2005-07-07-Patience & The Urantia Book

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Topic: Patience & The Urantia Book

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Jerry: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, we come to you this evening with open hearts and open minds, thrilled and delighted to have this contact with you in this very special way. We ask you to help us feel your presence, to be aware of the special nature of this communication, and be thankful that this is available to us know. We think of all the generations of men and women who have lived before this time, and so we thank you again for initiating the Teaching Mission and making us a part of it. Amen.

Michael: Good evening, my children, this is Michael. How wonderful it is to be able to communicate with you over the telephone this way. It is just one more way in which Urantia is ever so slowly becoming one world. There is an intrinsic aspect of mind that delights in playing with material things. So even though there has been a worldwide network on a spiritual level for a very long time, this communication by physical means is a genuine advancement, is a bringing to earth the whole spiritual realm and making it available in a new way.


Let me remind you of the good old way, whenever you care to tune into me or to Mother, we are as near to you as the next thought. Just sit down, take a deep breath, pause to feel your heart beating, just feel your body relaxing and opening. Just unfocus your mind. Let it be aware of all the dimensions all around you spatially. And say, "Hello, Michael, here I am. This is your dearly beloved child, opening to you and to Mother."

And we are here, we are always here for you, my children. We feel what you feel. And whenever you wish to talk to us, just open your heart and your mind. Feel the joy we send you, the reassurance that this dimension is real. Some day you will have a fuller sense and realization of just how much you live in spirit. But for now, for so many of you this is an item of faith. You literally give us reality for yourself, and we acknowledge this. We ask you to do this. Give us reality in your lives.

Welcome us often through the day. See if you can play a kind of spiritual tag with us. Any time you feel so moved, just open your heart to us and let us help you feel this life you are living. Let us give depth to those you meet, and help you realize just what amazing creatures you are. You are still discovering what you are. Your very nature is still so largely potential. So what surprises you have in store for you, just discovering what you are. And this above all we would have you stretch and feel all these extra dimensions pouring into your soul.

Now I would like to hear from you, my children. If you have any questions or comments, just announce yourself and I will be glad to answer anything you care to put to me. So go ahead.


Manu: This is Manu. Dearest Michael, as you know I like to address you as my Papa. So I welcome you in a conscious manner, and I also thank Jerry for doing this service, I really appreciate it. As you know, I do have a couple of questions. You may answer just one if time is of essence. My main question for you is do you have any specific advice for me in helping me improve my spiritual life? What do you suggest I do the next few weeks, for example, to help me along a little better?

Michael: Dear Manu, I sense you are at a kind of a turning point where you are not certain of which of several ways to go about contacting me. The more specific you can be within the realm of your own self awareness, the more I will be able to answer specific questions as they come up in your life.

Manu: OK, so specifically I have two challenges: one is being more patient, and I think listening to some transcripts from Mother, I am trying to practice that on a daily basis. And the other challenge I have put for myself is to be able to get deeper into my stillness and then be able to communicate with you consciously while I am doing that. So, is there is any specific advice you can give me on the latter case?

Michael: If to address this question of patience first, patience is a kind of self discipline that you impose upon yourself, because underlying it is an ideal of paying attention to what is happening, and there is generally some part of you that expresses impatience by wishing things would move along a little faster. This is, as you know, especially true when you are communicating or dealing with someone else. The way out of this dilemma is to be more of a single mind. The price you have to pay is you have to pay attention. As much as you can focus in on the person right before you, or the situation if you are just working by yourself. Exercise a kind of self forgetfulness, a standing apart from what you are doing and let go. Don’t be afraid to totally immerse yourself, forget about yourself. Pay attention to what you are doing and this person in front of you, and you will not need patience. You will be right one with what is happening. So this is mainly a process of self forgetfulness, of letting go of yourself.

