2005-02-24-Be Kind To Children, Maitreya
Topic: Be Kind To Children, Maitreya
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean
Tomas: Good evening, my friends. This is Tomas. I am pleased and proud to be a part of your consciousizing. Welcome to this format of association and communication. I have enjoyed the recitation of the retreat which we did indeed enjoy on our side as we commingled with you and helped to navigate your bodies and souls into those places which we deemed would most benefit your needs at the time.
There is a scripture to the effect that there is a season for all things, a time to plant and a time to sow, a time to reap, a time to laugh, a time to weep, a time to be born, a time to die. This interweaving of realities and focus is something that goes on throughout your life as if you were seaweed planted in the floor of the ocean, waving along with the currents to exercise yourself in the full flow of life itself. Being mindful to succumb to the flailing energies as they are always an opportunity to learn more about your environment and your response to your environment.
Ultimately, you are so in tune with your self in your world: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual world. You are replete and effective in the interim and even beyond. There are those experiences that jostle you because those around you are in different places while you yourself may feel you have attained a certain degree of self mastery, those around you may not have. And so you need to adapt to other personalities, even those who are yet immature and undisciplined. In these instances, if you seek to parent your siblings in the way of fatherly affection, would that you were kind and gracious in your administration of justice and counsel.
Children are intelligent. They know what attitude comes at them. They know when they are being talked down to or deceived. They know if they are being lied to by the choice to eliminate information. This sin of omission is another of those discernments that parents often utilize which also often backfires because they have not the respect for their children they need to have, for these children are also God’s children. And even those who are not indwelt by a part of God, they are even so astute and keen observers of human nature. Thus, be kind to these children.
Kind children, let me turn the tables this evening and rather than going into an extended dissertation or theory, I would like to ask you if you have questions. And as the currents stimulate the growth of seaweed, I will not limit your search to those matters which I feel more pertinent, for the truth is I seek to know you in where you feel your needs lie, for this in truth helps me to be a better teacher. Are there questions?
Kelly: Tomas, I have a question about children and learning to respect that they have sovereign free will just as we do. I have a six year old daughter who is struggling with this, and wanting to do everything that she wants, and of course we want to give her some freedom within bounds as a way of teaching her to exercise her freedom responsibly. I am always finding myself torn as to how much freedom to allow and how much to restrict her choices. Do you have any comments about that?
Tomas: Does she have a doll?
Kelly: Yes.
Tomas: Perhaps you might utilize her symbol of parent and child to incorporate her in the parent child relationship. As she presents to you a question, a behavioral question, if you were to turn it around and ask her what she would do with her child, if it were her child seeking what she is seeking. You would be inviting her to engage with you in the search for wisdom. The child is indwelt by God, and is the holder of seven adjutant mind-spirits, all of which are alive and well.
[Ed. Note: Urantia Book 36:5.2 "The seven adjutant mind-spirits are called by names which are the equivalents of the following designations: intuition, understanding, courage, knowledge, counsel, worship, and wisdom."]
There are those in fact who say that children her age are so close to the divine life because they are so innocent, and as yet unsullied by cynicism. This gives you a chance to consult with her, exercising the spirit of counsel. It is not necessary for you to constantly assume the superior and wiser persona, although of course you probably are.
But the saying, "Out of the mouths of babes" is not to be taken lightly. These young ones who often enjoy a great and rich experience with the unseen realms, because they are still open to the concepts invisible friends allow. She may surprise you by her astute perceptions. You will certainly get to know your daughter’s mind and emotions from a different angle.
Of course, always is it wise to understand the true needs, the true requests. It is very likely that she has learned how to manipulate you. And you are blind to her machinations, for your love is predominant. But remember too that her intelligence will keep pace with that which you will allow her. And so use this time to develop the eternal filiality that you can enjoy with this individual who is at one and the same time your child as well as your sister.
