2005-03-20-Importance of Tonight's Discussion
Topic: Importance of Tonight's Discussion
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Minearsia
TR: Bob S., Nancy
The main part of the evening was spent reading the previous lesson to "be of good cheer" and relating our thoughts, feelings and emotions to each other in the group.
Prayer: Virginia:
Father we thank You that You accept us as we are. May we hear those things that will help us to be authentic, yes, and loving, less fearful, more positive in our lives. Amen
DANIEL (Bob S.): This is Daniel, your teacher, guide, friend, colleague and ever-present source of encouragement. We, your elder brothers and sisters, are most happy because of the depth of emotional sharing you felt comfortable in discussing with your brothers and sisters this evening.
As we have, on occasion, discussed life on more advanced planets, you may recall our characterization that our experience is one in which truth is expected, authenticity is encouraged, emotions are examined and progress is gained, not only by the individuals but by all of the members of the group, for none of us has yet reached perfection.
Hence, your teachers are most pleased with your willingness to take a chance to be vulnerable, to express your humanness, your animal side, with others, in love, in hope, [and] in trust that your feelings would be accepted by your brothers and sisters here present and [by] the God Who created us all and showed us how it is in reality through the teachings and life of His Creator Son, Michael.
You may say [that] our "cup runneth over". You have displayed maturity far beyond your years, for which we take great pride. Yes, pride in being a part of your soul growth.
We had planned another lesson, but we were so overwhelmed by your earlier discussion [that] we feel we can add little to tonight’s meeting. And we would urge each of you to consider your feelings, expressed and unexpressed during tonight’s discussion, throughout next week. We will attempt a lesson next week, which will allow each of you here present, here tonight, to take the next appropriate step in your path to the Father, to perfection, to one hundred percent loving and caring the way God created us all to become.
And with those words I now close tonight’s meeting, unless there are any loose ends someone feels need tied up at this point. [pause] Very well let us stand and be at prayer. Minearsia has asked to close tonight’s meeting.
Prayer: Great Parent, the grandeur of Your plan is often obscured to these mortal minds by the myths of time and the constraints of space. It is our privilege and honor to serve You in assisting to disperse the myths that the light of Your incredible plan may illuminate even the darkest corners providing hope, joy and Your peace.
Be with these, our students, this week as they undertake the assignment that has been set before them. Assist, love, support, nurture [them] as You do. Be with us as we watch over their growth and tend to them like the new green plants of spring that they are. So be it. Shalom. Amen.