2005-07-12-Feel Loved, Guided, Protected
Topic: Feel Loved, Guided, Protected
Group: Black Brook TeaM
Teacher: Centaurion, Hannah, I AM, Menatron
TR: Silvana, Marcello
Session 1
12 July 2005 Riberao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Little brothers and sisters, we greet you. Happy are we with this opportunity to enjoy your expected and loving company. We awaited this moment for endless times, but everything is perfect on the sacred way back to the House of Paradise. The universe is a great home that shelters and cuddles many hearts different only in one of their many essences (personality?).
What is for you a great time of change and transformation sometimes surprising, sometimes sad and disordered, if observed through the optics of the endless greatness of the Good that now resides on your planet is a motive for joy and happiness. Do not let your battered hearts be taken by the vibratory waves of sadness and discouragement, do not believe in the smallness of difficult moments, for you are now living in the moment of glory of the "soul of light", a moment of union with your Thought Adjusters.
Feel loved, guided and protected, for this is the situation that presents itself. Feel going back to your original selves and receive the blessings and the service of beings like us, who admire you for your courage, faith and goodness. We salute you for the greatness of being human and will be awaiting you for the Great Supper.
With you today and endlessly,
Translated by Frederico Galvão in Braslília, 14 July 2005
Session 2
12 July 2005 Riberao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Why fearing? Why not believing? Why hurting? Why feeling pain? Why being unhappy?
Where are your hearts? Tell me, where do your minds rest? Where do you find food?
Who do you look for when hurt? Where do you find refuge? Where and when do you dominate your light?
The answer will show where you are and the way opened for you. You are your choices, your desires, but above all you are only faith. Faith in a wider wisdom. Wisdom that follows the Universe. Do you believe that this wisdom does not know or recognize your ways? Do you believe you are lost?
Bring light to your hearts, bathe your minds in benevolence, patience and acceptance. Create and live in a sanctuary where the Son who is a Father will dwell with you. Believe in your convictions. Act with your hearts, smile to remember where you come from and where you are bound to. Guide the coming Archangels with the sound of your laughter and your happiness. Perfume your bodies with the light that stems from courage and action, in the name of unconditional love.
Be what you are. Do not try to reduce yourselves to the insecurity of a time that does not exist. You are eternal beings, do not ever forget. Do not imprison your souls in an illusory time. Be what you are, children of Perfection. Play your roles of participants in a Mission of life and love. Life and love barely seen by the Eternal Beings still out of the reach of your imprisoned minds. Be sons and daughters.
With respect and Love I am
Translated by Frederico Galvao in Brasilia, 14 July 2005
Session 3
12 July 2005 Riberao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Walk ahead, do not go back. Strengthen yourself. Make it happen. Believe. Do not fear. Act with goodness, stamina and faith. Feel the presence. Marvel at what presents itself. Be in peace and transmit it. Movement is the great truth in the universe. Movement is the past, the present and the future. Do not stop, even in fear. Extend your hand and you will reach me. I am waiting for you. I will never abandon you, for I never did that before. I need your faith, I need your help, I need you. You are necessary to me in your essence and in your truthful love. I am complete only with you.
Message XVI – Act With Goodness, Stamina and Faith Translated by Frederico Galvao in Brasilia, 14 July 2005
Session 4
12 July 2005 Riberao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Intergalactic Confederation greets you in this moment decisive for all of us. We have come and are here with the purpose of protecting, supporting and helping you in this moment. There are envoys and volunteers to help you, working intensively for everything to go well. We request your calm and patience.
We know that pain and anguish are part of this experience. Do not forget, you inhabit an imperfect body and a planet that, however beautiful, is imperfect also. Our message is simple: pay attention to the mental vibrations you transmit and start reserving some hours every day to elevate this pattern.
Any activity, from meditation to some kind of work, will help you elevate this perceptive mental level. This is fundamental for the future. The spaceships are here, many still on their way, and many of us are permanently with you.
With time this contact will be closer and your energetic field will become more receptive to us; meeting will be possible. So keep on your way.
We await you ahead. I am in charge of an interstellar fleet.
Message XVII – The Intergalactic Confederation Greets You Translated by Frederico Galvao in Brasilia, 14 July 2005