2005-02-21-Faith & Spiritual Maturity
Topic: Faith & Spiritual Maturity
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I enjoy the consistency of this meeting. No matter what happens during the week, we know we can count on a re-centering of spirit. Each week within our fellowship, I am with gratitude to you faithful brothers and sisters. Your willingness to stay the course has been a wonderful example to many.
Most of you that have been with us for many years have seen slight transformation within yourselves and with one another. Perhaps the road you predicted did not layout before you as expected, but your willingness to remain on the path is inspirational. In the early years of the Correcting Time we each had expectations. I had expectations. I can see now that what Father has laid out before me is indeed much better than I could have ever thought of myself. Father’s plans are enduring and creating permanent change.
We have been discussing faith and how that relates with spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is setting aside of expectations in the faith-knowingness that Father’s will prevails. Take for example John the Baptist. The Master knew John for much of His life. He loved John like a brother. Imagine your brother being held in prison for your cause. Certainly, the Master was uncomfortable with John’s plight and yet, He remained faithful to following the Father’s will.
Certainly, Jesus was sorrowful at the thoughts of John and sympathetic to John’s mindal torment. It was the Master’s deep desire to free His friend form this torture and yet, the Master set aside His personal feelings and endured the Father’s time, for He was indeed faithful and trusting of an all-knowing, all-powerful universal Creator. Had the Master interrupted the Father’s plans with His personal desires, how would have the situation played out differently?
How was our Creative Daughter Eve’s experience comparable to this? Eve acted upon her desires and waited not for the Father’s will to lay out what was a very important part of history for Urantia. Eve was faithful, but she could not endure the Father’s time. She allowed herself to be swayed by the reality before her eyes. Eve was a being knowledgeable of various realms of spirituality and yet, she was found with impatience and unwillingness to stay the course or be faithful of Father’s ability to create permanent change.
The Master however faithfully relied upon the Father’s will to lead Him moment by moment, minute by minute, day by day. In faith, time was not an aggravation to Jesus. In the reality of faith, the truth was laid out before Him in Father’s time. How is the Mission purpose like this historical experience? How are you made now to have mindal peace over the limitations of time? In your experience does not faith show you value, does it not show you the how and why?
As you well know, mortals can be overtaken by what is before their eyes and faith appears to be fleeting. This is indeed why we suggest spiritual exercise, stillness, prayer, etc. How was Jesus endowed with such strength to remain calm in the face of every mortal storm? Remember He was also a man. He was brought up as an infant in that day and age to an adult, much as any other mortal is. He also had to allow for faith to grow in the soil of an everyday average mortal life.
This week we will focus on exerting expectation--over allowing faith. Let us try to have freedom from time concern. Find a few moments each day for quiet. Allow yourselves to be open to and take a part in permanent change. That is all. Again, I thank you for your faithfulness, your consistency. Our fellowship is indeed a bright light in what we know as the Correcting Time. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.