2005-01-09-Meeting The Challenges Ahead
Topic: Meeting the Challenges Ahead
Group: Rio Rancho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Michael, Tomas
TR: Gerdean
MONJORONSON: I greet you this afternoon on behalf of all the powers of divinity that descend into your environment and bring light to your dark sphere. Reach up to the light. Walk in the light. Advance into the light.
[Long pause]
There is nothing I can say to you today that will contribute to your comprehension from the perspective I offer, although I anticipate in the future I will have opportunity again to be with you and present potential for your speculation. The truth is, I will probably work with the next generation. However, it is always a cultural legacy from wise ones like you that form the path for those young ones to follow; therefore, you are useful to this advancing mission. I leave you now to your capable comrades in the spirit.
MICHAEL: This is your Michael Son, the risen Christ, and the Good Shepherd. I am your elder Brother in the path to our Father. I am your Great Friend in your efforts to understand the life I lived and the work I did on behalf of the Father of us all, the Source of beauty, truth and goodness … and Love.
I observe your lights twinkle in the midst of my enemies, and call you forth to stir up a restlessness in the heart of your hearers that will yield a yearning for greater comprehension of what this divine Sonship means.
Being a child of God is not a matter recorded on a page in a book, on a registry somewhere, but is written in your hearts. Bring this seed of truth to light and life within you, Yeomen of the Kingdom that you are.
I delight in seeing your efforts to proceed and find joy in the relationship that develops quietly and steadily between you as a result of the unceasing ministry of your Indwelling Adjusters. I bow to your Adjusters in faith of their ability to lead you into the light and to lead others.
Thus we become Way-Showers, even as I am a Way-Shower, having come before you to show you the Way. As your luminarias bear witness, our path to the Father is well lit. All we need to do is walk therein. Peace be upon you.
TOMAS: And I am Tomas, your friend and companion from days of yore.
It feels as if we are entering a new era in our community, as well as a new year, for this now is a season to look forward to another opportunity to rise to the occasion of meeting the challenges ahead, and of taking comfort in the knowledge that there are those among you who walk with you in this endeavor, both in the flesh and in the spirit.
We are very much looking forward to our work together with you individually and as a community. In the ways we work and play together, even as we worship and pray together, we cement the bond of divine connection that exists between us, and this offers an armature that will support the beings we are becoming as a result of our commitment to walk in the way our Father shows.
What have you to bring to the group, after this long absence? Let me hear your voices.
Esmeralda: It’s good to hear your voice, Tomas.
TOMAS: Esmeralda, Child, I embrace you and thank you for your attendance upon the needs of your flock. The Mother Spirit embodied in your ministry to this community is not unnoticed by all who observe your loyalties and rigors on behalf of that which is true, beautiful and good. I have and we have faith in you and what you do. Rise to the understanding of this gift, this ministry that you provide, and wear it as a diadem which reflects the light from On High.
Esmeralda: Thank you, Tomas. Those are good sounding words. They make me feel better.
TOMAS: They were intended to. Encouragement seems to be a lost commodity. In a world that is tumbling fast-forward, there is little need for encouragement, it would seem, for better to put on the brakes than to encourage full-speed ahead. However, the awareness of the moment and the clarity that resides within that eternal now is the state of mind and being that will allow you to know and feel the peace which passes all understanding at all times, even as you are drawn forward by the lure of the Master, instead of being pushed pell mell into the future by the driven.
Men-O-Pah: Tomas, I’d like for you to comment, if you would, on the recent catastrophe that has occurred in Southeast Asia. I’ve been witness to a good many natural catastrophes in my lifetime that are never understood. I know what makes these things, but I suppose the one that I’ve been witness to the last three weeks or so and the largest that I’ve ever been put through – and for me to say that I understand it, I don’t.
TOMAS: I will comment, Men-O-Pah. However, I am not sure that my remarks will give you the comfort that your soul longs for in the face of such devastation and seeming injustice for so many hapless mortals.
Be apprised of the overview, if you will, and my presentation to you will make sense, acknowledging the planet is not yet settled in light and life itself, physically; it is still a rugged and evolving mass of gasses and molecules which have not crystallized into perfection. Thus, physical, geologic changes will take place until such time as the planet is hardened from the inside out and becomes as if it were a bead of solid metal coursing in its orbit through space. As it is, it remains vulnerable to its material composition, including underground platelets that have not found their way to the hard core bottom of the heart of the world.
This natural geologic change accorded a great catastrophe by the coastal destruction brought on by the tsunami, as you know.
If you were, as a man, able to perceive that as you trudged on a hike over the hillside, you inadvertently found your footing on an anthill, it would not cause you consternation to pass on by en route to your destiny, but imagine the devastation to the ant colony itself, having been trod upon by your boot as you went about your business. In many ways the universe is simply being about its business, and while it is in many ways an impersonal act of nature, it is naturally an important event in terms of a mass ascension and an adjustment to those who are left to clean up the mess, physically and psychically.
The horrors of material worlds are something that all evolving worlds go through. It is not unique to your planet. It is an indication of how young your world is, still. It may well be that even after your planet is settled in light and life socially and spiritually, it will still have difficulties due to inclement weather, because things happen to a world from the outside, not just from the inside of its being. But these are merely material manifestations of the on-going and perfecting panorama of your universe, as well as the Grand Universe, which ultimately and eventually will find itself beyond harm.
How can I further help you in your comprehension of such an event? In what way may I be of service?
Men-O-Pah: Well, I don’t know.
TOMAS: This is the only real question you can ask in such a case, such a situation, given that it occurred and there was evidently nothing anyone could do to stop it: What can we do now to make it better for those who remain?
Horrible devastation though it is, it is not any indication of God’s disfavor. It is no statement as to the lifestyle of those people who were uprooted, even eviscerated, by the calamity. The Father remains a loving and patient being who looks over all of his creation and knows the number of hairs on your head and your souls are safe in His hands. "From dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return."
The energy you expend now in grief or disheartenment ought to be regarded as a state of mourning for that which is lost, in order for you to come to grips with the actuality of the fact that what remains is where your opportunity reveals what is in your heart, in your effort and desire to be of assistance or service to those who have been affected by the tragedy.
And in truth, this is the case in all of life’s situations. Life happens, and all you can do is attempt to be useful in the process of life revealing itself, ever being mindful that even as that which is material falls a way, that which is enduring, lasting and eternal, is only now coming into view. That is the path to pursue, the one that is all merciful and all providing.
Does this help?
Men-O-Pah: Yes.
[Long pause]
TOMAS: Are there other questions or comments? [Long pause]
Given the nature of this afternoon, that you have had an opportunity as a community to discuss and anticipate our upcoming event in which our Teacher Corps will be hosts to our mortal associates in a real environment of camaraderie and community, we rejoice in the development and cut you loose with our blessings and our wishes for a happy day and a good time until we meet again.
I am always with you in terms of my commitment to your growth and your well being, in particular your spiritual and enduring value. And so, count on me as a companion in your advancing efforts to know God, to know his will for you, and your efforts to follow therein. I love you all. Amen and farewell.
Men-O-Pah: Thank you, Tomas.