In terms of tuning into myself and Mother Spirit, it helps as I recommended during a lesson, just to write down your questions to us, and try to see if you can just start writing and answer as it occurs to you. Don’t worry if it comes from us or your Father fragment, or even your higher consciousness. But it is like closing your hand and then letting go. You take a tight hold of yourself to express what you need, and then you open your hand, you let go of yourself and just start writing what comes to you. Don’t worry whether or not this is your own imagination or from some source outside of you. Just exercise it for a while, my son. This takes faith. Most transmitters when they start do not know whether it is myself or Mother or some other teacher, or their own imagination. They simply have to persist, and have the faith in their own inner desire to come into a greater truth. Does this help you?

Manu: Yes, Papa, thank you very much. In the last few weeks I had started typing out my thoughts as suggested by someone on my computer. I have not done that in the past week, but I am going to start doing that, following specifically your directions.

Michael: There is an amazing quality to contacting a being outside of yourself, and it is so amazing it is hard for you to credit it, that some other being can be right in your mind directing your hands. But believe me, my son, this is possible for you. It is possible with the correct training and the motivation for almost everyone on the planet. Yet, as you can imagine, this will truly inaugurate a new age when a majority of the people living on Urantia do this on a regular basis. You can just imagine the kind of world that leads to. Do you have any other questions at this time?

Manu: Yes, Papa, I do have another question. But I will let others ask first, and if there is time I will quickly ask the second one. Thank you so much.

Michael: You are very welcome. Be in my peace.

Felix: Good evening, dear Father. This is Felix. This is my first time attending these sessions. I am a reader of The Urantia Book. I try to follow what is written in this book, and I try to make it part of my life. I would like general advice on how do I go about in the most correct way spreading this revelation. I seize every opportunity that I can find to do this, but I wonder if my methods are the correct ones. So I would like some advice on how to go about this divine business of spreading this revelation.

Michael: Yes, my son, I certainly welcome and congratulate you on your enthusiasm. It is so much a part of spirit, this essence we call sharing. It is just a natural desire when you find something beautiful and true to want to share it with those you love.

Many people have difficulty with the book because they approach it from a certain viewpoint or with certain expectations. And as you know from reading, it comprehends so many different realms of human interest, from theology to geology, astrophysics, astronomy, history, planetary history, history of the race. There are so many facets to the Urantia Book that I recommend for each reader to keep in mind there is something within you that recognizes what you are reading. And so if you feel like you are wading through a kind of thick grease up to your waist, just persevere. Some parts of the book have to go deep inside you and just kind of incubate for a while before they find any manifestation in your life. Be reassured that this unconscious growth will in time pay great rewards. The book was written specifically for this reason, to enable you to get a language within you that comprehends all these different facets of your human life and interests.

For those you wish to introduce the book to, talk a while and see what these folks’ interests are. To some folks, the Urantia Book reads very much like science fiction, does it not? And if your own heart tells you this is what they are most interested in, introduce those parts of the book to them that you think they would be interested in. It does not have to be read right from the very first word in the Introduction straight on through. It was written in the way it was, starting at the center of things, with the nature of God and paradise and moving out. But it is OK to tell people about different parts of the book, and advise them if they start getting bogged down in the theology of the first section, they can move on to the second book, the story of our local universe here, or even the third book, the history of the planet. I note with approval that the fourth book, the story of my life on Urantia, is being published independently. And this is good for those individuals who most enjoy a narrative, to be able to credit that they are holding a physical object in their hands that is unique among all the books ever written in the entire world. This is a lot for people to comprehend and accept.

And so my advice, if someone asks you, "Well Felix, how can I possibly believe this book, because I open the book and it says these are all extra-human authors? How could I possibly believe this?" You could just say, "Well, you can’t yet. You shouldn’t yet. Just read it with an open mind and let it affect you. But it does not require you to suspend any critical analysis. But rather subject this book to your entire life’s experience, and see if it does not convince you on its own." Does this help you, my son?

