2005-04-14-Love Is The Fertilizer
Topic: Love is the Fertilizer
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
Michael: "All the world is full of seekers. They seek love and peace and joy and happiness to one degree or another. You have all of these, My sister, and now you only need to maintain them.
"Do you remember when we talked of this life as simply being one big garden experience? I told you that God created a world of great beauty—an incredible Eden as the garden myth of the Bible relates. I related this garden experience to both the mental and the physical. I told you that the proper attendance to this great and beautiful garden would bring great happiness to God’s children.
"For many years you and I labored on the major difficulties in the maintenance of your own little personal garden plot. Mental weeds were our greatest difficulty. You and I together weeded those cantankerous, deep-rooted weeds of wrong thinking. Anger was so deeply rooted. And bitterness and un-forgiveness troubled us greatly over the years. Ah, and resentment! How deep were the roots of that noxious weed!
"However, with discipline, mixed liberally with faith, we tended well our little plot. And flowers began to grow, and yet, still, the weeds persisted.
"Then we began a new plan with the understanding that love could be quite a garden enhancement. We discovered that love could crowd out some of those deeply rooted weeds that resisted our constant tugging. And love brought an amazing, miraculous form of fertilizer to our little garden.
"Over time, our garden filled itself with the very fragrant blossoms of love and forgiveness. Kindness became a perennial bloomer. And love blossomed not semi annually, as in the beginning. No! Love and kindness and forgiveness became ever-blooming perennials.
You are now a seasoned gardener, a worker worthy of your hire. You smile. You remember that scripture well, My sister. You have labored long and hard. Your garden has become very fragrant in our Father’s nostrils, as it is in your own.
"It takes work to maintain this fragrant mental garden. There is no doubt about that. The garden of your mind needs constant weeding vigilance. But you have learned the value of faithful diligence. Peace and love and joy and happiness are a most fragrant bouquet for all your years of labor.
"You know there is no end of weeding and fertilizing. Love is My single command to all the gardeners, and if they learned of this amazing fertilizer at an early age, there would be far less weeding to be done. But as you know so well, My sister, better late than never. Love has created great beauty in your garden, far greater than your physical eyes will ever behold.
"I am Michael."