Animals enjoy being trained and rewarded for their efforts. Their sense of esteem is enhanced by their ability to perform well, not necessarily as circus animals doing tricks, but perhaps as show horses or show dogs that respond well to the master’s direction and thrive on the praise that is dispensed when the lesson is learned and the job is well done. This is always a good pattern to refer to in your dealings with these young citizens of Urantia.
Kelly: Thank you, that is very helpful. It’s a new perspective to treat my child as a human being equal to myself in many ways, just smaller.
Tomas: Absolutely, this is miracle making awareness. You are of course the parent, and your child expects you to know more. But it will save you much grief later on when you must admit to all those many things you do not know if you have established at the same time the fraternal appreciation. This way she can learn to have compassion for you as an adult, for she, like you, does not know everything. And so together you can explore and examine not only the physical things of the universe, but the consciousness things, concepts, ideas, theories, philosophies and feelings. I wish you well in your communications. It is a pleasure to counsel you in these matters, for they are those fine points of reality which will affect infinity.
Kelly: Thank you.
Marty: I don’t really have a question. I seem to be happy to just take things as they come and carry out my progress in my learning just day by day. I don’t seem to be curious to ask questions. But there has been a request made of me to ask something. There has been a discussion going on about the Benjamin Crème transmissions of Teacher Maitreya. People came to a point where they suspected that he was an evil source. I was asked to find out from you, or from whoever, if there was any truth to the fact that this was an evil source.
Tomas: The Maitreya is not evil any more than Monjoronson is evil. For those sons of God who are far beyond the human plane are far removed from evil, as it is inherently found in the human condition. And be assured all humans are inherently evil, for evil is merely imperfection. And this is likely the crux of the issue, the pearl in this oyster.
These concepts are exercises of the mortal mind as it attempts to reach beyond the finite realm which it knows, and the beliefs it has developed, and the faith which it would live up to, as it aspires to relate intimately, profoundly and surely with these divine beings who interact in our behalf in those realms that lie between the Isle of Paradise and the planet Urantia.
Often the difficulty is one of language, of semantics and use of word symbols, just as the word evil itself provides confusion and conflict among the varying fields of thought. So too do various phrases call up fears, anxieties, thrills, hope, even the spirit of truth in degrees, in the hearer, the one who hears. This is one of the concerns that we have when we appreciate the focus you invest on those potentials of reality which are beyond your ability to control.
These concepts are bigger than a mortal mind can muster, and often it becomes a matter of vying for attention, or vying for a position at the table. Who will sit next to God? Who will sit on his right hand? And who will sit on his left? And is this one more important, and therefore shall I follow him? Or is that one more beloved, and should I rather follow him?
The Father is the one you should seek. All these others are helpers. If you are right with the Father, you will know if this helper is one who can help you, or hinder your personal progress.
It is dangerous to look to those whom you do not understand and wag the finger of evil. Although it is not a bad idea to recognize that the possibility exists. This, too, is part of your discernment. And when you find you have found clarity in your being regarding the concept, let it be your burden to carry, and not your message to deliver.
The idea of ascended masters is one you share with those students of theology, for I am an ascended master, as is Teacher Ham, and many others. The quality that you are drawn to is the idea that they have more experience. They have wisdom you have not yet attained. And so you look to them for perspective, and their variation of the theme. Like music, this refrain may suit some and not others. There is no rule that says you need to embrace every teacher. Or that your vote is necessary to determine whether they stick around or have merit.
As a movement now and this involves the socialization of this advancing spirituality, you would not disrespect those who believe in these truths profoundly, for this would be disrespectful of their beliefs. And the world is filled with beliefs. They are as varied and plentiful as there are personalities, and domiciles, and languages, cultures and recipes. Everyone has beliefs, many beliefs, often in conflict with itself. But they are all temporary, and in many cases they have nothing to do with the soul of the individual, him or her self.
