2005-06-13-Reviewing Time Mary Lived
Topic: Reviewing Time Mary Lived
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is full to be witness to your efforts to carry on with the Correcting Time. I am amazed some nights to see you here, for many of you are quite busy. You have your daily employment, families and various obligations, and still you continue to make this meeting and Michael’s cause a priority in your life. How beautiful it is to see you live out the ministry. It is wonderful to find those spirit-driven children who want not recognition, fame or fortune. It is truly inspiring for us here on this side to find individuals who find it their utmost desire to be a part of the whole. We thank you for your steadfastness and willingness to stay the course. I give you MARY.
Greetings, friends, it is wonderful to be here with you again. I am getting to know you each quite well. I am enjoying the diversity in personality. I am enjoying the fellowship. As Abraham mentioned, it is inspiring to see you make effort to live out the ministry. Your true joy seems to be coming from accepting your part of the whole—no more—no less. Of course, at times with such liberal spirituality, you must use caution in your sharing. How wonderful it is to gather with one another and have practically no limits, most ideas are welcome. Yes, well done.
I did love being a part of the Lord’s cause back in the day. I loved knowing that my sisters and brothers were at hand should I have needed them. In an evolutionary planet such at this, it is comforting to have individuals who truly understand you. It is helpful in day to day living knowing that two minds are better than one. Where two or more are gathered, there also is the Spirit of Truth and also very important is the fact that ultimately you make your own decisions. Your free will reigns supreme. This is what makes our spiritual movement so awesome. We can be free thinkers. We can be diverse in nature and also part of the whole.
It is true that I was limited in my day, having been born female. There was always a way to work around the limitations, once I had completely embraced the ministry of our Lord. If individuals feel bound in this day and age, then I say it is most definitely self imposed. You can feel ‘less than,’ you can walk with your head down; you can feel as though the world is against you and God, our Father, ignores you. You can make this your reality. You can allow man to impose his restrictions on you, but know that you definitely have the power to live a life of freedom. There are always various avenues one can take to fulfill goals and dreams. People are only limited if they allow it. Those that feel ‘less than’ will live a life that is short such marvelous abundance. Those that live as if they are more than others, then certainly is humility headed their way. It is simple human experience
Look at the history of the past one hundred years on Urantia. There has been progress. The races are treated with more equality. Women are in professions that before they would have never been allowed. The ideal of family is once again becoming a priority, even if a family is not so much biological as they are simply devoted to one another. Sure, we have difficulties, but for the most part they are minor and every individual has power to create a new and better way. I will stop there. As promised last week, I would take a few questions, but first I would desire to clear the air.
There is no doubt that I loved the Master with my whole heart and soul. His kindness and fatherly affection He had shown me would never, not for anything, ever lead Him away from the Father’s plan for the Master’s life here on Urantia. To even ponder upon the idea that the Master would stray from the Father’s plan in favor of a romantic relationship is completely erroneous. I would never sabotage the Master’s plans for any amount of affection. I would have killed for Him, I would have died for Him, but I would have never, ever led Him away from Father’s will.
If you have studied your Urantia Book, does it not give you a picture of a unified being in our Creator Son, who was wholly dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will? He was to become the Sovereign of a Universe. Would He be so weak as to give in to any animal temptations? Said Jesus many times over, "My Kingdom is not of this world. It is wholly spiritual. It transcends the animal. It transcends mind, time and space and any other limitations one could come up with." All right, that question is answered. [Laughter.] Have you, my friends, any questions?
CALVIN: Mary, welcome, welcome, welcome to our group. Thank you so much for your lessons, your time, your love and help in this Correcting Time. Yes, that clears the air very much. I am sure people reading it will feel that air cleared too. A simple follow up to it—not with the Master, but as we all experience relationships ourselves, did you end up in a relationship in your life or did you live out your life without? That seems to be a hard thing for me to master.
MARY: I understand. I believe now that Father has His plans for each one of us. We are always in a state of becoming. I suppose I did the thing I most wanted and a relationship was not included in that. Every moment was filled with the Father’s presence through the people I served. I was fulfilled beyond measure. My other friends had that need for companionship or they had that fear of being alone--all perfectly acceptable. I had friends that served in the ministry by day and family by night. I had friends who had escaped terrible relationships and were well satisfied being free. I knew individuals who had that inner drive to have family, have companionship. It is all just human experience and one way or another in this life or the next, you will have a good understanding of it all. I thought at times it would be nice to go home to share my day’s happenings with someone, but they were simply passing thoughts. Had I desired a male companion, certainly could I have found one. I do suppose I had some fear of repeating history of choosing abusive partners. I think freedom was more important to me than the price of companionship. Is this helping? (Yes, thank you very much. It gives me a new perspective. I think there many mortals that feel like I do, that there is some character flaw or failure if they do not have a successful relationship.) Yes. Good question.
