2005-05-26-Spirit Descends To Smother Flames Of Hate
Topic: Spirit Descends to Smother Flames of Hate
Group: At Large
Teacher: Sun of Knowing
TR: Unknown
BELOVED CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE, All the universes are alive with the vitality of God's Spirit. Is it so hard to imagine God's Spirit throughout your days upon your local universe? Urantia, the beautiful blue planet that is cherished so by those of us in the higher universe. Yes, she is overrun by wayward children in the present era, but that is only because the spirit eyes of our loving children have now been opened, and they are seeing these dark patches against the white background of Eternal Truth. Urantia is at a separation point between light and darkness.
- Descending Spirit
Truth and untruth, Spirit versus materiality, love and hate, and the choices are now more critical, for each of our fledglings to ponder, discriminate, and make in a world that is teetering and becoming balanced in this correction time, for the God Spirit is now strengthened by armies of angels being sent to your world to become the armor for each and all of our spirit children who are searching for solutions to end these chaotic times. Know that now the loving wings of Spirit are steadfastly forming a shield throughout the fibers of all Urantia nations, which is slowly descending to smother the flames of hate, deception, greed, and lust that have added fuel to materialism and doomed our beloved children into a prison of their flesh identity.
Even the evolutionary religions will be purged of centuries of misinterpretation and stagnation. As more enlightened and inquiring clergy move forward from the dogmas they will scrutinize and release their faiths from the limitations of division that exist between them, becoming more in harmony with each other.
Beloved child, you, as well as all children of Urantia, are witness to the birth pangs of a new era: "Off with the old, and on with the new!"
The present era of chaos upon Urantia is a teaching lesson, showing our children that your earth is really a tiny interwoven space in the universes. As communication and mobility become increasingly more compact, the interplay of our children will of necessity be more and more dependent upon each other in order to exist as a whole. Liken the world to early America when civilization moved west in covered wagons drawn only by horses, or an expanding Europe and Middle East, which invaded as well as being invaded. Complexity and stagnation brought new growth and higher civilization in its wake.
Know, child, that only by movement and aggression can your planet grow. For, indeed, you are each your brother's keeper whether they are upon your shores or the shores across the world. For mankind, growth depends upon the interactions between nations, and no planet can become a world of Light and Life until, as a whole, it can interact with each other; first, as free nations, and then as individuals capable of living harmoniously among each other. As Spirits are forever free of all bondage, so must the children of flesh become free, for they are God's Eternal Gift of His "image and likeness."
We are the students of his vast universes who move in and out of endless lessons to learn to become perfect even as the Father (Creator God) by any evolutionary terms is perfect. God does not force his identity upon any of his created beings. It is man who usurps a false identity of God and uses his ignorant misinterpretation to spread a virus through free choice. The Father has given each of his created beings the ability to be the judge and jury of himself.
Realize, child, that war and injustice are only games played by arrogant and wayward children who never grew to become adults. But as they evolve into adults, become far more vicious than the child who has no learning or morals as yet. If the human adult develops an animal nature, he is far more dangerous than any of nature's animals, for he is using God's gifts of choice and intelligence against the intuition of an animal. The same human adult is a falsified effigy of God, and through a misinterpretation of his scriptures although he preaches about God, he knows not of God.
He waves God's banner before the unwary, impressionably youth or the faith children who listen to his words and follow him. Beloved child, his words betray the Father Himself if he uses them to separate the evolutionary religion, for he has then betrayed the Creator God Himself. Are you aware that a true knowing child of God is humble, accepts no glory or penance, but who lives in the silence as his own God identity, knowing it is God himself who tends to his helpless sheep.
For God shelters his faith children and would not ever send them forth into danger or cut short their spirit's lessons, by promising them the premature rewards of Heaven. No one can award heaven except the Creator himself, for the universal laws are the only judge and jury that can reward a higher realm of existence.
- Words
Therefore, child, let go and let God. But beware of those who preach the words from the so called scriptures, but know not their meaning. To memorize the words of the scriptures is also child's play. Only when one has found his true spirit and the Christ soul within the silence of his own being can he find incredible peace and joy of God. He alone can guide others and after this bliss of "knowing" he has no need to build a church, "He is the Church." For God has built this church before the Spirit inhabited it and He Himself, as the Father (or any name one accepts as the Creator God or force of creation) has given a fragment of his own unique Spirit to the image and likeness spirit of life within all of his children of the lower worlds of time and space, with his first born perfected descended angels assigned to this service of the human races of the worlds of time and space.
We love you and bless you.