2005-03-07-Remember To Use Stillness
Topic: Remember To Use Stillness
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for bringing this group of people together once again. Thank you for all of the blessings that you have bestowed upon each one of us. We pray for peace throughout the world, we pray for the coming of Light and Life and we pray for the coming of Monjoronson. We would do your will Father, we would spread your love throughout the world to help bring this about, in Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher JarEl. It is good to be among you once again, as you know I look forward to seeing each of you each time we meet. I cherish these moments because it gives me the opportunity to see the progress each of you make. I witness how much you have grown and how much you have learned. Every day you each have new lessons to learn, each day you grow a little bit more, spiritually.
Tonight I will review lessons that we have talked about before, such as using the stillness to make your connection with your indwelling Thought Adjuster. It is important that you go into the stillness to empty your mind and allow and welcome new ideas and concepts to enter. When this happens it is important that you entertain these ideas and concepts. These ideas and concepts are meant to be pondered. It is important that you make time to do this in your life. That you give yourself adequate time and leisure to ponder life’s challenges. Bringing yourself to doing the stillness can also improve your health.
Imagine the light entering the room and imagine the light focalizing in the center of the room between all of you. This light is not hot or cold. Imagine this light expanding and entering each person’s body illuminating each one of your cells. This light is useful for many things. It is energy, pure energy. Learn how to use this energy in your lives. The light can be used for whatever purpose you desire. This energy flows through you and can be utilized by you as you direct it. It is up to you to learn how to use it for good. It is up to you to become aware of this light. It is through meditation that you begin to glimpse the spiritual realm that exists all around you. Bring yourself into the stillness, bring your thoughts to a standstill, bring your mind to a rest and you will begin to see worlds that you never imagined. You will begin to see the concept of everything being possible.
This is how many ideas in the world came to be. This is how revolutions began. This is how humanity matures and evolves by pondering what can be better; by imagining a better world; a better tomorrow. So when you imagine it and ponder it, do not keep it to yourself, but share it with the entire world, for it is something that everyone should hear. It is meant for everyone. There are no chosen people or destined group, this information and knowledge is for everyone.
The ideas and thought patterns that we give you, through the Teaching Mission lessons, are meant for you to disseminate and bring to the world. The ideas that you find in The Urantia Book are meant for you to disseminate to the world so that you may bring such ideas and concepts to life in the world; that you may manifest much that is possible because it is not enough to dream it only. You have to make it happen, you have to bring these ideas into action, you have to manifest whatever you dream possible. This world needs a lot of work and things don’t come easily. Ideas that will benefit the entire human race should be aggressively pursued. It is not enough just to dream.
Before I go into any questions or answers I would like to open the floor for anyone who wishes to speak.
Stella: You said that you meditate and concepts enter the mind, despite the fact that you are trying to still your mind? Did I understand you correctly?
JarEl: TR, George. Yes, you quiet your mind so that you may allow concepts to enter. If concepts came to you easily it would not be necessary to meditate for you would have an avenue open to these ideas. This lesson was more for those who find it difficult to meditate or difficult to come up with ideas. For those who are already accustomed to bringing in these ideas and concepts, meditation can only improve their technique.
Stella: What was it you said about a light in the middle of the room? My hearing isn’t too good anymore, so I just want to clarify what you said?
JarEl: TR, George. As I was speaking, and just now, there exists a light, an energy, a gift that is brought to you every time that all of you meet. This energy that exists at this moment is there for you to utilize as you would. It is pure energy and it helps you to manifest ideas and concepts. It is best used when doing good in the world.
Michael: TR, George. Hello my children, it is I, your Father, brother Michael. With great joy in my heart I greet you and I send my blessing to all of you here and to those who read these words. You are jewels in the world and you bring this world to life. You connect the spiritual lines that exist in every single human being. You are the future of this planet and your lives are destined for a great spiritual revolution which is just beginning. You make all of my efforts on this world worthwhile. I know how you struggle, I know how you suffer and I know the soberness which exists in men’s minds when it comes to concepts of God. It seems that you are still struggling against the outmoded concepts that existed even in my time. Rest assured that you are well guided and well protected. I want to give thanks to all of you. I want you to continue in your work and remember that I will always be there for you. Good night.
All: Good night Michael.
JarEl: TR, George. Are there any questions?
Stella: I have a question. A friend of mine, Dominique Morales who is an opera singer and is producing a soft-stage production call the Apocalypse, says that every morning he hears voices. He is afraid that maybe these are evil entities. I told him not to worry about it and to cover himself with the light and pray. I would like you to answer his question: are there evil entities out there who try to contact us?
JarEl: TR, George. No, the Universe is vast in all of its glory and the Universe is friendly. Humanity is learning to use these pure thoughts and the communications that come through are good, however it can be effected by our mind’s thoughts and understandings. Protect yourself with the goodness and light of God and ask the Father for his protection, then only good shall enter. These communications can only come if you allow them to. If you are unaware and have no knowledge where these communications are coming from, then you should discard them. But if you have protected yourself, if you have sought out the goodness of God and asked for his protection, then evil communications cannot enter, only that which is good. Tell your friend not to worry. Tell your friend that evil communications can no longer happen. Your friend is protected and guided. His Guardian Angels protected him and he is receiving much inspiration with his artistic abilities.
That goes for all of you, do not be afraid to communicate, don’t be afraid to open yourselves up to these spiritual communications. Let go of the fear. Are there any other questions?
Lucille: JarEl, how do be best serve the vast need in the world? So many are hungry, and people need shelter and so forth. As an individual how can we best serve?
JarEl: TR, George. You best serve by being who you are. Yes, there is great need in the world. How can the world make the best use of you, if you do not know who you are, if you are not right with yourself? You need to find out who you are, who are you destined to be? When you find out who you are, you will be in a better position to help the entire world. Great leaders in this world took it upon themselves to know just who they were. Not knowing where they were going they still knew where they came from. The knowledge of the past, the knowledge of humanity and the knowledge of the human race will enable you to be in a better position to begin to understand your place and your purpose in this world. Most of you as individuals are already doing much to help this world. You are discovering who you are, you are discovering your destiny within God. So that is my advice to you Lucille.
Lucile: Thank you.
JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome. Are there anymore questions?
Then my friends I bid you good night.
All: Good night JarEl.