HARRISON: Mary, what can you tell us about your first meeting with the Master?
MARY: I had heard good things about the Master before I had met Him, but always did my suspicion get the better of me. I thought He was another religious fanatic. I suppose what struck me first about Him was the confidence and security in His voice, in the words He chose, but what really captured my heart was the sincerity in His eyes. I was impressed by His distaste for fame or recognition. Again, He was unlike any man I had ever met. To look upon Him was indeed a majestic sight to behold, but there was something from Him that touched your soul. I had no doubt that He knew me through and through, but I also had a most strange feeling that I had known Him for a very long time. I still to this day know not why. One other thing is He was indeed magnetic through is light-heartedness and humor, always something for me to aspire to. Yes, good question, Harrison. Is that answering? (Yes, thank you.) You’re welcome. Is there another question?
MIRIAM: Mary, I would just like to say that it is an honor to formally meet you. I have always been a fan and touched by your example of loving and getting into service. Lots of times I wanted to ask Abraham about Mary and now you are here and what do I ask. If your message this evening is about freedom, freedom from low self-esteem, from the bondage of choosing negative thoughts and how we can truly be empowered using the Master’s example, my question for you is--was it a gradual healing or was it like a instant healing from you inner turmoil, low self-esteem. When you met the Master and started walking in His path, was it like an instant zap or did you continue to build your awareness of His love and message? Do you know what I mean?
MARY: Gradual. Even after I had come alive in spirit I still had setbacks. I still regressed. Time and experience was difficult for me to be patient, to allow the unfolding, instead of forcing it. I had received healing and more confidence over time and I do believe that my work with others was instrumental in achieving this state. I had so much fun. I had so much laughter. I had begun to see a life with new eyes. I was not a player in a very serious game, no. I was more like a cheerleader on the sideline. I learned to have fun—not take life so seriously. I do believe that most individuals find healing over time. I would think it would be rare to come upon such wisdom overnight. It is simple a matter of being able to endure time and be observant of the message the spirit is trying to deliver. Good question, Miriam. Is this answering? (Yes, wonderfully. Just one more quick tag on—how did you know to get going with what you did? Was it just like the right thing?) I understand. I really had no idea of what I was to do. I began to detect Father’s open doors simply through trusting Him more than I could trust myself. I relied a lot upon intuition. As I matured I did become more risky with my own well-being. I became more daring to act out what I felt was the Father’s will. I look at that time in my life as mostly accidental or perhaps being at the right place at the right time. I was not very strategic. I admired the Master’s principle of ministering as you pass by. When you are consciously observant of this you do seem to find yourself where you should be. Also a good question, yes. (Thank you so much.) You’re welcome.
SIMON: Mary, I feel like we were raised somewhat similarly with these fears of abandonment. I see you have overcome them pretty well with the Master’s help. How about some advise for some of us that are abandonment recoverer’s, so to speak?
MARY: Simon, I had some issues with abandonment my whole life. I do suppose this contributed to my mistrust of men in general. I did however learn a terrific amount of psychology from trying to dissect this issue and understand it. I made it a daily practice to fill that place where I felt abandoned with the Father’s presence, and after the Master was taken and His spirit poured out on all flesh, I felt even more empowered to not let any abandonment issues to rule over my life. When persistent problems keep returning, then you well know you must make effort to work on them. It is difficult, but you do have to explore the root of that feeling. It is normal for mortals to want to make sense out of things. For the most part I would say that my greatest help was replacing the negative with making effort to enhance my communication with Father and always was the Master so inspirational. As I had said before, I had gained the Kingdom of Heaven and my, my, that is a large family. You can take your pain in and bring about an ultimate good. You are maturing in spirit more and more everyday. You are quite capable of dissecting this issue and helping to bring about an ultimate good. Eventually you will help others with this same issue. Know that you are a well-loved son, no matter what has happened. Try to feel that. Try to make it your own. Good question. (Thank you.) You’re welcome.
As Abraham has often said, I am slipping. Are there anymore questions? (Group: Thank you.) I thank you and am always inspired by your dedication to carry on. I enjoy your unique personalities and am learning quite a bit. I am to do the farewell for this evening. As always, Abraham and I send you with our love. Go in peace. Shalom.