2005-07-03-Progress, Middle East
Topic: Progress, Middle East
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Zarath
TR: Jerry Evans
Jerry: Heavenly Father, we come to thee today to experience the oneness with you the immense love that you give us, give us to share. Thank you, Dear Michael, for your presence with us, joining Mother Spirit, to enhance this gathering. Help us to raise our consciousness to be with thee more completely, as we wait for our teacher.
ZARATH: Good afternoon. This is Zarath. (Group welcome.) I am glad to see this gathering with some new faces. I hope that we can spend some time together and review what is happening in the Teaching Mission. I have been assigned to many other activities, while waiting for us to gather together again, and in the course of this, I have had a chance to visit one of my old establishments, that being a mansion world where I had progressed and had received much beautiful instruction and guidance, before being assigned to this mission. I come away regenerated, and hopeful that I can continue to aid in this mission and all of its activities, where I am capable.
Some of the more senior teachers have advised me that things are progressing very well in the Middle East, as we have from time-to-time discussed. The horrors on the ground are symptomatic of struggles, such as we have not seen, and are so disturbing to those of you who read about them in the paper, I know. Sometimes it takes an expression of evil to raise the consciousness of the masses surrounding it. And so there is much stirring, much discomfort, much anger being expressed, and much forbearance at the same time on the parts of many. Each of these occurrences has its overall impact on the earthly consciousness, and little-by-little, we see the spread of light occurring more and more in some of the more devastated areas.
I have also been advised that I have concentrated too much on the earthly situation, when the focus should be restored to the individual search for our Father and his way. The beauty of the discussions that have been provided to you by other teachers can be drawn upon in your memory, as we talk about forgiveness, forbearance, love, beauty, goodness—and the pursuit thereof. It is in the realm of the Father that this is so much more evident; it will be such a relief to you, in the mansion worlds and beyond, there in the teaching and the love and support that will so invigorate you. It is hard to express the emotion and the sense of oneness that will be increasingly yours.
I am open to questions, if there are any.
Student: Zarath, you mentioned that your fellow teachers are pleased that good things are happening in the Middle East. Since our media only gives us the "bad" news and the body counts, can you enumerate some of the situations that the celestials find are steps in the right direction?
ZARATH: The Sunnis are torn between those who would want to cooperate and form a common government, and by those who are being instigated from other nations of Sunni background and the old former followers of Saddam. This is all well publicized, but behind the scenes, there is a strong undercurrent within the Iraqi people, the Shiites and Sunnis, that want an end to this destructive approach, [where many of the young men are] losing patience. They do not understand the necessity to follow the old and wiser course of their elders. This stirring is just one more sign of a developing desire to create a more peaceful society. This will not be easy, as we have been told, but there is progress. It is a matter of patience and staying the course. Does that satisfy your question?
Student: Partially. From what we can see in news reports and so on, it seems like the children—primarily the boys—are buying into this course of throwing rocks and bombs and causing mayhem—is that a predominant trait now among the children, or is that too, subsiding?
ZARATH: The children have always been susceptible to the warrior image. Some will certainly evidence that, as they see their fathers and brothers involved, using anger. It is part of this terrible situation that will have to be worked out, and it too will abate as more security is indeed provided.
Student: I remember some time ago there was a lesson referring to how the Most Highs work with men; I don’t remember the details of that, but it seems like it was a very subtle process. Is there any way you can speak to that, Zarath?
ZARATH: They do indeed, having the longer view, guide matters, inexorably, toward the Father’s ultimate plan. In the course of that, the earth changes—and other types of changes—can be evoked to help to guide the civilization at the larger level. If we observe closely, we may be able to detect some of these instances. I am not at liberty to provide details of this nature. Are there any further questions?
Student: Zarath, several of the teachers have recommended that we not watch the news on television or read the newspapers because so much of it is negative. How can we best keep informed as to the situations that are going on in different parts of the world, so that we can provide prayers and energy support towards right actions? Do you have suggestions, please?