Felix: Yes, Father, it helps a lot. Thank you.

Michael: How much of the book have you read now?

Felix: I have read the first two books already, and I have independently read different articles from the last two books as well. But I intend to read in order the complete book. I am reading it in Spanish first, and then I will read the English version. As you know, my first language is Spanish and the audience here speaks Spanish, so I am reading it in Spanish first.

Michael: Well, I can tell you are thoroughly enjoying it. It takes a while to let it sink in, that this is actually happening. You are actually holding something in your hands, parts of it were written by beings outside of time and space, the paradise origin beings, beings with no beginning. Then those parts of the book that were written by my own children here, Seraphim and Archangels, Melchizedeks, beings hundreds of billions of years old, old friends of mine, believe me. So we are delighted to present this to you, and use your imagination in presenting it to others. Don’t worry, you can’t go wrong. Your own love of the book will shine through. And as you know there are probably for every person who finishes it there might be dozens who start it and set it aside. But that’s OK. The seed will be planted. And in God’s good time, it will bear good fruit. So thank you, my son, for spreading the word. Thank you very much.

Felix: It’s an honor. I do have one last question if I may. I beg your forgiveness if I sound naive, or if the question is not appropriate. Some time ago I tried to convey this information to my Dad, to my Father. I don’t know if he understood anything, but I explained to him at the time. As you know, he passed away some months ago, so I wonder if maybe at this moment he at least understood something of what I tried to convey to him. But he was a good man, and I believe that he will find a way to accompany you, to see the Father in eternity somehow. He was a good man. So I wonder if he understood anything, if he’s OK.

Michael: My son, rest assured your father is in good hands. You will enjoy very much the second book of the Urantia Book. It goes into quite a detail about the next phase of your life after you leave the planet here, quite a great detail of the resurrection, and the kind of immediate cognizance you have when you regain consciousness, the fragment of the Father that has been your faithful companion all these years very instantaneously with your full memory and more, because of the nature of your existence then on the mansion worlds. Your whole soul’s experience is so much more available to you, you would just be astounded. One of the great things you have to look forward to my son is meeting your father again. A kind of recognition you will share then of your own soul and each other’s souls, words cannot express. So be in my peace.

Felix: Thank you, Father.

Michael: You will meet your father again. Be in my peace.

Kelly: Michael, this is your son, Kelly. I am interested in witnessing and participating in the unfolding of this age of light and life that seems to be happening all around us. It has been wonderful for me to read The Urantia Book, and so many parts of it resonate so deeply with me. I am a bit surprised, on the one hand, after fifty years that it has been out that it is not more popular. Now this seems like a long time to me, but of course it is a short time from your point of view. I have done some research online, seeing what different people’s comments are about the book, a lot of negative points of view. I wonder if there aren’t some parallels between our times now and the times back when you were on the planet, when people were very much attached to the old ways, and the old scriptures, and the old interpretations of those scriptures. Now we have the Bible and the New Testament telling partly the same story of your life and times, but not as completely. But now we have a lot of conservative, fundamentalist point of view, taking a very narrow and literal interpretation of the Bible, and I wonder if this isn’t a stumbling block for many people to be able to accept the broader truth, to accept that there are other revelations than the Bible. I am just curious about what we can do to help this whole process unfold?

Michael: Well, my son, I agree there are many parallels between my life and what I was trying to teach. When I was standing in front of individuals, so many with a kind of investment in their social status, could feel immediately any acceptance of my teachings would bite into their own status, their own very rigid, codified belief system that they had spent years accumulating and refining. So this is why the scholars, the Pharisees and Sadducees, the priests of the day, what you would call the fundamentalists of that day, were unable to set this aside and literally believe their senses.

You have the same situation today with the Urantia Book, which I just discussed with Felix, which is unbelievable to people that you could set a physical object in their hands that is written by extra human personalities. So it pays you, my son, to be aware of what you are asking of them. You are asking them to accept this book you have just given them, or are telling them about, is unique in the history of the world. The human mind acts and understands by association, and so the first thing they are generally going to think about is comparing it to other religious works, other philosophical books that have been written.

