2005-03-13-On Mind, Gays, & Gender
Topic: On Mind, Gays & Gender
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Rayson
TR: Daniel Raphael
RAYSON: Good afternoon, this is Rayson. (Group welcome.) Thank you very much; your welcome is greatly appreciated. Let us continue then, of what we were speaking of last time, and address the questions that you have.
Student: Rayson, in terms of working through our personal growth issues, while reviewing our lives, you mentioned that we can "willfully delete" the behavior traits that we wish to remove from our minds. How is this possible, and how then are we able to share our life’s experiences with others, as teachers on the mansion worlds, if these memories are gone?
RAYSON: What I wish you to do in this assignment is to remove the emotional energy from that lesson, from that experience. You are fragile in many ways—you and the collective of you are fragile. You have had traumas in your life that cause you great dis-ease, great instability, you are always "on edge." And so, I ask you to remove the energy from that. Some of you have a practice of "the burning bowl;" you call it the "burning bowl ceremony." And this is a good way to begin this process of removing the emotional energy from the experience that you had. You will not be able to fully appreciate that experience as a lesson, until you have removed most of the hurtful energy from it.
Even positive, constructive, joyful experiences are skewed, due to the emotional energetics that are invested in that experience. We are not asking you to become sad about your happy experiences, certainly not. We wish you to be at peace and to appreciate what has occurred. So too, we ask you to learn how to appreciate, give value to, what you have experienced in a negative hurtful way. Strive to see the value of that experience. Strive to see how it will help you learn how to overcome similar problems in the future. Yes, we know that some of you are damaged. You have been injured to such an extent that you cannot deal with a similar situation because it is toxic to you, and you begin to recycle in your mind, the old experiences once again. And there you are at the same state of feeling bad about yourself, incapable, depressed and otherwise, not happy. You are not pleased with yourself in that experience, and you are not pleased with yourself now, because you cannot get rid of it.
The experience of forgiving the situation, of forgiving yourself, is important practice. It may be that in a five minute sitting of reviewing one experience that you forgive yourself several times every minute for that situation. Forgive the perpetrator of the difficulties that you are suffering in. At the same time, we wish you to understand that your Creator, Christ Michael, did not create you to suffer. Christ Michael made you to learn from your experiences. Those situations that are toxic need to be healed. It may require that some of you, who have these toxic memories, will need the assistance of a competent, capable therapist. Do not be afraid to try alternative therapies to remove these issues from you.
You will remember, will have in your soul repository, those lessons that you have experienced. You will not recall the toxic side of your experiences, but you will remember the hurtful situation that developed for you. The feeling of being incapable is a feeling that you will take with you. The feeling of being angry will not. Injurious situations, which were totally unproductive, where you were the victim or you were the assailant, will be removed. Those situations, which are valuable to recall, will be at hand.
Student: Can you go on to explain why in some situations it seems easier to forgive someone else than to forgive ourselves?
RAYSON: I apologize—this one was dawdling—could you repeat that please?
Student: To further elaborate, I have had a number of experiences in my life with forgiving someone else for a situation, with a pretty favorable outcome, so I am a strong believer in forgiveness, but I think I find it more difficult, or I am not feeling adept at forgiving myself, and therefore I still harbor some feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
RAYSON: Certainly. This is a very important question that you ask. You, as the adult, have learned to forgive others; you have those skills of understanding that others are fallible. You are well trained in forgiving others; you have exercised this well. Yet, you were not trained to forgive yourself in your early learning years. You were taught to obey. You learned obedience. You have still within your child mind that continues to repeat that you have done a wrong, and you continue to scold yourself. You—and all of you here—were not trained as children to learn how to forgive yourself; to be tolerant of your foibles, to be patient with your lack of understanding, to accept that you would make mistakes and that you would then need to correct them and heal yourself, to repair the rent in the cloth of your personality, of your emotional makeup. This is a very important thing to do.
You see, you still operate with the parent mind, which you no longer hear as father or mother, aunt or uncle, or older siblings; you have taken on this voice yourself. You must learn to speak to yourself from the higher self, to your child self, and remediate those aberrations. What I have given you now, requires the capacity of an advanced mind that is able to see itself objectively, without dissociation. This is a part of a mature mind, a mind that sees itself as a construct, a development of its earlier learning, and now it is time to correct itself. You, in other words, become the physician. You recall the phrase, "Physician, heal thy self?" And this is how it is to be for mortals becoming morontial.
