances in the cosmic scheme of progression. Though they may seem real and pressing to you now, they will be elements of a bygone era shortly. Each day you can recommit to your Father in silence, in your contemplation, your desire to do God’s will, and all that has gone on before dissolves in that present commitment.
This constant state of renewal is the glory and the manifestation of mercy from our Creators. Bask in it, and utilize it as an inspiration to keep you focused toward progress and maintenance of the connection waiting for you.
At this time I withdraw and thank you for your time this evening, Carry on.
LORETTA (Nancy): Nancy struggles with my name, and so we will skip names and even relationships. I am the delighted teacher of my dear sweet charge who I am so thrilled to serve.
I have no lengthy comments, no lesson, but I do wish to say to each of you, well done. I repeat, well done!
Too often it is the tendency of mortals to focus on the negatives, the shortcomings and the flaws, rather than to see that which you achieved. Being willing to address the issue is achievement, and then there is the process, and then there is completion, and another task opens. But for each small step, acknowledge yourselves. Recognize what you do achieve. Recognize your willingness. Recognize your desire, and say to yourself, "well done." Allow yourself to "feel" your acknowledgement for your work.
I take my leave; I leave you my sincere and devoted love. I am Pat’s teacher.
Pat: Thank you Loretta.
LORETTA: My true pleasure
AARON (Bob D.) There is a sense of quiet and peacefulness in the room. Perhaps as an exercise, just to keep you on your toes, you each could think of one thing that you are thankful for and share that with the group here tonight. Of course, if you do not feel comfortable, you do not have to feel inclined to share.
Ken, my friend, (Ken: This has got to be Aaron) if you could begin, it would be my pleasure. Yes, I am Aaron.
Ken: Greetings Aaron. The one thing I am thankful for in my life is present in this room, and that is my wife. I am thankful for her and her presence in my life.
AARON: Feel free to go in a circle, clockwise.
Debi: I am thankful for my children. (Ed note: Debi is a seeker of truth, new to our group.)
Nancy: That was what came to me, to think of one thing, and I immediately thought of Abby, and what joy she brings me. And what a delightful age three and a half is.
I guess also, associated with thinking about what a delightful age three and a half is, is that I am grateful for the additional freedom that three and a half brings verses two and a half. And I am grateful for my daughter and I am grateful for beginning to re-connect (lost) activity that help to define me in a different point in time.
Barbara: I am thankful for life and lessons that we’ve learned. I am thankful every day that I wake up. I am thankful for the strength and for the opportunity of accepting any kind of changes that come to me during the day. And I am very thankful for my children and my grandchildren.
Pat: I am certainly very thankful for my family and I am very thankful to be living at this time. I feel very fortunate.
Virginia: I immediately thought when Aaron said, "think of one thing," I thought in terms of spiritual issues. And I recalled today about something that had been said to me as a teenager, and I thought to myself how fortunate that seeds that were planted have grown. I am very grateful that I am not the person that my husband married. (Laughing)
I am also very grateful that I have a body that is healing and I have children that care for me, and that I in turn can be there for them. And my daughter in-law and son in-law have been wonderful. And little Abby remains an inspiration to stay ahead of her. Thank you.
Ron: I’m passing Aaron.
Nancy: I’ll take his turn. There’s more. I’m really grateful for my spiritual path and really grateful for my introduction to the Teaching Mission. And the knowledge—I think that’s the word I want to use—I have of active love and support. And I am grateful for the experience that I had with Nebadonia’s’ love that was so overwhelming. I have it as an experience that I can recall even if I don’t believe it. I am grateful for my experiences.
Bob D.: I think I am just grateful for a lot of things, but watching Shannon begin to expand in her mind and all these questions coming in and having her so curious and excited about everything. Spirituality is intriguing to her, ideas of God, whether He is in your heart, whether He lives in heaven, where He’s at. And the opportunity, since she goes to a private Christian school, to have her come home and ask her what she learned during the day, and tell me about some story from the Bible and then be able to go deeper into that and just kind of talk more about it. You know, it’s just a wonderful time. If she doesn’t have her Thought Adjuster yet, it is coming soon, because she is blossoming into such a joy. I think that is just one thing I would share tonight.
AARON: Thank you, each of you, for your efforts to share. The dialog is not meant to stifle your perceptive ability in communicating with your teacher. I know there are others that would speak if you can open up and receive.
JEDIDIAH (Ron): Good evening, my name is Jedidiah. Greetings to you. What I say is short. Do not drown yourself in knowledge and kill the child of faith. Thank you for letting me share.
DANIEL (Nancy): My friends, I am Daniel, grateful teacher to this Southeast Idaho Teaching Mission Base, here to express my great love for each of you and my joy in having been your teacher these many years, those of you who have been with the group from the beginning, and my great joy in being the teacher of those who are new to the group. I look forward to another year of expanding horizons, deepening intimacy, broadened awareness, greater ability to love and to be loved. Go forth this week internalizing the knowledge that you are precious to our Great Parents, and precious to us, your privileged teachers.
Please, stand, and hold hands that you may share with us in a closing prayer.
Father may the completion of this year be the opening for even more rapid transformational change. May Your great love reign in each of these lives. I offer this prayer in the name of Christ Michael, our Father—Brother. Amen
This is the anniversary of the South East Idaho Teaching Base. We are starting our fourteenth year as a group.