2005-03-27-Early Easter Morning Message
Topic: Early Easter Morning Message
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teachers: Michael
TR: Unknown
Michael: "Today is a beautiful Gift! You celebrate My Resurrection experience, and therein lies the truth of My conquering the grave. You know without a shadow of a doubt that death holds no fear for My beloved children, and you all are My most beloveds. I hold each of you forever in my unending Love. You can never be apart from Me, or move away from this eternal Love.
"I have said that I have come to bring you to life eternal, and that statement forever sets you free from the myth of death, and yet, so many need to learn to fully live in freedom from that fear.
"This very week, My sister, your dear Aunt entered into what you call eternal life. You had the very great faith to trust in her safe arrival on the eternal shores. Where these shores lie, you know not, nor do you really care, for you have faithfully studied the materials presented to you that insure your trust in our Father’s Perfect Plan for life unending. But many have not studied as you have, and for them death is still a very fearful happening. All your studies give you the assurance of our Father’s eternal Love for all His children.
"You remember My Words from the scriptures that say, "Yes, I go to prepare a place for you in that home place of many mansions." Your beloved Aunt is on her ascent and indeed, full of joy and peace. You did not need these words from Me. You were assured that she would ascend to a place of perfect Love. But allow Me now to assure you, and assure all who read these words, that our Father’s Love assures you all of this very great adventure continuing beyond the grave, and for all eternity. His Love eternal removes all fear.
"Enjoy today, as you celebrate the Gift of unending Life and Love. Live each day for the beautiful Gift that it is. You are the children of Love incarnate. Live each day fully in this knowledge of Whose children you are.
"I am Michael."