Yet, dear J___, you are not without assistance—personal, caring, loving, intimate assistance from your Guardian Angel. She and you can amend your mental circuits, so that you can remove them. As you do not have the wisdom to know what to remove and what not to, our advice is to empower your Guardian Angel. It is as though you have your hand on her hand—or her hand on your hand—as she guides you to pick out the parts in your mind that are yours to remove and discard them. So you have wonderful guidance; you do not even need to know where to go—your Guardian Angel can do this for you. You can be re-circuited. It is important though, that you remember that once you remove this, not to reactivate it. Do you understand? (Student: Not quite.)
You can reactivate these old tortuous, toxic, circuits, memories, by reliving them in your mind, going back to that time when you had that experience. It requires awareness within you to say, "Don’t go there, J____. Leave it alone. Let it be; it is healed." You, as a nurse, would not pick a scab, would you? You would not remove the sutures prematurely, would you? So too, you must not go in and open up the old wounds and reactivate them. They would be re-enlivened again in you.
You have a will. You have a powerful will. You must say to your mind, "Mind! Mind, I will not think of that anymore! I am not allowing you to think of that issue any longer. Be still, and let it be! It is history; it is done; it is gone." You then, should have some kind of a reminder outside yourself, not to dig up the old wounds. Live in the moment; have some little sign around you, or even a piece of yarn around your wrist. It is a reminder to live in the now, not to go back; not to undo that. Does this make sense to you? (Student: Yes, it’s helpful. Thank you.) You are welcome. Are there other questions related to this?
Student: According to one of your past lessons, about having a subconscious and linear thinking mind mechanism, it seems to be a liability. Why is this so, and what is the alternative?
RAYSON: It is a liability to have a linear mind? (Yes?) It is a liability when the linear mind dominates the beauty that can come through your creative side. You have two [brain] hemispheres, which operate very similarly, but the product of each side varies greatly. We do not suggest that you have a creative, dominant mind, for as you know, you could become too "airy," too disconnected from your reality, which is very linear. We suggest that you open up your mind, through mind exercises, so that one side does not dominate the other.
If you have a heavily, powerful, linear mind, then you will need to exercise your creative side of your mind, where you begin to understand the connections between many things. It is the holistic side of your existence in your mind. You cannot live well, without a holistic approach to your life. The linear mind will send you down rabbit holes, never to come back. You are so gifted in your creative side, were you to understand, as I do, how much you have within you that can be expressed. We wish you to explore those therapies, those mind expansion techniques, which will assist you in unlocking your creative side of your mind. Does this answer your question? (Student: Yes, it helps a great deal. Thank you.)
Student: The other questions that I have are not on this topic. Would you rather I hold them until later?
RAYSON: No, let us clean them up today.
Student: Ever since the retreat, there has been a lot of interest in the Indigo children. You spoke of how they will turn colors in months or years later, after birth. Why are they called Indigo? Is it because that’s the color they will change to, a kind of purplish blue color like when you refract light? Or is it indigo, as in the indigo race on our planet?
[Daniel: They’re saying, "I think we have covered everything we need to cover with this. We’re just going to get into more arguments with this."]
RAYSON: Let us set these questions aside, as to this race of individuals. It was revealed to you, because it will be an aspect of your lives, as you live out your lives in their duration. To that extent, we have answered your questions. You recall my advice and our request, that you center your questions on that which will affect you [directly]. This guideline continues, and will continue into the foreseeable future. I do not wish to cause a dissonance or to make you unhappy that we will not go further with this, but unless you can discern how it affects you personally, we will set this aside at this time.
Student: Part of the reason for my interest is because of grandchildren and eventually, great-grandchildren, and I was wondering how we can prepare the parents of these children, so they won’t think that something is drastically wrong with their child, and put them through all kinds of invasive tests, trying to find out what is "wrong" with them. Is that enough of a reason to ask the question?
[Daniel: There’s nothing there.]
Student: Last session, towards the end of that session, you were talking about the nature of mota and it seemed that you were hinting at the ability to—as humans—to be able to actually engage that aspect of mind. With that in mind, I think my first question is do we really need to understand philosophically the nature of mota, to be able to actually use it?