This where we must be careful with children: teaching them beliefs. If we teach them what to believe, they will not have the opportunity to formulate their own beliefs. If we laugh at the beliefs they have incorporated, they will learn not to share with you, for beliefs are very personal, very sensitive, for they are a reflection of who you are.
You need not uproot beliefs from people to see their faith shining through. And often their faith that shines through has nothing to do with their belief. It has to do with their truth. This is the drawback to words. Words are symbols of reality. And names and titles are demonstrations of beliefs that impact everyone differently.
No one wants to worship evil, not even those who profess to want to worship evil. Evil is not knowing, and no one wants to live in ignorance. You cannot have consciousness of consciousness and follow ignorance at the same time. Only those who are dense and unborn are happy in their ignorance, and they are no threat to your theories and your explorations of the spiritual universe, or the personalities within the universe that represent to thinking people and God conscious citizens of the universe those noble beings which we aspire to be like when we grow up, or look to for answers as we are in our current configuration.
Dissect these matters on the table unemotionally, and define the terms until such time as the magic is removed and the voice of God is all that remains. Fear not.
Marty: That was a wonderful response, Teacher Tomas. I think that all of the questions that came up in the various discussions that we have had were responded to by you. I am very thankful for your response.
Tomas: I am glad for your yearning to know more and to put your needs and the needs of your fellows on the table where they can be seen and understood. For in this process the pearl of great price is revealed.
Marty: Very interesting. This man has been teaching since 1980, and has inspired many, many people with wonderful truth. It was a rumor of some kind that people thought that he was Luciferian. And it seems that fear just took over and prevented people from just being able to see the light of truth that was coming through.
Tomas: The problem comes when these beings are adulated, and when the mortal interceder is revered beyond a healthy, normal respect for a man’s or a woman’s contribution to the enlightenment of humanity. When people are put on a pedestal, they need to be brought down. It may not be your job to bring them down, but it is helpful to examine them with your intelligence as well as your heart.
When these concepts are allowed to remain a mystery, they shroud the truth in visions and dreams, and nothing can be accomplished therein. The fact that everyone is different is here for a reason. The fact that each of you has different perspectives is part of the divine plan. This is where you are in your evolution today, that you are each relishing and triumphing in your own individuality, your own unique perspectives and points of view, your own message of getting accomplished what you feel needs accomplished. But there will come a time very soon when you will begin to realize the value of unity in terms of setting aside your differences in order to focus on the united goal. This does not mean that your individuality is eradicated. It means that you bring your individual approach to the challenge that you all share.
This is part of the power of those aspects of this renaissance that we are experiencing here in the correcting time, when someone has 70 books published, when someone is pulling gems out of the air, when someone has a huge following and needs circus tents to accommodate the crowd, when these reputations of spirit leaders become bigger than life, bigger than even the divine life. They draw people to them.
Beware. This is the lesson that the followers of Jesus learned when he would not be a miracle worker, he would not become famous. He had other ideas about how to live his life here. The stardom that comes from having hundreds of thousands of people support you, and buy your books, and pay to hear your concerts, who wait in line for auditorium doors to open for your seminars, and share the information and the newsletters, are doomed to experience the defeat of solitude. For they have put their faith in something other than the Father, that divine reality which is bigger than the big top, bigger than the bestsellers.
I am not suggesting that everyone’s efforts is not invaluable, it is. It’s just that when these successes become so grand as to outshine the glory of God itself, they have outlived their usefulness. Even we teachers in many ways will outlive our usefulness as you become attuned to the divine voice, as you reinstitute spiritual reality into your path, and as you as a race of people go on to the ripeness of your lives, following this period of correction, we will be released one day.
Only the Father is eternal. Only He deserves our worship. The rest of us are workers in the field. Feel free to look at each other and study each other’s words, and wares, wiles and wisdom, even as you continually look within to ascertain your own meekness, and your own might.
