2005-03-28-Humility Is Not Weakness
Topic: Humility Is Not a Weakness
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am always touched by your ministry to one another. How you listen and respond can bring a great deal of healing. It is interesting to see the trivialities of life go by the wayside when seemingly harsh reality comes in. I am enjoying the peacefulness of this evening. It is as if we are all reconciled in mind to accepting the goodness of God. When He reveals Himself we are unafraid of truth. We are trusting in His ability to bring an ultimate good.
In this season of the Master’s resurrection we find it most appropriate to discuss humility. The definition of humility in today’s world seems to be quite a blow to the ego. In today’s world it seems there is a continuous race to the top. It would seem the most aggressive, self-confident individuals would be outstanding in this mortal existence. The drive for personal progress is inherent in human nature. It is understandable that every one of Father’s children wants to make the most out of their life in the flesh. As we look back over history we can see how this drive has become imbalanced and many are left with disappointment.
It seems to be popular in this day and age to do what brings temporary gratification. It is rare to find the individual who is willing to make the effort to wait upon the Father’s will. This is where we can take the wonderful example set by our Master and put it to use in our own lives. Jesus was a man of strength, no doubt. His humility appeared to show Him as meek. This is not the case. Meekness is seen as resigned or in some cases even weak. The Master’s humility was using His mortal intelligence to the fullest. His humility was nothing more than a direct line to the Father. The Master’s humility was an act of listening and waiting upon the will.
Jesus had a brilliant intellect that far exceeded any mortal and certainly He could have relied upon His own wisdom. However, He chose to be watchful, to listen, and to be receptive to guidance from on High. Many times the mortal ego will put pride first and surely that complicates any situation. For a man to believe he knows better than the God, who created all, will certainly be humbled—not by Father’s choice, no, but simply through experience and universal law.
Many times in life we are humbled and the guilt therefrom gets the better of us. It is indeed difficult to draw out the lesson. Should we allow our humbling experiences to teach us humility, to listen, to be watchful—then certainly would we receive all of the Father’s guidance we could possibly handle. Being humbled is a good thing. It is to learn perfected humility. It is to be receptive to those on High. As we review the morontia appearances of Jesus we can find that He did not appear in form to those who were not ready or did not believe. He did appear to those who sought after Him, who believed in His promises. Let those that have eyes--see. Let those that have ears--hear.
This week ponder the struggle between the ego and learning perfected humility. Father endures with you in all things. Your willingness to learn humility will help you also endure. That is all. No questions. Our time grows short. Know that my heart expands each and every week we spend together. Go in peace. My loves goes with you. Until next time, shalom.