RAYSON: You can approach the mota philosophically, but you will not be able to use mota. Your mind mechanism is not programmed for that; it does not have the capacity in it to do that. Mota is approachable through thinking, where you intuit that something is right, that it makes sense, but you cannot quite grasp it or put it together again, or [use it] in a parallel situation. It is one of those situations/problems, whose solution is inherent in itself. You understand the problem, you intuit the answer, but you cannot get there through logic or reason.
It is a conundrum to you; it is most difficult. We do not advise you to spend much time trying to do this, yet when you are in moments of deep thought, of philosophical experiences, of philosophical discussions, of social, moral and ethical and minded problems, you may find that an answer will come to you, but it will escape you almost immediately. It is as though you had jumped up with a teacup, to grab the bottom edges of the clouds and come away with something substantial. You know you have something, but it is not palpable; you have felt moisture in the air, but you cannot squeeze a drop out of it.
We wish you to appreciate this; we wish you to appreciate it to the extent that there are answers to your moral, social, ethical, philosophical problems, which you cannot grasp, that there are answers inherent in them, were you to see them with morontial eyes and process them with a morontial mind. You have the bare rudiments of morontial capability, that which is able, but you are not able yet, to do this. You can sense it, but you cannot do it. It is much like throwing a basketball from mid-court and making it every time. You understand how that is possible, you try and try as you might, and once in a while, by accident, it will go in. Try to do it again, and you will miss.
So too, understanding and processing social issues, moral and ethical issues, using mota is difficult. You will miss many times, though you understand that there is something there that makes it understandable, but you cannot construct it. Yes, I am afraid that this sounds like so many "squirrels chasing their tails;" there is little reality to what I have said to you, that you can exercise. Therefore, do not displace yourself through this activity, but appreciate that there are answers to your problems, which are available through cosmic mind, through Nebadonia, through the Infinite Spirit. This assistance will help you approach the problems in a mortal way.
Student: Thank you. I had several questions on this issue that you have answered.
Student: Rayson, I have another question that S_____ sent to you. She says:
"I have lived and worked in Hollywood all my life, with literally hundreds of gays. They are not men and not women, they have unique skills and talents for decorating and embellishing our planet, writing Broadway musicals, [they have] an amazing sense of humor, etc. I would like a teacher to give an explanation of what a gay person is, technically. I checked the archives, but it was disappointing and uninformative, as it focused on the fact that they are children of God and that God loves them, which speaks for itself because they all have Thought Adjusters.
My question boils down to, are homosexuals a purposeful part of God’s plan? Are they a "distinct variety of the same species?" If we could get an authoritative explanation for this, it would cut back on much of the ignorance and prejudice that forces them to live such misunderstood lives.
RAYSON: I would like to address the very last sentence of your paragraph. We surely hope that those in the Teaching Mission and the Urantian communities throughout the world do not hold prejudice against gays. This would demonstrate immaturity of those individuals, in a very socially pragmatic way.
Now for your question—and I appreciate your question very much—it is enlightening and enjoyable to address it. What you are seeing here, in the aspects of gays, are those who are totally invested in that life style, neither living as male or female. They live free of gender issues; free of gender programs. They have the same mind as yours, same mind as a man’s, but the inherent programming is that they are free of the constraints of gender.
You can understand then, how dynamically these individuals are when you see how powerful gender programming is in your biologic makeup. You accept this as normal; you accept this as given. Yet, were you to be gay as this for one day, you would find that your life—going back to the linearity of a single gender—is very constraining. You are in a conduit of gender; you go down the conduit as one or the other.
The biologic race memory that is in you is extremely powerful. The biologic force to reproduce, to continue the species, is dominant. It dominates so much of the mortal mind that there is little left for you to use in your creative efforts. You as well—not you personally—you as a gendered species, are greatly limited. Your creativity would be unleashed, were you to have these restraints removed from your life. You think of yourself as woman, and you dress as woman, smile at others as a woman, you relate to others as a woman. There is within you, these commonalities of all womanhood, that you exhibit. And the same can be said for men, of course. You see in this way, that gender is aligned with the linear side of your mind. When this is removed, then the creative side comes forward with a gush; it is available to you. You will see and interpret your surroundings in different ways.