Marty: Well, you may outlive your usefulness as teachers, just as I remember being a teacher, and the students all grew up, and probably some of them may remember me. But in a sense of our relationship that has been growing, I would say that never will you outlive your usefulness as a brother and elder in the kingdom. And I will always be happy to know that you are there.
Tomas: And never will I forget that we are friends and ascending sons together in this scheme of the Master. We are forever friends. This makes the universe an even more sacred space, for it houses our relationships and the affections we foster in our dealings together.
It is wonderful to see people work together on a project, shoulder to shoulder, for they get to know each other as the Master knows you. It takes many attempts which often break down in antagonisms and conflict before you learn the lessons of teamwork and association that will be a part of your learning at some point in your future. This is one of my themes that I personally am fond of, for I have engaged in so many thrilling projects with my fellows in my universe career. I look forward to your understanding this concept and being able to see a project through the sense of accomplishment, of a job well done by a team of workers is truly majestic.
This is how the pageants are put on. This is how worlds are brought into being. It is also how your projects here and now are enabled. We do encourage these projects, for they help you learn more about love and ministry. They are beneficial. It is only when they become bigger than life and unbalanced that they need to be dissolved in the oneness of it all, as a sugar lump is dissolved in a cup of hot tea.
Are there other concerns this evening?
Kelly: Tomas, you mentioned ascended master, and this is a term we hear sometimes. I don’t really understand exactly what that means. What is an ascended master, and how does that relate to the divine plan of mortal ascension?
Tomas: You well know the answer to your own question. For are we not embarked on a practice, even now, of self mastery, where we know our selves so well we are able to have mastery over our selves, even our minds, so that the Father can utilize us better? Are we not, even now, ascending to the Father through his many mansions? What more is an ascended son than one who has been lifted up through his conscious choices, through his soul making decisions and advanced in universe reality?
There is no mystery to ascended masters. Everyone who masters their animal nature, their egocentric nature, is an ascended master and particularly is this true when you have left the physical plane. Therefore, all who have preceded you, and they are myriad, are ascended masters. There is not uniqueness about an ascended master, except for human individuality, seeing it from the human perspective. From the Father’s perspective, I would venture to say all of his sons and daughters are ascending masters.
Kelly: I suspect that I did understand some of that, but it is helpful sometimes to have some confirmation and elucidation. Thank you.
Tomas: Yes, you tend to, not you personally necessarily, but you, my students, tend to still see the workings of the universe as something beyond your comprehension, beyond your experience, beyond your capacity and yes this is true, but not because it is a mystery. It is because it is yet ahead of you. You like to fantasize and mystify matters. And many times these efforts are effective, for they help you to symbolize a thought concept long enough for you to study it and understand it before you let it go as an illusion. For the truth will remain a part of you, even as the fantasy vanishes in the lure of another symbol to come, to show you the way again, and anon. You tend to also nail things down and hold onto them with such a grasp, such a clutch that they have no chance to breathe and grow. Somewhere between the fantasy and the reality is the truth, living, breathing, ever advancing, always uplifting and liberating truth.
With your permission, I will pray us out of this session.
Marty: Just let me thank you very much for a very clear and wonderful lesson this evening, Teacher Tomas.
Tomas: You are welcome, my son.
Dear Michael, our master teacher, we come to you in heartfelt love, for your love for us, your efforts on our behalf, your compassion and your mercy, for those of us who yearn to know you and to be like you. Thank you for this assignment, the one you have given the teachers and the one that you have given the students who are becoming your ambassadors, and the ambassadors of the Father, carrying this good news of this beloved family into the worlds, into the minds of the men and women who long to hear these words, who long to sing the song that will lift us up. Give us strength as we go into these worlds, into these arenas where we are sent. Send us where you will. Let us be willing to go where you send us, knowing you are with us, knowing you have a purpose for our being there. And whether we see the reason or not, let us go in faith that you see it all for us, the Father sees the end from the beginning. Let us be on our way.
Thank you. Amen.