ZARATH: Yes. The key to that question is the selection of the news sources that cover the world—the world situation—the newspaper sources that provide updates of the situation in a more balanced fashion. These are sometimes hard to select, but it is essential that you keep the information lines open for you to be knowledgeable of the various world activities and local activities, particularly those in which you might, in some fashion, be involved, those which require you to indicate to your heads of government through your representatives, your desires. This is all essential. The problem is finding a balance between listening to the news all day, and those selectively that can give you the key information which is really required to be an effective citizen. Does that help?
Student: Yes, it does. The letters that we write to our senators and representatives, does it really have an effect on them, or do they pretty much have their minds made up according to the political party that they represent?
ZARATH: That is always an individual characteristic. The letters do help. The response to the letters is individual—is what I was trying to say—but it still indicates your position and does have an effect, as you have seen more recently with the re-funding of PBS, as a result of the outcry of the populous.
Student: I have a question. You are probably aware of our discussion before starting our meeting, about our political leaders and our dissatisfaction with many of their policies and actions, and what a struggle it is for us to not be judgmental, to be forgiving, to be accepting of them as children of God. Can you give us a little assistance in our struggle to deal with this when sometimes our strong response is anger and dismay? How can we be forgiving and understanding and compassionate when they are at such a distance from us [philosophically] that understanding and compassion are difficult?
ZARATH: Could you rephrase that question, please?
Student: How can we be forgiving of our world leaders, when many of their policies and actions seem so destructive?
ZARATH: It requires one to look at a broader view. Put yourself in an objective position that understands the negative actions of world leaders [as actions by ones who] are learning. The consequences are inevitable and can only be altered by the forces of light, as evidenced in the population. One can observe a particular leader and see objectively—as best you can—the error of that leader’s positions. Take the action that you, as a citizen, can take and leave the rest to God. This is all that you as an individual can do in the larger situations.
In those situations more personal and close to you, somewhat the same outlook can be utilized. If a person is in error—in your opinion—you can perhaps try to discuss the situation with that person if it is personal, and then, respecting the attitude that they present, and them respecting your attitude, if that is the case, oftentimes change can be accomplished, either theirs or yours, in attitude or approach. The desire to be one and establish love between you, can do amazing things, but in all of this, respect for the others position in personal relationships is essential. Returning to the larger scene, this is where our activity stops and the oversight begins of the higher celestials, and surely their oversight will accomplish what we can never [accomplish]. I hope this has helped to answer your question. (Thank you.)
Student: On a more individual note, I am becoming more adept at learning to listen to and take guidance directly from Father or Christ Michael—whomever it may be—and my question basically is, insight or tools on becoming more skillful at weeding out the chaff from the wheat, as to what goes on in my own mind and in my heart, to know when I am being led by Divine providence or by my own fears. Is that clear enough?
ZARATH: What is the question?
Student: The question is, not very specific; the question is not a single pointed question. It is more looking for guidance from you on becoming more skillful at listening to the different voices in my head and knowing which ones are valuable to listen to and which ones are not. Specifically, the question is about specific techniques or tools or ways of listening for clarity.
ZARATH: Yes. You have identified already one key element. When you recognize thoughts or decisions that are fear based in some fashion, this is the ego; this is not the Father. When you recognize decisions that are made with love, from the heart—whatever your activity is, or your feelings are, if they are from the heart with love, you can be assured that you are following the Father’s path. I believe it is as simple as that.
Student: Yes, I understand that. The question is more about sometimes the delineation is not as easy as it sounds—at least for me, sometimes. That’s why the question is about the tools for identifying when it is fear speaking.
ZARATH: Your practice in the stillness has brought you much insight, and at the level that you are seeking, you can . . . (long pause) . . . . [Jerry: I’m drawing a blank here. (Another pause.) I don’t think there is anything further on this.]
ZARATH: Are there any further questions? (Pause.) Thank you so much for your participation today, to allow me to discuss with you, various questions and aspects of your lives, and to provide what assistance I have been able to give. I will close the session with a "thank you." Know that the Father, Michael, Mother Nebadonia, and I express unbounded love for each of you. Good day. (Group thanks Zarath.)