2005-07-04-I Am The Freedom You Seek
Topic: I Am The Freedom You Seek
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is your Father Michael who greets you this day of celebration. When you think of independence day, think of me for I am truly the freedom you seek. Though you may be constrained by your material limitations of body and cultural environment, in me you truly have the unrestricted access to becoming all that you desire. This is the true liberty of the faith-inspired child of the universe and I support you as you live and move through the activities of your life.
Think not of the social liberties that you have for they are truly humanly constructed and can be changed by the whims of humans in their limited understandings. Think not of the ways that you have been influenced by others who would have you surrender your self-autonomy to a structure that is mired in greed and a lust for power. Think only of me and my love and upholding of you – this is all you need to obtain true liberty.
The peoples of the culture of America have been blessed by much bounty of material goods that have established a security foundation in possessions and acquirement. When these start to diminish in availability what happens to one’s sense of security? I say to you that these are not the bastion of safety and comfort that feeds your soul. I am. In me will you find everything that your heart desires including the fulfillment that comes with a greater range of freedom to live.
Let this day of celebration of liberty strike deep within your heart the quest to find and feel me. Ask your Mother to open your heart and fill you with a greater awareness of my presence within you, especially that of the liberty that I can feed you. You are my children and it is my desire that you all live lives of joy and bounty and expression that satisfies your deepest longings. I will free your souls, my children. You only have to ask.
Each day can become your independence day. Each day can be a new beginning with me infusing your thoughts and actions. Come to me and be free, come to me and live freely as you always were meant to live. Come to me and celebrate the joy of being the libertized children of Spirit. It is all waiting within and I will give that to you.
Be in my peace and freedom.