On another side of this topic, you can begin to see what life will be like when the biologic, procreative forces in your species becomes diminished, when it is seen as optional, when it is seen as a choice. Your species is only now, coming out of the era of obligatory parenthood, where the action of coupling has in the offing, children, almost always.
Now you are beginning to see life as a choice, of bringing life into the world as a choice. Only the newer, most recent generations, are living with choice as a known factor in their lives. This will have an impact on the biologic forces for reproduction in coming generations. The obligatory, mandatory obligation of begetting children, that force will be diminished, [unlike] multitudes of generations past, as you have the options of birth control functions. Know dear ones, your gay friends, are not different than you are. You could almost as easily be gay yourself. It does not require much amending of your circuitry, to change that greatly.
You are beginning to see, that sexuality is an option. There are gays that have a tremendously forceful and powerful sexuality, yet in some, this sexuality is not a dominant feature in their makeup, they are rather passive at this force. It is neither good, nor bad. Yet, we predict easily, that you will see many more gays in your populations around the world as your cultures mature. This has always been a natural aspect of this species, on this planet. It is a variation of the sexual drive, the drive of identification with one gender or another. It is similar to being democrats or republicans—some people just do not want to vote, do not want to take a party—they are neutral. And so, you will see more neutral individuals in your world in generations to come. It is important that these individuals not be persecuted, for they bring with them a wonderful civilizing aspect to your planet, one that is desperately needed. I have gone afar from answering your question, though I believe it has been fulfilled in general. (Student: Thank you, Rayson. That was a good answer. It gives us much to think about.)
Student: I had an experience this week that was disturbing. Maybe many people go through this kind of emotional lack of harmony when they are dealing with computers. I had something happen where I was approaching the goal and the program wouldn’t come up and I couldn’t finish the task and I became so frustrated, annoyed and angry and definitely not in harmony. I thought that I should go do something that I could be successful at. "I’ll just go do the washing, or something like that, and leave this alone." And as I reflected on this, I thought, why should I get so frustrated and allow myself to get emotionally upset, about something like this? I thought, "There should be a way to avoid this in the future, somehow to learn from this experience and not let it frustrate me so much." Is frustration part of our learning experience here, our lessons?
RAYSON: Yes, frustration is an inherent part of problem solving, when you do not have all of the tools necessary to solve the problem. It is not a requirement that you be frustrated in order to learn. What you may be striving to learn, may not be worthy of your time. It may be that you are to learn when to give up, when to call for help, when to seek assistance, when to manage yourself and say, earlier on that this is getting nowhere. "I think I will do the dishes, or do the laundry, and come back with a refreshed mind," and you may be at that time, able to resolve the problem.
Your mind is very powerful, but when you have such narrow focus on resolving a problem, you are putting a blanket over the light in your mind, on other areas that have answers, or have ways of approaching it successfully. Realize that when you are becoming frustrated that answers will usually not be forthcoming very soon. It is time to adjourn, refresh yourself and come back. And if you still are unable to resolve the problem, then seek help. What you find in frustration is a negative, repeating cycle that continues on and is difficult. You must not enter that, as it can be very destructive to yourself. Does this help?
Student: Yes, it reminds me in the last lesson, you talked about harmony, and frustration certainly isn’t congruent with harmony.
[This is Daniel: This just isn’t meshing for me today. I’m not at peace here. Rayson says, "Well let us adjourn then, we wouldn’t want you to be frustrated!" (Howls of laughter from the group.) Touché! That was good!]
Student: Maybe you are fatigued.
Daniel: Yes, I am.
RAYSON: Let us close today on a laughing note. Enjoy your week as you go forward and be at peace. Look for mota in your life—mota does happen in your lives too. Bless you as you strive to embrace this grand process of thinking, which is so different; so unusually different than your own ways of thinking. Mota leads to peace; mota leads to greater understanding. Mota is a part of your morontial mind, a beautiful gift to you in your new career. Mota reveals more to you than logic or reason could ever do.
Your thinking processes are gifts to you—they are useful for overcoming the hazards of the mechanical, material world, one that is fraught with great difficulties. We admire your eagerness to embrace mota, as this is a sure sign of maturing minds, the approach of greater civilizations on your world. Now, we ask that you strive to exercise the development of your philosophical discussions with the same diligence that you do your logic and reasoning. Begin to balance your technologies with philosophies of understanding. Then mota will be more approachable. Good day.