2005-05-19-Emil, Mortal on Urantia 600 Yrs.
Topic: Emil, Mortal on Urantia 600 yrs.
Group: Salt Lake City Group
Teacher: Emil
TR: Marshall
Emil: Greetings. I am pleased to be in your company this evening, and have very much enjoyed your conversation and fellowshipping. My name is Emil. It is a joy to be here with this small but intimate group and I welcome our new returning guest, Gillian. It is very rare for ones of your age and Ryan’s to attend these sessions as the eager and enthusiastic young adults that you indeed are.
I have lived upon this planet for a number of years now, over six hundred years, long before this Teaching Mission became active. As a mortal, I was born on this world and have worked with many throughout the centuries. There are books that have been written documenting my association with mortals I have guided, those who journeyed to the Himalayan regions where I have spent much of my life. Much like Marshall’s personal teacher, Tonsah, who developed abilities upon his native planet to walk upon his world yet not be of it, I too have learned to exercise capacities very similar to those that the midwayers employ here on Urantia. Having reached such levels of attainment, I am able to materialize at will, having learned to utilize the planetary gridwork, or circuitry, that our midwayer cousins make use of.
My friends, there is only one true religion indeed, and this religion is a living, growing, dynamic relationship with our celestial caretakers, more specifically the spirit of the Father that indwells each of you, and our loving celestial Parents, Mother Spirit and Michael… also know as Jesus. You were quite accurate in your earlier statement, Mary, that desire is all that is needed to know the will of our Paradise Father. Because each of you are indwelt with a pure fragment of our Paradise Father, you will surely be able to discern his will for you at any given time by willfully desiring to reach within for all answers you seek.
We are living upon this planet in very unusual times. Great change is occurring as many spirit personalities are descending upon this world in untold numbers. As increasing spiritual pressure is applied from above, our planet will experience tremendous changes within your lifetimes, beyond your present comprehension. All who desire a personal celestial teacher need only ask, and you can be certain that one will be forthcoming who so desires to guide and assist you to better know your indwelling Father Fragment and our Universe Parents. There are millions of these teachers upon this world, working with individuals in varying degrees, and I assure you that you may begin to consciously interact with these celestial teachers simply by willfully desiring such contact. As we are on the brink of great change, each one of you have a wonderful opportunity to become better acquainted with spirit, and allow yourself to become co-workers with those who are coming to this planet with great power and force. You are the ones who will do the work which will transform our planet. You are the hands, feet, eyes and ears of spirit. It is not for spirit to do the work, but for you, my children. You only need to express willful desire to become a part of the great transformation and reorganization of this world and I assure you that you will become actively involved. You are very needed and your participation is highly valued.
Our Universe Parents are always available to each of you. They are never away from you. You only need to rest in their arms, and allow yourself to receive their great love. Once you have experienced this great love, your life will never be the same. The staff of celestial teachers has taken your group through a series of developmental lessons over the last six months which have been designed to bring each of you to new levels of accepting the great love of our celestial Parents. Great changes have occurred within each of you who have continued to be a part of this small but growing group of truth-seekers. Your group teacher, Tonsah, will be presenting new lessons that will allow you to further your reach into new territory, as you become increasingly familiar with the presence of your indwelling Father Fragment and our Universe Parents, as well as their celestial teachers and guides who are here in great numbers to assist you. You only need to willfully desire their assistance and it is yours.
I am honored to address your group this evening, as the experience brings me great pleasure, and I hope to return and spend more time with you. I have observed several of your meetings, and I must say that you are each with great capacities to become leaders upon this planet in your various areas of expertise. Many talents and gifts you each possess. Rest assured that our Universe Parents will guide each one of you into the temple and show you the great treasures therein, as you come to discover and recognize the great gifts that you have to offer. Very exciting times are upon us indeed, my friends.
I will now entertain any questions you may have.
Mary: I used to have hundreds of questions. That is something that has changed. But, I guess the question that I ponder would be some sort of direction. Every day I feel is a new learning experience. I have looked back over a week and I see all the insights that I am gaining. I am very appreciative of this. My lessons seem to come easier, but I think that all spirit-conscious people desire to know where they are going to be utilized… in what capacity. We might have a lot of talents, but we may want to focus on certain ones that we know will be useful in helping uplift mankind. Do you understand my question?
Emil: I well understand your question, dear Mary. This is a very good question. In fact, it is probably the most central question ever asked by ascending mortals… "Who am I, and how can I best utilize my talents to uplift my brethren.?" You, my dear, have great talents, many of which you have yet to discover. Your ability to work with your brethren is great, and you do well. Your intentions are each day growing increasingly pure as is your sincerity and commitment. I may offer you some insight based on my personal experience and observation, as well as many of those I have worked with through my years upon this planet. Simply allow yourself to rest, to rest within the arms of our Universe Parents, forgetting where you think you are and what you consider to be your highest contributions. Invite our Universe Mother Spirit and her spirit daughter helpers to enter your mind, your soul, every cell of your body, leading you to new levels of self-consciousness as you become increasingly aware of the great gifts you possess. She and Michael will walk with you hand and hand as they take you within your temple, introducing you to the great treasures, those gifts that you have yet to become aware of. As you relax and release all control, you allow yourself to discover, recognize and interpret these gifts you possess, these great potentials within that you have yet to actualize. Your quest for self-identity will go on, all the way to Paradise, my dear, for our Father has planted many seeds of potential within. These possessions are yours for eternity, and rest assured that you will discover, recognize, and actualize these great gifts as you allow yourself to release those expectations and preconceived notions you presently entertain and consider to be your highest contributions within the great scheme of the whole. I assure you that great times are upon you, as you rest and allow yourself to see with new eyes all that lies within you and in front of you. Does this answer your question?
Mary: Absolutely. Thank you.
Emil: You are welcome. Are there other questions?
Mary: I am hoping that for each person in the room you could offer some guidance and direction which will help them to develop their talents and potentials.
Emil: I invite them to ask if they are so inclined and I will be glad to assist. However, my young ones, do not feel pressured to ask at this time unless you so desire... (no response). If there are no more questions forthcoming, then I will close this evening’s session with a prayer:
Almighty Father, I give my humble thanks and appreciation for the opportunity to fellowship here this evening with these wonderful children of our Universe Parents. I ask that You allow them to become increasingly aware of Your indwelling presence, as they embrace with faith and willful desire Your loving presence and come to know the best friend they will ever have that truly lives within them. Empower them to increasingly reach for your guidance, as they come to find that they are indeed the creators of their own destiny, in partnership with You. Allow their living, growing faith to reveal to them how unique, cherished and precious they truly are to You, as they accept the great love of our Universe Parents and their celestial caretakers who so desire to work with them and assist them in their journey inward and upward to become One with you, dear Father.
My friends, it has been a joy, a pleasure and an honor to visit with you this evening. Feel free to call upon me at any time during the week and I will be there for you. I touch your hearts with my love. Know that my peace goes with you. Good evening. I now take my leave.
At Marshall’s and Ryan's Home
Present: Mary Livingston, Gillian Eldredge, Warren Smith III (Ryan), Warren Smith II (Marshall)