Topic: Forgiveness
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Donna: Dear Father thank you for this evening. Thank you for the peacefulness that is here with us, thank you for the Spirit of Truth from Michael. Thank you for Mother Nebadonia’s love and blessings and for the adjutant mind spirits. Thank you for our teachers, please open our spiritual ears and our spiritual eyes so that we may hear, see, know and feel with our hearts that which you would have us learn, we love you Father, thank you for The Urantia Book, in Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be back again in this wonderful group.
You must carry with you forgiveness in your heart. You must always bend to the Will of the Father, for He desires that you forgive others. I see that He always forgives you. Life flows through you, just as forgiveness flows through the Universe. It is Godly to forgive. One day you may find yourself asking for forgiveness. The reason I say this to you is that many go around with expectations as to what and who owes them. Many feel that they should not ask for forgiveness from anyone. It is best not to be prideful. More often you find that things do not go your way. Things may not go as you expected. Plans may fail and fall through, but whatever expectations that you may have for yourself or for others, always keep this in mind, that if you have a forgiving heart life can be much easier for you; life can be much simpler for you.
There are many challenges and obstacles that you will find and having a forgiving heart allows you to overcome these challenges and obstacles. It is very easy to get frustrated, it is very easy to condemn and it is very easy to blame others for what is happening in your life. It is simply an attitude which one takes when one is frustrated. When you forgive, these frustrations go away and then you open the opportunity for greater happiness in your life. Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Forgiving those around you, especially your loved ones and family members, will go a long ways towards achieving true happiness. Forgiving your loved ones will allow you to love them with a deeper love, a richer love. Forgiving your friends will make them greater friends. Forgiving your enemies will make them friends and finally forgiving yourself will allow you to reach the height of God, for God is forgiveness. He forgives all of His children in all of His Universes, for He loves you. He does not wish you any harm or any ill will. He simply wants you to learn and to grow, for one day you shall stand in His presence on Paradise.
It is in knowing God that you know forgiveness. It is in becoming like God that you become forgiveness. Be an example for all of humanity for what forgiveness can be. There is too little of it, too much anger, too much war and too much blame. There is not enough forgiveness in this world. Remind yourself always, that those who surround you, those who care for you, and those who spend time looking out for you do truly love you, they truly care for you. Do not hold any ill will towards them; do not hold resentment towards them. Forgive them as they will one day forgive you. Love one another as God loves you.
Are there any questions?
Stella: Well, what about those who won’t forgive you?
JarEl: TR, George. Forgive them and pray for them so that their hearts may be softened and one day learn to forgive you. If you have forgiven them and love them despite their animosity towards you then your work with them is done. It is up to them to learn to forgive. It is up to them to see the examples before them and take it upon themselves to forgive. The lessons that I give here tonight are for you. Each individual must work to better him or herself and to find forgiveness in their heart and to learn to deal with life’s obstacles. The more you learn these lessons the better you become; the more in depth spiritually you become.
Each individual has lessons to learn and those who do not learn to forgive become stagnant in their spiritual growth. Bitterness overtakes them, but it is not always so, they will someday learn the lessons of forgiveness and find the forgiveness that they longed for. They will find that it is the only way to live happily, to live in peace. You will find that everyone on this planet desires peace, peace of mind and peace of heart.
It is only those confused individuals who seek war for they are miserable in their minds, they are at war with themselves, but those who find peace in their minds and hearts shall do away with war. They shall search out peace and forgiveness for all.
Stella: You know that there are young men in the Muslim religion who kill for Allah, for great rewards in heaven. How do we reach people with such a mentality?
JarEl: TR, George. Unfortunately it is very easy for many young minds to be lured into quick and easy solutions to their lives. Many of their frustrations stem from societies’ problems and some religions prey upon them. Such individuals are frustrated with life and are promised greater glory in exchange for their loyalty. Some religions have taken it to extreme levels. But know this, God is always there for you no matter what. God does not require you to kill or to harm others. He is there for all people and for all time. He is the God of LOVE, not of hate. He is the God of forgiveness, not of anger. He is the God of peace, not of war.
Victoria: JarEl, I have a question. Someone asked Jesus what must they do to be saved? The second thing Jesus said was to ask for God’s forgiveness. If we know that God has already forgiven us, why do we need to ask for God’s forgiveness?
JarEl: TR, George. It is not enough to know that you are forgiven. Many times it is the intention. Do you want to be with God? Do you want God’s forgiveness? He knows you seek forgiveness before you even ask. He knows your intention before you intend. It is simply a figure of speech, for it is better to ask for forgiveness than to assume that you are already forgiven. There is much humbling in asking for forgiveness for you realize that you are not perfect. The whole Universe understands this concept, that God forgives our missteps.
Are there any more questions? Very well, I would like you to remember one thing from tonight. Above everything, learn to forgive yourself. Good night.
All: Good night JarEl.