And you have to understand that to a degree, once you get fully into the reality behind The Urantia Book, once deep within your soul you recognize and credit this enormous realm of spirit beings, you actually start to live in two separate worlds. Not separate for you inside, but separate insofar as you have one foot in The Urantia Book, and the reality it gives you, and yet you have to maintain contact with all the other world out there that has not even heard of the book yet. So this is quite a stretch, and yet it is necessary for you to maintain this contact with the mentality of people who have not yet encountered this reality. You have to go to them because they cannot come to you yet. As I advise if someone asked you, "How can I possibly believe this 2,000 page thing that reads like science fiction, there are extra-worldly beings coming up with some book?" You have to understand that they can’t yet believe it; they shouldn’t for their own inner truth. It has to slowly convince them, it has to slowly emerge from all the other books they have read or heard about, just as it did for you.

Yes, there are amazing parallels between the kind of truth I was trying to reveal, and mostly did just by my personal presence and the friendships I formed with my disciples and followers. And now you have the fifth revelation, the fifth time that extra-planetary being have come here to help your fellow human beings take the next step. So be of open heart to these fundamentalists. Just love them. You might even tease them a bit if you sense that they have a sense of humor. Drop a few words that plant a few seeds in their mind that might take root someday, and realize as you do that this is only just beginning. The enormity of what is in that blue book will take a while to be absorbed. I think you can understand that if even one person in a hundred in the world had read and thoroughly understood what is in The Urantia Book, already the world would be enormously changed because of this. So this is what we are dealing with, we are dealing with an enormity of epoch revelation that will change the world one person at a time. And it will do so by the way it is changing you in your life. Does this help you, my son?

Kelly: Yes, it does. And I am minded in my approach to others to borrow from your positive approach, and to not go out and say to them, "No, no, no. You’ve got this atonement doctrine all wrong." But rather just to illuminate and expand upon the bits of truth that they already grasp, and perhaps plant a seed or fertilize that seed that is already in their mind so that it can expand a bit from there.

Michael: That’s the way. This is opening your heart and mind to them, convincing them by your graciousness. And keeping in mind there is a Thought Adjuster over there in them, too. There is something in them that can recognize the truth. Do you have any other questions, my son?

Kelly: No, thank you very much.

Michael: You are very welcome. Keep up the good work. You are so blessed to have discovered it yourself. This is one of the joys of readership is where people can confer with each other how they found it, what it was, what friend or what circumstance was it that led them to open that book and then read past those first few pages. Remember your own struggles in dealing with the book, and this will keep you in touch, keep you in a sense down to earth when you present it to others. And be in my peace.

Manu: Papa, thank you so much for coming and being with us, and always being with us. We love you and invite you in our life to be with us at all times during the day and the night. Thank you very much.

Michael: My sons, you are very welcome. It just does my heart so good to feel the joy that you bring to this quest for the truth. These are exciting times, and I sense in you this profound thankfulness just to be alive when this is happening, especially when you think of all the hundreds of generations that came before you and simply did not have this enormity that exists between the pages of that blue book.

Now with the adjudication of the Lucifer rebellion and the lifting of the planetary quarantine, things will begin to move much more rapidly. As I said before, or actually as Jerry mentioned to Manu earlier, this will be one of the next general phases of planetary development as more and more individuals are able to do what you call transmitting receiving, just for themselves, just to have an angel there whenever they wish to communicate. So try your best to be open to this. This is something you are capable of doing with the faith in yourselves. This is not some egotistical thing; this is genuinely crediting your own desire to grow, to contact the spiritual realm and the living personalities in it. This is possible.


I’ll leave you now with my good wishes. Mother sends all her love. Be in my peace. Good evening.